Fimbulvetr said:Anybody else get the achievement killing all of those vines in Paradiso(Chapter 9 or 10 I think)?
It's not too hard, if you can't make it by flying, equip the Scarborough Fair to stop and hit them with the Kulshedra.
Like this
Fimbulvetr said:Anybody else get the achievement killing all of those vines in Paradiso(Chapter 9 or 10 I think)?
viewtiful_dru said:
viewtiful_dru said:
Man.viewtiful_dru said:
Maintaining your combo chain with X gunfire is only half of it. The other half is mixing up the weapons you attack with. Pay attention to the combo tally on the right side of the screen. Each attack has a point value that gradually drops to 1 when the same weapon is used for too long. To keep you point awards high, mix up punches and kicks, and don't forget to switch weapon sets from time to time.Wizman23 said:So any tips on getting awesome combo scores or is it as simple as spamming the X button to shoot your pistols when you aren't in attack mode and waiting for a dodge?
Make sure not to skip the cutscenes. Otherwise, you'll miss out on a great deal of Bayonetta's charm._tetsuo_ said:Got my Bayonetta, starting up now. Excitement.
Zeliard said:I just realized that I have not used taunt a single time. :lol
Completely forgot about it.
Zeliard said:I just realized that I have not used taunt a single time. :lol
Completely forgot about it.
ConcealedBlaze said:Unhealthily replayable. No singleplayer game has hooked me this hard in terms of replay value since RE4. There's so much to unlock, the combat system gets deeper and more enjoyable as you put in more time, upping the difficulty changes way more than just the damage and health of enemies, and the core gameplay doesn't feel repetitive. Just don't stop after you complete a normal run through, since you can beat it without understanding the combat system very well. The game is good/great on normal, but god-tier on hard and up. Well worth $60.
burgerdog said:Fuck, do I really have to go back to the gates of hell every time I die to the hidden boss?
panda21 said:i wonder if the whole inferno/purgatory/paradiso thing is a response to that other game? :lol seems like a bit too much of a coincidence but presumably the angels theme was around before dante's inferno was announced.
still awesome if it is...
Hahaha, alright.God's Beard said:Yeah, it's a reminder to try harder.
Definitely not. There are other games with a similar theme, Darksiders (which came out on the same day and which is also in the same genre as GoW/Dante's Inferno/Bayonetta) being the most recent one.panda21 said:i wonder if the whole inferno/purgatory/paradiso thing is a response to that other game? :lol seems like a bit too much of a coincidence but presumably the angels theme was around before dante's inferno was announced.
still awesome if it is...
Fimbulvetr said:I doubt it; Kamiya has already made references to the Divine Comedy in DMC(this is the reason why Dante is named Dante among a few other thing that I'm forgetting), but they've always just been passing references.
I disagree but ok. Even though there were no angels in DMC4.Minamu said:I always viewed the angels stuff as a glare at dmc4. dmc4 did it so poorly & boring, while Bayonetta does not![]()
Wasn't that what what most of the bosses were meant to be?Lostconfused said:I disagree but ok. Even though there were no angels in DMC4.
Demons with white feathers or just empty suits or armor powered by souls.remz said:Wasn't that what what most of the bosses were meant to be?
It really is. After you finish the game you just start up another play through on hard and you don't miss a beat. Its just so well designed that you can pick it up and start playing at any time.HUELEN10 said:I agree with INDIGO_CYCLOPS. It's not just must-play, it's must-own. This has a place in the library of every gamer that wants a fun action experience.
Bernbaum said:Where are you up to Agyar?
SecretBonusPoint said:Only 3 chapters to go on Hard Mode and just finished the last Jeanne fight, its feeling like a zen experience now I can enter witch time at my pleasing and have learned the beauty of blocking with that accessory. I havent managed to get the 'counter' timing down right yet though so that 3 x Counter Move Achievement is out of my grasp currently.
Decado said:How the hell do you exit the "angel attack" screen after your round is over? It won't let me progress. The only option I have is exchanging halos for "points".
Decado said:How the hell do you exit the "angel attack" screen after your round is over? It won't let me progress. The only option I have is exchanging halos for "points".
You missedNG28 said:Just finished up Chapter 5, got theDid I miss a weapon?guns, shotgun, sword, and durga.
ShockingAlberto said:You missedthe whip in Chapter 3
Eteric Rice said:Okay I just started and I need a little help. i'm on the part where youfight on the plane, but I can't seem to kill everything in time.
What am I doing wrong?
well you fight on a plane more than once, be specific.Eteric Rice said:Okay I just started and I need a little help. i'm on the part where youfight on the plane, but I can't seem to kill everything in time.
What am I doing wrong?
You are supposed to use torture attack to finish them (3 times I think) instead of beating them to death.Eteric Rice said:Okay I just started and I need a little help. i'm on the part where youfight on the plane, but I can't seem to kill everything in time.
What am I doing wrong?
Enemy variety and difficulty jumps steadily through the game. If you feel the same way about enemies after Chapter 12 or so (not likely), then come back and discuss.Dark FaZe said:After my initial impression of holy shit my interest has gone down quite a bit. I'm only on Chapter 6 right now but dare I say that I'm somehow getting...bored? Despite Kamiya throwing endless explosions at me in combination with a fun combat system I just can't help but to feel as if something is off. While the combat system is fun I feel as if it might just be flowing a little too smoothly for me. The real time weapon changing, endless combo chaining and the near infinite dodge mechanics just make me feel like I'm far too mobile for my own good.
The extreme mobility gives me almost no respect for the enemies I'm facing...I barely remember enemy attack patterns or think of anything beyond dodging and attacking. My strategy for all enemies is pretty much the same. The camera has been pretty annoying as well. The gameplay outside of combat has been pretty annoying...the puzzles so far have been random and uninteresting and the moon walking while shit is exploding all around me seems to be done just for the sake of filler. I don't think I've ever skipped cutscenes in a game before but Bayonetta might be the first game in which I completely skip the story...just horrific.
On the plus side I actually like Bayonetta as a character and absolutely ADORE the soundtrack thus far. I'm surprised by the fact that I feel that it's inferior to DMC4 thus far though which was a big let down for me.
Wait until you face Gracious and Glorious and tell us how you feel.Dark FaZe said:After my initial impression of holy shit my interest has gone down quite a bit. I'm only on Chapter 6 right now but dare I say that I'm somehow getting...bored? Despite Kamiya throwing endless explosions at me in combination with a fun combat system I just can't help but to feel as if something is off. While the combat system is fun I feel as if it might just be flowing a little too smoothly for me. The real time weapon changing, endless combo chaining and the near infinite dodge mechanics just make me feel like I'm far too mobile for my own good.
The extreme mobility gives me almost no respect for the enemies I'm facing...I barely remember enemy attack patterns or think of anything beyond dodging and attacking. My strategy for all enemies is pretty much the same. The camera has been pretty annoying as well. The gameplay outside of combat has been pretty annoying...the puzzles so far have been random and uninteresting and the moon walking while shit is exploding all around me seems to be done just for the sake of filler. I don't think I've ever skipped cutscenes in a game before but Bayonetta might be the first game in which I completely skip the story...just horrific.
On the plus side I actually like Bayonetta as a character and absolutely ADORE the soundtrack thus far. I'm surprised by the fact that I feel that it's inferior to DMC4 thus far though which was a big let down for me.
They do me dirty to this day.Archie said:Wait until you face Gracious and Glorious and tell us how you feel.