Not Spaceghost

Just had a bottle of this last night and I can't get over how delightful it was. Nothing that made you go WHOA DAMN BEST BURR OF ALL TIME.
But there wasn't anything about it that was particularly unpleasant.
I have not seen that one around here yet. Will be on the lookout. Thank you.
You haven't had Sucks before? It's been their Christmas seasonal the last two years now. Really great Imperial IPA.
You haven't had Sucks before? It's been their Christmas seasonal the last two years now. Really great Imperial IPA.
They do have Sucks on tap at their tap room when I visited, didn't think to actually try it. I guess I have another excuse aside from their SoCo to go back.
Just curious how much is it there? it's $4.99 a bottle here and available everywhere. We have the 6 and 8's usually all the time as well.
I held a bottle of on sale and available Utopias this evening. It was shiny. No way in hell I could ever justify that $200 purchase however.
Welcome. And how did you like Warlock?Here's my beer and my first ever pic of me on GAF.
I prefer Little Sumpin' Sumpin' from Lagunitas.
Here's my beer and my first ever pic of me on GAF.
I'd love to try some De Garde stuff. From what I've seen of his forum posts, that brewer seems awesome.
He drank a whole magnum of 2009 Fred from the Wood out of a vase
Yeah, that's what I paid for Southern Charred, which is more than twice my previous high for a bottle of beer. It was sort of an impulse thing since it was so limited (36 bottles for the state, I hear) and sounded intriguing. I haven't drank it yet.Local store had all the new Stone stuff. Southern Charred, Crime, and Punishment.
$18.99 a bottle.
I am curious, but not that curious. I had to pass. Way too pricey.
Yeah, that's what I paid for Southern Charred, which is more than twice my previous high for a bottle of beer. It was sort of an impulse thing since it was so limited (36 bottles for the state, I hear) and sounded intriguing. I haven't drank it yet.
I wonder how quickly Crime and Punishment have been selling.
It seems like Sucks is going to hit my area Tuesday or so. I'm not sure why I'm so excited about the 32oz bottles since they seem really impractical but I can't wait. I picked up a Stone Enjoy By in the meantime.
I'm not digging the new Sucks format. It's basically a mini-growler that you can't reseal. That truly sucks.
How was that bottleshare by the way?
Anyone tried the new Gulden Draak Brewmasters Reserve? It's Gulden Draak aged in whiskey barrels, sounds like it could be interesting. A little pricey at $18 a bottle.
I'm sure its not coincidental that "optimal cellar temperature" happens to be the exact same temperature of the cellars in Northern Europe in the medieval ages.
Refusing to serve beer cold is the beersnob equivalent of refusing to stock forks at an Asian restaurant. A beer served cold can be easily enjoyed at "cellar temperature" by holding the glass with your hand for a couple of minutes, presuming it isn't served ice-cold in the first place and most modern beers are designed to be served at colder temperatures. (Also, 60F is a pretty warm cellar, something closer to 50-55 is preferable).
Prairie Artisan Ales makes awesome stuff.
Oh man, I do love the Weihenstephaner yeast, it's delicious. And, best of all, homebrewers can buy it!Hopelessly addicted to Weihenstaphener beer, such good Bavarian banana-y goodness and the perfect season to drink this type of stuff
Hopelessly addicted to Weihenstaphener beer, such good Bavarian banana-y goodness and the perfect season to drink this type of stuff