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Being a Zelda director


Live with the thought that you were the new director of a Zelda game (for console). What would you try to implement that hasn't been done with the franchise yet?

I would probably try to think of new dungeon puzzles that doesn't involve pushing a block.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
SantaCruZer said:
I would probably try to think of new dungeon puzzles that doesn't involve pushing a block.

That's actually being done anyway (well, blocks will still be there too), new puzzles are one of the focuses of the new game.

I'd probably put in difficulty levels. And if it was too hard to do it decently and change AI etc, I'd just make it simple: the harder the difficulty level, the more hearts enemies take off each hit and the more hits it takes to defeat them.


Voice acting (for EVERYONE)

A real world map with town and fellow travelers and shit, instead of a glorified overworld dungeon/hub (although poorly executed, Wind Waker had the right idea)

Multiple endings

More weapons (although Zelda's always had tons of weapons, only the bow and sword are adequate for fighting in many of them. Why is this? Wind Waker had the right idea though)

Find ways to have dungeon puzzles that don't always involve using items


belgurdo said:
Voice acting (for EVERYONE)

A real world map with town and fellow travelers and shit, instead of a glorified overworld dungeon/hub (although poorly executed, Wind Waker had the right idea)

Multiple endings

More weapons (although Zelda's always had tons of weapons, only the bow and sword are adequate for fighting in many of them. Why is this? Wind Waker had the right idea though)

Find ways to have dungeon puzzles that don't always involve using items

they should definitley do multiple endings.


A story set-up where Link is wrongfully considered a criminal, chased and despised wherever he goes. Noone wants his help, noone wants to sell him anything. He has to find other ways on his own to get new items and progress further through the game. Experience the sad, lonely moments in the forest with Link playing your instrument of choice, with Epona as his only friend. Even Zelda is doubting his innocence!

Now is the time for Link to prove that he is not guilty. Find evidence of the horrible conspiracy aimed against Link. At night, jump across the roofs in towns and climb through windows to steal, in the name of justice, rupees from old ladies. Dress up as a gay fairy, prance around on the streets and have people pay you to leave their sight. Build your own weapons through exciting mini games; carving a tree-branch into a wooden bow has never been so exciting. Pay attention to the delicate balance of chemicals when making your own bombs in another fantastic mini-game!

Something like that.


cooperative multiplayer with second player being zelda. think Sands of Time but with another player instead of AI. same kind of plot progression would be cool too.


How can Nintendo think of any new puzzles? IMO they pretty much covered the area when it comes to unique puzzles.

Any clue Gaffers?
Not a very original idea but I'd like to see a trilogy of Zelda games all based around the same story. Obviously being a trilogy, you'd play as Zelda, Link and Gannon. Have the games interact with one another.

For example: You might set a village on fire as Gannon in the first game and then in the second, Link arrives to see events from a different perscective. Little things like that could tie the games together and be a very good storytelling tool if used properly. Would be one hell of an undertaking though.


speedpop said:
This resembles Super Mario Sunshine, I think you're onto a quadruple million seller here!

Damn, Super Mario Sunshine had THAT much story? I need to play it sometime. :D
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