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Ben Stiller needs a 5 year vacation from acting.

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Jesus Christ. Before I start my rant, Stiller's first movie for 2004, Along Came Polly was decent. Not funny funny, but decent. Next came Starksy and Hutch. Talk about awful...the last two good movies that Stiller and Wilson starred in were Zoolander and Meet the Parents. Then came Envy. Words can't describe how horrible this movie was. Not even Black could save this movie, and finally Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story. How can most of you people liked the movie? I decided to see the movie, because maybe Stiller did a decent movie for once, and most of the GAFers said it was funny.

So my point is, why does Stiller continue to make crap? Will he choose any movie just for the money no matter how horrible the script is? I truly hope Meet the Fockers is a blockbuster comedy or its curtains for Stiller.


From the looks of your nick, you know where you can stick your opinion. :p Just kidding...but seriously, your opinion sucks Assmunch. :D PEACE.
For someone who apparently doens't like Stiller very much, you sure see a lot of his movies.

I'm a big Stiller fan and I even knew to stay away from Envy.


For someone who apparently doens't like Stiller very much, you sure see a lot of his movies.

I like Stiller. It's just that his recent movies have been horrible. Plus, I get bored and when there's nothing new at theaters I get sucked into theaters from my friends to see movies.


Stiller's good in small doses. The Royal Tennenbaums was great, and Something About Mary was fun in its own way even though I'm not a big fan of uhh...semen humour. I still want to see Mystery Men.

Oh yeah, Along Came Polly was pretty terrible. It had some funny moments, but there was NO CHEMISTRY between the two characters and I didn't understand at all why they ended up together when they had absolutely nothing in common but kept coming back to eachother. Plus, I wish writers would stop thinking that bathroom jokes, shit jokes, fart jokes, and anything having to do with bodily functions are funny. They're old and they're tired. STOP. That alone is part of the reason I'm not a fan of the American Pie movies. "Oh look, he gave him laxatives...oh look, he's being peed on." Ugh.


Although it technically came in 2003, in December there was another Stiller movie, the apartment one. So technically, he's had 5 movies come out in 6-7 months... SLOW DOWN!!


Duplex was an ok movie, I suppose. He's not good at playing a wussy man though.

What was the movie where he played the instructor of a fat camp? He's great for roles like that.
I loved Tenenbaums, but Stiller was one of the weakest characters.

Along Came Polly was only saved by Phillip Seymore Hoffman (just realised then that Stiller played similar roles in both ACP and Tenenbaums). Starsky and Hutch, on the other hand, was awesome. Vince Vaughn was excellent, the Wilson/Stiller duo was great, the director, Todd Phillips (the same guy that did the under-rated Old School) really pulled the whole thing off.

Now, I hate comedies. Possibly the only genre I hate more is 'romantic comedies', but even my elitist-bastard heart couldn't hate Starsky.

Zoolander and Meet the Parents were awful, and in conclusion, your opinion sucks.
buck naked said:
Now, I hate comedies

You hate comedies?

Anyways, Stiller commented on one of the late night shows that, yes, he's been in a lot of movies lately, but it's really up to the studios when they get released and this was sort of bad timing how they all came out at once. I'm prettysure Envy was supposed to come out in like late 2002 or early 2003 but kept getting pushed back.


Stiller was awesome in Dodgeball!

Then again the last movie I've seen with Stiller in it was Meet the Parents.


keep your strippers out of my American football
From all accoutns, Ben is an awesome guy behind the scenes and knows how to play the game perfectly. So that is probably why so many of his projects get green lighted, but it would be nice if he took some time off. Quantity does not equal Quality.

Jim Bowie

Dodgeball was great. I'd say it's the funniest movie I had seen in a long while (LSoC excluded). Stiller did a good job, and he did the Heavyweights voice. Stiller has been in some pretty poor movies as of late, but if Dodgeball is an inclination of his future roles, Stiller must be coming back up to his older, more humorous days.


Drunky McMurder
Dood, you liked Zoolander.

You can't complain about movies being bad after you let that information out.

Even though you're right about most of Stiller's recent movies, you have had your right to judge revoked.
duplex was horrible.. it actually made me angry..
i liked polly.
envy lookd horrible didnt see it.
starsky and hutch lookd funny, but didnt see it yet.
dodgeball ill see, looks funny..

but overall yah, i'd agree, he is stretching himself thin,.. seems like he just trying to cash in and do as many films as possible while he can.


LuckyBrand said:
duplex was horrible.. it actually made me angry..
i liked polly.
envy lookd horrible didnt see it.
starsky and hutch lookd funny, but didnt see it yet.
dodgeball ill see, looks funny..

but overall yah, i'd agree, he is stretching himself thin,.. seems like he just trying to cash in and do as many films as possible while he can.

Thanks for your expert opinion.


Stiller will always be best remembered at the Evil Nursing Home attendant at Happy Gilmore's grandmother's nursing home.


Junior Member
Archaix said:
Dood, you liked Zoolander.

You can't complain about movies being bad after you let that information out.

Even though you're right about most of Stiller's recent movies, you have had your right to judge revoked.

Woah, when did Zoolander start sucking? God, someone needs to send me an email when these things start to happen. One of Farrell's best characters and one of Stiller/Stiller's best job=a great flick.

First Shrek 1, now Zoolander. GA suxs, I'm leaving.
Fjord said:
Thanks for your expert opinion.

uhh... everyone was giving their opinions on his movies in this thread..

then i do the same, and it gets a smart ass "thanks dude!!111!"

you in a bad mood today? is it that time of the month?


Dodgeball was funny as fuck. Vince Vaughn steals it with his typical deadpan humor but Stiller was a trip. I love his movies like this.. didnt bother to see Polly or the poopoo movie though.

P.S. Zoolander > you
LakeEarth said:
Although it technically came in 2003, in December there was another Stiller movie, the apartment one. So technically, he's had 5 movies come out in 6-7 months... SLOW DOWN!!

Stiller has 0% say in when these movies come out. Some of them were filmed a year or two ago. Hell, in press interviews he's already agreed that MtF coming out this year would be serious overkill.


When the hell was Black the messiah of comedy?

I wouldn't say messiah, but did you see Saving Silverman. That movie facking ruled, and so did Black, especially the part where they're sneaking into Silverman's house to kidnap that one chick who I forget.

Future Trunks

lemme tell you something son, this guy is SO FARKING HUGE HE'LL FLEX AND DESTROY THE SUN no shit
OmniGamer said:
He said he wants to be the white Samuel L. Jackson..."He's in everything"[/Family Guy]

Where HAS Sam been keeping himself lately?


well for the past 2 yrs he really hasnt had any movie come out so they all sort of ended up comin out at the same time.


ben stiller is only funny to me when he's playing somebody totally ridiculous, or at least the movie he's in is totally ridiculous, which is why i liked zoolander and dodgeball.
Sledge: The Story of Frank Sledge (2004) (pre-production) .... Commander
Meet the Fockers (2004) (filming) .... Gaylord 'Greg' M. Focker
Anchorman (2004) (uncredited)
Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story (2004) .... White Goodman
Envy (2004) .... Tim Dingman
Starsky & Hutch (2004) .... David Starsky
Along Came Polly (2004) .... Reuben Feffer

Only porn stars do more movies a year, I think.


bune duggy said:
Only porn stars do more movies a year, I think.

he is in anchorman?

and mtf is coming out this yr or next yr? and if he is working on sledge it doesnt mean it will come out this yr.
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