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Bendis does the Avengers! Avengers #500 preview!

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Read the preview, and it starts to get REALLY good near the end.

Two characters die, too. Not too surprised about Ant Man, but I didn't expect Vision to be a casualty.

Consider this issue SOLD.
I've made a resolution to not read previews of comics that I've already decided to buy. Ruins the experience and all that. But I'm definitely looking forward to this book.


jiggle said:
Very pretty coloring. The arts' good too. Is this a guest penciler?
Nope, permanent penciller. His name's David Finch, and he studied under the wing of Marc Silvestri, at Top Cow in the 90s.


nomoment said:
Nope, permanent penciller. His name's David Finch, and he studied under the wing of Marc Silvestri, at Top Cow in the 90s.

Oh really? Wow, he's improved quite a bit since the last time I saw his work(in AphroditeIX).


Definitely. He's come a long way. I remember at one point, he only managed to do 2 whole comics in an 8 month period. I can't remember the interview, it might have been newsarama or comic xfan, but he managed taking a break to get his shit together. It definitely shows. I read the preview, and I totally didn't see
Vision maybe/being a casualty. The Ultron thing also has me intrigued. At this point, almost no one is safe except for Captain America, Thor, and Iron Man.
Bendis wasn't dicking around when he said he would shake things up.
Newsarama put up a huge-ass interview with Quesada and Bendis.

JQ: I told him that if he was going to go for it, and kill some characters who’ve been heroes for a long, long time, with loads of fans, he had to make it good. That was really the only thing. Outside of that, everything we’ve been doing is coming with sort of a gleeful laugh. Where the Avengers end up, now that the mansion is gone…stuff like that, we’ve been spitballing and giggling about all the way through because…

BB: It’s ideas that bring out other ideas. One thing leads to another. Those are the best kind of ideas. But I’ll tell you truthfully, and I know that some people are shocked by some of the deaths they’ve already seen… Usually, when a creator comes in and says, “I want to kill this character” – I do that about every three days to Joe…he’s stopping answering my calls.

JQ: No I don’t – what do I always say?

BB: You said that if I can kill a character that I ask for, Chuck Austen will kill Jessica Jones.

JQ: Damn right.

BB: …


i'm sorry, i tried but i could not stomach that whole "bendis" speak. "really? yes. yes? YES!!!" art was good. character(s) bite the dust(one of them can be rebuilt) stark is being mind controlled by ultron or whoever, buncha explosions and this somehow constitutes a great story. and dont give me that "bendis is a great writer, he'll come through" line cause he's capable of writing a bad story.

i stopped reading avangers for a reason years back. this was it.
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