i understand if they're claiming the administration was incompetent but this is the part i don't get - how would this help them?
This is probably the dumbest part of this inane conspiracy theory.
Treading various right-wing fever swamps, the "rationale" seems to be that by claiming the assault on BENGHAZI! was spontaneous and caused by a youtube video, this would somehow absolve Obama/Hillary because they could say that they weren't prepared for anything like that. By admitting that it was an actual pre-planned terrorist attack, they could be legitimately attacked for not having been prepared to defend the consulate, and dropping the ball.
This excuse makes no goddamned sense because Obama called it an act of terror THE NEXT FUCKING DAY. If their plan was to trick the American people into believing that any terrorist group was not involved in BENGHAZI!, then it was one of the shittiest planned plans in history as it fell a part immediately, by Obama himself!
But lets' not forget one of the other major questions raised by the Republican inquisition. Most right-wing conspiracy theories like IRS-gate at least make sense on some micro level in that we can clearly define who the supposed victims are in said conspiracy theory. In IRS-gate, the 'victims" were supposed to be god fearing Republican superpacs. At least I can understand that much, why Republicans would be pissed off.
On the other hand, when it comes to BENGHAZI!, the victim in this case is one of Obama/Hillary's OWN EMPLOYEES! Why would they want to let one of their own die?
And who are the people that are most pissed off by the betrayal for a fellow Democrat? Republicans. Every single one of them in this entire country, has collectively lost their shit and are slitting their wrists because of the death of this lackey from the Obama Administration. They love him so much in fact, that they are in fact arguing that we should have sent ANY amount of our brave troops to save him. This is literally the first time in history, where we've found the one democrat that Republicans love enough to sacrifice as many military men as it takes. A man that were he alive today, would be just ass hated as Eric Holder, Kathleen Sebelius, Susan Rice, Hillary Clinton, and everyone else in Obama's administration (including Obama himself).