You're right. MGSV's gameplay is like 10/10.Hey, at least MGSV has gameplay.
This has nothing.
For me, the worst thing about this anime so far is the design of Guts, why is his head so angular?
You're right. MGSV's gameplay is like 10/10.Hey, at least MGSV has gameplay.
This has nothing.
I'm contemplating watching this horse shit at work since I have no net at home currently...after work hours of course. Should I even bother? Sounds like dog shit, but I must experience the dog shit for myself.
Can't wait to see 15 fps T-800 Guts...there are some elements that are done ok i think, but overall, it's a hot mess.
One of the student employees that works in my office (and was out of town) texted me over the weekend and asked how this is because 1) he's a huge berserk fan and 2) he got hyped reading the kotaku review.
That Kotaku review is gonna set up some bad expectations....
Just watched the first episode.
Holy shit that was dog shit. CG is shit and I don't know how can producers thought it would look good(is it that much cheaper to do than hand drawing?)
animations are bad, lacks atmosphere and faces are hot garbage except for Puck
Guts is not Griffith pretty, but he always looked handsome muscled guy for me
this new Guts face is annoying to look at
So whats the official reason for the ps2 animation?
The idea being bounced around some Berserk forums is that Miura basically signed off on a deal to adapt the entire series but it might not have been a very good deal on his end. Even after the CGI movies it seems like they were stuck adapting the work in the fashion they are now which really blows. Who know's how long or how many other adaptations are stuck with this deal but it seems we're stuck with it as much as Miura and crew for the moment.
Is Miura even making any decisions?
It's usually handled by the parent magazine that owns the series.
Mixed feelings towards this one, mostly negative.
The complaints allot of people have been making about combining story arcs are unneeded imo. The Black Swordsman and Lost Children arc aren't really that important in the grand scheme of things. For sure, they provide a reason for the Midland government to want Guts' head, but the finer details can be glossed over next episode when Guts is captured and that'll suffice. What they do otherwise isn't needed - They establish Guts as the hardened killer he is and expound on some of the details of the world of Berserk. Allot of viewers are already familiar with all this and those that aren't can be caught up quickly enough. The first episode sets the groundwork for Guts' character and some of the rules o the Berserk world, so it's fine in that respect. Not perfect for sure but entirely functional.
The bigger problem, for sure, is the CGI. Now, to be fair, I'd watched Kabaneri like immediately before this, and it's gorgeous, but Berserk 2016 is... jarring. Like, the frame rate felt off and I almost got dizzy watching it. Maybe my eyes just hadn't adjusted to watching full CGI bodies moving. Regular animation has the advantage of focusing the viewer's attention by distorting the bodies on-screen and that's not the case here. Aside from that, the art quality is... suspect. I like one close-up shot of Puck's face. That's about it. The rest looked... mannequin-like, both in art and especially animation. The use of parallel black-lines on bodies too to add detail in certain cuts clashes super hard and stands out like a sore thumb. It might work in certain production styles but on 3D CGI bodies? Yuk.
What's sad though is that at parts it looks ok/good when it's not cg, but these (non cg) scenes are only about 10% of the anime. Even if it wouldn't use CG, there is still lack of direction, bad music, cut/jumbled arcs/character introductions and imo bad voice actors.
I'm really mad about this. Berserk is my favorite series in the anime/manga world.
I don't really like Hellsing Ultimate, but I'd wish that Berserk got the same treatment as a OVA series.
Have you seen the episode titles? It's out. No doubt about it.I think it's too early to say that the Lost Children arc is 100% out.
It pisses me off no end that Jojo gets this brilliant adaption from the very beginning that skips nothing. And yet Berserk gets shit on again and again and again.
I love Jojo and Berserk. Why can't Berserk get the love and respect it deserves?
I can't believe they skipped the Black Swordsman arc. This is the arc that introduces everything about the post Golden Age world. Guts being the Black Swordsman, all the apostles, hell they are even skipping him coming face to face with Griffith/Femto after the events of the eclipse.
Crazy, madness.
Have you seen the episode titles? It's out. No doubt about it.
They have episode titles for all 24 episodes?
It would make zero sense to do the Lost Children Arc afterGriffith is Reborn
So it will probably happen going by the way they are adapting the material so far.
EP01 竜殺しの大剣 --> Ryuugoroshi no Daiken --> The large Dragonslayer's sword
EP02 聖鉄鎖騎士団 --> Sei Tessa Kishidan --> The Holy Iron Chain Knights
EP03 奇跡の夜 --> Kiseki no Yoru --> The night of Miracles
EP04 啓示--> Keiji --> Revelations
EP05 断罪の塔 --> Danzai no Tou --> Tower of Conviction
There are literally 19 more episodes and AFAIK we don't know when they will do the Hill of Swords.
My point is storywise, unless they do a flashback, it would not fit at all for so many different reasons. Same with the Slug Count. I mean they can do it, but it will be terrible if they attempt to.
It won't be entirely faithful to the source material, but it might be more watchable to not have Guts take on some of these things by himself, rather than have him weather through disciple after disciple solo.
Think about it, they introduced Isidro super early, way before he's supposed to appear, they want the gang to get together faster than it happens in the manga. As long as the gang also gets to witness Guts at his lowest points, and he does some of the crazy stuff he's known to do, it won't be that bad.
The idea being bounced around some Berserk forums is that Miura basically signed off on a deal to adapt the entire series but it might not have been a very good deal on his end. Even after the CGI movies it seems like they were stuck adapting the work in the fashion they are now which really blows. Who know's how long or how many other adaptations are stuck with this deal but it seems we're stuck with it as much as Miura and crew for the moment.
Is Miura even making any decisions?
It's usually handled by the parent magazine that owns the series.
I always hate it when an anime butchers content. People complained about Naruto with loads of filler, but at least the content is intact, which is most important. Gantz suffered from butchered content as well.
That ideas is ridiculous. As always most of Internet can't get more than one neuron to work at the same time.
What it would mean "stuck adapting the work the in the fashion they are now". What is fashion here, CGI? Why would they put that limit in a contract? For what purpose it would serve?
Most surely, they are using CGI because it's cheaper. And it has to be cheap because there is no one (with money) who believes Berserk would be a money maker in the actual market.
That's the truth.
To prep for this, I rewatched all 25 episodes of the 1997 anime, and the 3 movies back to back over the weekend.
It's probably my hype for the return of Berserk that skewing my opinions but I thought the first episode of (of the 2016 anime) was awesome. Going by most of the comments, I was expecting this to be a train wreck, glad I ended up loving it.
Cannot wait for the second episode.
How popular is Berserk in Japan? It blows my mind how it only gets flawed adaptions, is it perhaps that it's just not selling well over there?
I think it's popular. For all the discussions we have about how slow Berserk releases are, last volume released was in the top 3 of sales in the week-release. It's one of the top 10 best selling seinen mangas of all time.
Dude, how/why would you put the Lost Children chapter afterThey have episode titles for all 24 episodes?
I believe we already have a few more titles, actually.EP01 竜殺しの大剣 --> Ryuugoroshi no Daiken --> The large Dragonslayer's sword
EP02 聖鉄鎖騎士団 --> Sei Tessa Kishidan --> The Holy Iron Chain Knights
EP03 奇跡の夜 --> Kiseki no Yoru --> The night of Miracles
EP04 啓示--> Keiji --> Revelations
EP05 断罪の塔 --> Danzai no Tou --> Tower of Conviction
Right afterAFAIK we don't know when they will do the Hill of Swords.
You can bet that tree thing was all you'll ever see of that chapter.Skipping Lost Children is an enormous chunk of content, it will most likely be reworked, not ignored.
And there would be zero reason for them to skip a chapter they could adapt right now just to then try and squeeze it back as some flashback later on in the same TV series. It just wouldn't make sense. I mean, they've made some weird decisions so far (a bit of an euphemism), sure, but that would be too inane even for them.My point is storywise, unless they do a flashback, it would not fit at all for so many different reasons. Same with the Slug Count. I mean they can do it, but it will be terrible if they attempt to.
Nah, they probably just wantedThink about it, they introduced Isidro super early, way before he's supposed to appear, they want the gang to get together faster than it happens in the manga.
Forgetting about Gantz altogether would be an improvement over the source material.If they properly adapted Gantz but ended with a musical dance number, that would have been an improvement over the source material.
It's like they're using the Berserk fan base as a sacrifice.Such a popular and known manga gets this shit treatment... You know what? Not better than nothing. If you're not going to even try then don't bother. At least before I had hope that this would get the adaptation it deserves but now I know that it will have been adapted and won't be adapted the second time, properly.
It's like they're using the Berserk fan base as a sacrifice.