Can anyone actually tell me who the hell is this new Berserk show made for?
Right now it seems like Berserk is attempting to make a re-emergence. It's not an obscure series in the West, but its not on the same level as SAO or Attack on Titan despite having been around for a while. It's not just the Berserk anime, there's a new volume releasing and a Musou game as well.
So you have this anime and you are new to the series. It is an anime that is doing its hardest to speed through everything for the sole purpose of adapting the Millennium Falcon Arc as fast as possible, making it not the best choice for newcomers. Imagine if Hunter x Hunter 2011 decided to cram everything prior to the Chimera Ants Arc into 10 episodes just so they could get there faster. Every element of the 1st episode was trying to push together all the events that make the arc happen regardless of how they happen in the manga. Puck doesn't know Guts when he meets Isidro. Schierke, Farnese and Serpico are introduced briefly so that we already know they are important when they show up later. Guts' situation is relegated to a flashback which might as well say "Watch the movies!"
Then you have the fans who already like the series. After tepid reactions to the movie trilogy, a main complaint being the CGI and the skipping of story beats the decision was made to do that but even worse. What draw is there for Berserk fans other then a self-flagellating take on watching the show just because it has the Berserk name on it?
What is this show? Why was it made? Who thought this was a good idea?