Great thread !
But there wasn't much character build up for the Band of the Hawk outside of Griffith and Guts in the manga either....
WTF ????
Most of the Band of Falcon don't even exist in the movies. They don't have lines. They cut characters.Guts childhood. Night Raid. Queen. Foss. Assassinations of the court of Midland , Bonfire of Dreams. Wyald. Guts existence when he leaves the Band. All gone.They cut and change so much stuff , many for no reason whatsoever. Watching the movies , it becomes impossible to even understand character's motivations . A 4 year war campaign looks like 4 months. Even in the Eclipse they make shit up.
The films are a barrage of events , all wrapped under montages and scenes without any sense of direction nor pace. At least the anime has a great music and tries to build the character's relationships. It's not even comparable how much more faithful it is than the movies.
Zodd has 3 minutes before the entire Eclipse !
Quick rant:
I just HATE it when the primary lure of a story is completely ignored. Gatsu wants to fight the five finger gods and after all these years of the manga and anime he fights absolutely NO ONE. And he wanted to kill Griffith, yet I see the psycho just chilling in a garden the last few chapters. Why doesn't Gatsu just dash straight for him the second he see's him? He's done that for lesser foes.
And having one or two 18-page issues a year doesn't help. I just ignore the thing till it 'suddenly' pops up somewhere (like it did here) to read something new.
*sings Let It Go in head*
He has decided that protecting Casca is more important than his revenge. That's like half the story.
I want to get around to reading the manga but it seems like most people are just angry with it for some reason lol.
I feel like I should wait until it is done before I start reading.
You'll grow old waiting. The "angriness" comes for the huge gap between releases in the last few years. This started in 1989 , and until a few years ago the releases were slow but steady. Not now.He got involved with other projects (fucking Idolmaster !!!!) , maybe felt tired writing the same thing (me speculating) and every episode released is fantastically drawn , which takes a lot of time.