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Best moment in your gaming career?


I think my best moment was when I beat Mike Tyson in Punch Out. I was like 9 years old and I always got my ass kicked until that moment I finally got him ;)


works for Gamestop (lol)
Not the best, but the original Rainbow Six game on PC. Playing a multiplayer game, my team dead, 4 pepople on the other team still alive. 1 vs 4. I get headshots on all 4 with 100% accuracy. Afterwards, they called me a hacker. Muahaha


Playing Perfect Dark without Friendly Fire on. My friends were on a team vs. me (2 to 1). The weapons were farsights, phoenixes, laptop guns, slayers, and cloaking devices.

They killed me 23 times. I killed them 23 times.

Dr.Guru of Peru

played the long game
You think thats something????

I was playing Goldeneye on the N64. One hit kills, first to 20. Four of my friends were playing. One of them got to 17 kills, and another was still at 0(he was atleast 10 points behind the 3rd place guy). He went "aww, fuk this" and walked away. I picked up his controller, and went on to get 20 straight kills(without dying, ofcourse). Won the game.
And we were playing with auto aim off!


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
When I pulled off a single 20 million point trick in Tony Hawk 2. 20 million was absolutely insane for a single run, let alone ONE trick. That single trick basically took the full 2 minutes...but damn was that exciting.

It took a LOT of THPS2 playing to pull that one off...

Oddly enough, I never got into THPS3 and above (as far as reaching for high scores is concerned) simply due to the way the updated scoring system worked. It was much easier to pull off high numbers and I never adjusted...
When I was 9th in the world on some ranking website for dod. (of course this was only due to the fact u could get a huge score on dod_hill back in the day but still!)


Before people learned how to cheat on the MGS2 demo, I was third overall for my region.

I had a game of columns that went for about nine hours once.



Dr.Guru of Peru said:
You think thats something????

I was playing Goldeneye on the N64. One hit kills, first to 20. Four of my friends were playing. One of them got to 17 kills, and another was still at 0(he was atleast 10 points behind the 3rd place guy). He went "aww, fuk this" and walked away. I picked up his controller, and went on to get 20 straight kills(without dying, ofcourse). Won the game.
And we were playing with auto aim off!

Well these guys couldn't shoot each other, they could see through walls, and they had traps EVERYWHERE in the damn place with laptop guns, or ready to spring out from being cloaked with a blast from the slayer or charge shot from the Phoenix.


starcraft.. game was initially 3 on 4 but my two teammates got taken out... by then it was 1 on 3.. and i won :D zerg power!


Easily when I cracked the Top 100 in NCAA Football last year on PS2 Online...I believe the lowest I ever ranked was 50 or 51...my record was like 70-11,and it would have been alot better if my damn 56K didn't disconnect my ass about 25 times,lol.


Coming to the village Guilin in Shenmue II. From there on it's my best moment in gaming. Pure magic.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
probably finally cracking master in supermonkey ball 1.

Playing halo LAN with 8 friends anytime preferably after a big night out.

Also getting threatened with a beating when I was 12 by a 19 year old homeboy after I kicked his ass at world heros for the 8th straight time was pretty great. As was making it to Reptile on MK1 in the arcade.

Oh and winning some teeshirts and crap at the local mall, after showing them all how to play frogger. At the time I felt like the man, and wore my "I'm an Atari Topshot" teeshirt to primary school proudly.

Gamings been good to me.


GAF Madden 2006 Season 1 NFC Champ

Standing in line waiting to get Dreamcast at 11 PM and I couldn't believe how many gamers were out there. Good times.


Oh, I have a couple others:

Waiting for the GC at launch. Gamestop said I wouldn't get mine until weeks later (I preordered when I found out the price at E3 2001, but they fucked up and mixed the pages up or something. The people who worked there were dicks, but that's another story). So I went to Wal-Mart and waited for 10 hours to get it. They sold out all 54 GCs, and the next day Gamestop told me to come by to pick up my system.

Going to E3 2004. Probably the best moment in my gaming career ever. Completely lived up to my expectations and surpassed them. I only wish I had a better camera. The picture I caught of Kobun doing his Pikachu impression didn't turn out so well...


Not bitter, just unsweetened
Playing through/ Beating Zelda: The Link to the Past. Mike Tyson's punch out would probably be 2nd though :p LTTP was just an awesome experience, which is why I absolutely hate OOT/MM/WW. They all failed to give me an experience anywhere CLOSE to what Zelda 3 did :)

pwning Ganon was awesome, TAKE MY ICE ARROW YOU PIG! EAT IT EAT IT! Top it off with quite possibly the best ending music and i'm like :) :) :) When I got the master sword i was in complete shock! When I had the ability to run I was in shock! Beating an awesome boss like hothead/coldhead or the guard dudes in the desert.... Bah *looks for SNES*


Not bitter, just unsweetened
Phoenix said:
Wow, there are so many.

The first one that comes to mind is finally beating motherbrain!

I thought that motherbrain sucked, but the whole 2 minutes afterwards being completely awesome :D


DopeyFish said:
I thought that motherbrain sucked, but the whole 2 minutes afterwards being completely awesome :D

All a part of the moment :)

The next one that comes to mind is the ending battle of Wing Commander III.

Ranger X

The result of my first game ever of Zelda OOT. I completed and found everything except the last bottle with the ghosts that i didn't bother. I didn't die either. I felt proud.

Cruisin' USA arcade completed with one fucking quarter.

Countless hours of Super Mario Karts in the battle with a friend who was my "except Ryu" (inside quote related to Street Fighter 2 the Animated movie)
Anyhow, we were the likes of 16 victory for me against 14 for him. (Normally at Super Mario Kart against anybody i'm like 26 victory for me and 4 for the other player to give an idea...)


Going to UNATCO for the first time in Deus Ex. I swear they made the first level shitty so that moment would be so awesome. Only then I started to realise the game's depth, like checking emails and stuff :)

Well even more fun was breaking into that place in Hong Kong in the game, Versalife? Just insane, both times.
Hunting down Thomas Howard Lichtenstein, lounge singer and the man behind DDR's "Silent Hill" among many other BEMANI classics, on the 30th floor of an obscure Kobe hotel. Watching him play Piano Man and countless other hits to an audience of classy Japanese hotel patrons, all the while hoping the staff wouldn't realize that I wasn't staying there and toss my oafish gaijin ass out. Luckily they never caught on, and a great time was had by all, though sadly THL rejected my request to play "Heaven is a 57 Metallic Grey" as he didn't have the piano part memorized. He did tell me the story behind that song among many others, though, and gave a hilarious glimpse into the hidden lives of BEMANI musicians over the couple of hours that we talked. I only wish I'd been recording it.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
I guess mine was when I totally beat Friday the 13th for the NES (i.e. kill Jason 3 times in a row). I was about 9 or 10. It's still the hardest game I've ever played and I was only able to do it once. It took me hours to do it too. One of the most intense gaming sessions ever.


Authorized Fister
The first time I played Ys Book I&II for the Turbo-Graphx 16. The music, presentation, the FMVs, the story... all top notch. I tought it was the greatest gaming experience ever. Then I had to wait for Final Fantasy 7 for another cinematic experience of that kind...
I've got lots:

- Spending six hours trying to get two PCs to see each other in order to play Doom together in 1993 (94?)...well worth the frustration.
- Setting elaborate laser trip mine/pipe bomb/hologram/bathroom stall door traps in multiplayer Duke Nukem 3D.
- Visiting the offices of Polyphony Digital in 2000 and KCEJ in 2001 in utter awe and humility.
- Playing "Bad Medicine" with my roomate on a brand new Guitar Freaks 5th Mix machine in a shady Tokyo arcade.
- Going to my first E3 and TGS.
- Buying a GBA in Japan on its launch day.
- Getting my first callused thumbs (from pulling an all-nighter with Legend of Zelda).
- Receiving my first issue of Nintendo Fan Club and being amazed with the realization that people got paid to write about games.
- And finally, doing what I've always wanted to do as a kid.
Ferrarisimo said:
I've got lots:

- Playing "Bad Medicine" with my roomate on a brand new Guitar Freaks 5th Mix machine in a shady Tokyo arcade.

I did the exact same thing in December of 2000! Too awesome.


Ah here we go - the ENTIRE game of Assault Suits Valken start to finish, just a damn kick ass game. Axelay as a whole rocked too.
Not including many wonderful moments from RPGs:

Beating Super Mario Bros. 3 with a friend (I was used to unwinnable Atari games until then, but he was the one who finally beat it while playing as Luigi, although I planned it out)

Getting a blister on my palm after playing TMNT arcade for the first time at Mountasia

Winning the TMNT Arcade game with friends at a bowling alley

My first stealth kill in Tenchu

Ok, one RPG moment, fianlly rescuing Schala in Chrono Cross, after 5 years of loking all over for her in Chrono Trigger and countless secret ending rumors

More RPG moments, but I could not help but mention watching the opening of Final Fantasy VII or VIII


o_O @_@ O_o
After a roundtable conference at E3 2k1, talking to Claude Comair for about an hour, one to one about game design and getting into the industry. 'Twas fun, even if my feet were burning.


Here are a few of my golden gaming memories:

- Skipping school to pickup Zelda: Ocarina of Time on November 23rd, 1998. Then playing it over the whole Thanksgiving break, for 20 hours a day. My mom even watched me play it for the majority of the time. And my mom HATED games.

- Waiting in Blockbuster for 1 whole day to wait for someone to bring back their Goldeneye 007 rental. My friend, Matt, and I took turns beating Starfox 64 on the koisk... I think we beat the game 6 or 7 times that day. Truly classic.

- After finally getting a hold of Goldeneye, we also picked up FF7. He was in one room, playing FF7 for the first time, and I was in an adjacent room playing Goldeneye for the first time. We then switched every 2 hours for a good 20 hours. Quite possibly one of the best gaming nights of my life.

- Going in Blockbuster Games and seeing all of the glory in there. Anime, Games, and A LOT of koisks. I went there a week before I was supposed to pay for my drivers license (and a day after my 16th birthday). Instead, I stayed there for 8 hours playing games like Gran Turismo, Tetrisphere, 1080, and Doom 64 for the first time. Needless to say, all of my birthday money went to Tetrisphere and Doom 64. I still don't have a license.

- Screaming like a little girl playing Resident Evil 2 in January 1998. I was honestly startled. Great game, great times, man...

- Buying my own first console (Nintendo 64), with my own money, on December 29th, 1996. The whole launch of the N64 was one of my favorite gaming moments by far.

- Shadows of the Empire. All of Level 5. This level still inspires me to this day. So much so, that I bought 2 copies of the game and 2 N64's recently so that I could share the love with my friends.

- Getting a brand new Japanese PS2 with 3 launch games a week after it was launched FOR FREE. Getting a brand new HK Dreamcast with D2 and Shenmue FOR FREE. Oh yeah, also getting 2 Z64's and a few parallel port modchips for FREE from Visoly.

- Going in Microplay to try to get a used game I was looking for and I overheard someone talking about their new Japanese Dreamcast. I really didn't like SEGA at the time, so I asked idiotically, "What's so special about it?" We had a little argument and then he told me he'd be right back. 5 minutes later, he brought his DC with Sonic Adventure and Powerstone. Needless to say, I was convinced and converted. I bought an import DC a week later. Thank you, guy, whoever you are.

- Getting my ass whooped in Halo by my friend, Luis for 3 months straight. That's 21 matches in a row that he won. Until one day, I laid the smackdown and we've been on equal footing ever since. Still, it's a testament to my determination to finally beat him and let me tell you that it was one of the sweetest victories ever.

- Fighting games. I've had about 10,000 rounds of Mortal Kombat 1/2/3/4, SF 2/2T, SFA 1/2/3, Tekken 1/2/3/TT, Battle Arena Toshinden 1/2, Last Blade 1/2 that were so good, they should of been recorded. On an average day, I play around 50 rounds (combined) of Killer Instinct, Tekken Tag Tournament, Street Fighter 3, Street Fighter Alpha 3, Street Fighter Turbo 2 and Mortal Kombat 2. Of course, this is thanks to my job, because we have 1 hour lunches and 30 minute breaks. Truly awesome stuff.

Honestly, I could do this all day. I have 100 or so of these moments and they're all very special to me. They grow every day, too. Just recently I was playing co-op super double dragon with my friend. Never played the game but was a big fan of the DD on the NES... Awesome times!



Tofu survivor. THat brings back memories! What was the actual objective of that, as I've long since forgotten?

Anyway, my best moment was probably defeating Gannon in the first Legend of Zelda.


Grandma's Chippy
My moments are mainly arcade ones...

- Beating Space Harrier on one quarter with no deaths in front of a crowd of about 14 people cheering...lol

- Seeing Mortal Kombat finishing moves for the first time

- Completing a perfect game of Mortal Kombat (perfect means every match a flawless victory + fatality including finding and beating Reptile)...never got hit even once.

- Discovering the joy that was Phantasy Star on the Sega Master System

- Beating Pitfall I + II

- Holding Maximum speed in Enduro (Atari 2600) for 11 minutes

- Pulling off 80+ hit combos in KI :D


One of the first times i ever played Super Mario Bros on the NES, I got up to 4-1 and was playing along as usual with my friends and i was down to my last life, I was jumping around like crazy and found that secret 1up which none of us knew about. That rocked, i wish i could still get feelings like that when i played games.

A more recent one would be the last time i played Medal of Honor at a lan, my whole team was gunned down and it was up to me to take out the entire team. being new to the game i ran down past this building and saw 4 guys start firing off towards me, i fired my first shot right into the first guys face putting him down and then, bing I had to reload and was absolutely shitting myself. The guys came around the corner just as i finished reloading, with their guns blazing and i unloaded into their faces and won the match. It was and most probably still is the most memorable lan moment i have.


I don't even really know where to start... I haven't had any hallmark accomplishments this generation, sad to say... There were a few in the last gen like beating MGS in 2 hours 48 mins, finishing Resident Evil 2 (I'm awful at RE games), and getting all 120 stars in Mario 64.


Well, outside of E3...

Conker. Beach Level. Me vs. the max number of bots (8 I think) on Eienstein level difficulty. They didn’t score one point. I felt like a Nazi GOD!
Saint Cornelius said:
Being a contestant on Starcade. :)

So I take it you didn't go home with a brand new "Radical Radial" cabinet? :D

That's awesome though, you're the 3rd person I've met who was on Starcade. One of the others I know got into full-fledged arcade collecting after winning on Starcade, and I met him through the online collecting community something like 20 years later. He's still at it and even helped me find a few parts for my 720 machine!

Which episode were you on? I might even have it in my archives here.. That would be hilarious to watch.


I have too many to account for, and nowadays I'm slowing down, but...

I was on a trip in Idaho with my Jazz Band, and I was bunking with my friend Jason. I brought my PS2. I went out by myself in the cold night to the mall on a mission to find a game.. and lo and behold I found Guilty Gear X2, a game which you just CAN NOT find up in Canada. So I brought it back around 7 pm, and we started playing it in our room. Hours and HOURS later of playing, we decided to sit down to figure out the actual combos. Hours after that, after trying to beat I-no COUNTLESS times, we decided to do a combo to instant kill her. Hours later, we saw the SWEET lettering of "DESTROYED!!" after delivering a final blow and we were crying with joy. But then we looked at the clock.. it was 10 am-- We were performing in 2 hours. We stayed the whole night up. So much fun.

The Necrowombicon up here was fun last year too. It's good to actually play with people who KNOW how to play Halo and SSBM; it was interesting competition.


Ecrofirt said:
Tofu survivor. THat brings back memories! What was the actual objective of that, as I've long since forgotten?

Same as 4th Survivor, get the virus to the chopper. Except you're Tofu of course. ;)

I have a few more gaming experiences:

- Going to IGN to see what it was like for gaming journalism in August 2003
- Winning $300 from GameFAQs in September 2001
- My Akihabara 1 day shopping spree in June 2004
- Participating in the Capcom Focus Group in December 2003
- Going to the RE Outbreak launch party in March 2004
- Getting a Panasonic Q in May 2004
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