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Better Call Saul S3 |OT| Gus Who's Back - Mondays 10/9c on AMC


Can someone give me the entire rundown of how Mike managed to get one of Gus' henchmen to pick up that tracker and how it all made logical sense? Because to me it felt really contrived. Don't even get me started on how passive he is at hiding. Most of the tine he doesn't even stand behind the pillar he is viewing from, could easily be spotted.


Can someone give me the entire rundown of how Mike managed to get one of Gus' henchmen to pick up that tracker and how it all made logical sense? Because to me it felt really contrived. Don't even get me started on how passive he is at hiding. Most of the tine he doesn't even stand behind the pillar he is viewing from, could easily be spotted.

Mike discovers tracker in beat up car he's abandoning.
Mike discovers tracker in his other car that he currently uses.
Mike takes note of the serial number and asks his friend to get him a tracker of his own.
Mike fiddles with it so he learns that the reciever also tracks how much battery life the tracker has.
Mike connects Gus' tracker to his radio to drain the battery life.
Mike hides HIS tracker in the cap to the gas tank.
Henchmen comes to replace the drained tracker with a new one, taking the Mike's cap and thus his tracker.
Mike tracks the guy and sees that he loses his bag when he goes into Los Pollos Hermanos.

I can't say much about Mike's hiding, but his real mistake is thinking Jimmy wouldn't screw up a stake out.


Don't get the slow/boring complaints since BCS was at this pace right from the beginning in S1. People expecting BB pace/crazyness probably should not watch on.

Even for a beginner con man, that was a very bad spy performance from jimmy...


Mike discovers tracker in beat up car he's abandoning.
Mike discovers tracker in his other car that he currently uses.
Mike takes note of the serial number and asks his friend to get him a tracker of his own.
Mike fiddles with it so he learns that the reciever also tracks how much battery life the tracker has.
Mike connects Gus' tracker to his radio to drain the battery life.
Mike hides HIS tracker in the cap to the gas tank.
Henchmen comes to replace the drained tracker with a new one, taking the Mike's cap and thus his tracker.
Mike tracks the guy and sees that he loses his bag when he goes into Los Pollos Hermanos.

I can't say much about Mike's hiding, but his real mistake is thinking Jimmy wouldn't screw up a stake out.

Ah thanks for filling me in, tho there's still the hole in how such an incredibly well calculated guy like Gus wouldn't notice there was something wrong in how fast the battery was drained.


Ah thanks for filling me in, tho there's still the hole in how such an incredibly well calculated guy like Gus wouldn't notice there was something wrong in how fast the battery was drained.

I seriously doubt that Gus was staking Mike out himself. He'd basically have to stare at a screen for hours and I imagine he's a busy guy. It was probably a henchmen error.


Question: If Chuck was expecting Jimmy to show up at night to steal the tape, how did Chuck find out that Jimmy knows he had a tape? Only the Ernesto talk to Kim happened, but are we to believe that Chuck just knows he would tell Kim/Jimmy?


Question: If Chuck was expecting Jimmy to show up at night to steal the tape, how did Chuck find out that Jimmy knows he had a tape? Only the Ernesto talk to Kim happened, but are we to believe that Chuck just knows he would tell Kim/Jimmy?

That was his entire plan, so yes.


semen stains the mountaintops
Chuck is such an ansshole that he used Ernesto's broness to fuck over his brother. That man's horribleness knows no bounds.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
So then Ernesto hearing a few seconds of the tape was also on purpose? Because that's just a bit too much for me.

Chuck asked him to change the batteries. It actually makes more sense cause what are the odds the recorder would be on and at the exact perfect place for someone to hear something incriminating once powered up. It's less of a coincidence if it's intentional.

This is chess, not checkers! Also it would be contrived if Chuck knew when Ernie would finally break. But he didn't. That's why the private eye had been at the house around the clock for days. He could only predict everyone's actions so much.


Question: If Chuck was expecting Jimmy to show up at night to steal the tape, how did Chuck find out that Jimmy knows he had a tape? Only the Ernesto talk to Kim happened, but are we to believe that Chuck just knows he would tell Kim/Jimmy?

One element that Chuck and Jimmy both share is their almost supernatural, intuitive understanding of people, even if they manifest in different ways. Jimmy knows exactly what to say at any given time to charm someone. But Chuck is more cold and logical about deducing motivations and therefore actions.

He's not always right, but he basically is very good at predicting people's actions. He's the best with Jimmy, because he knows him the best. He can almost always tell when Jimmy's lying or pulled something shady by intuition alone. And he understands Ernie enough to guess that, since he lied to Chuck to cover up for Jimmy, he'd also tip him off about Chuck's tape.

He's not perfect though, even with Jimmy. He expected Jimmy to break in and steal the tape as an act of self preservation. I actually wonder if Jimmy even understood what Kim told him about how the tape can't do anything. Chuck would have basically lost his shot if Jimmy approached him more calmly. But I don't think he expected Jimmy's outrage.
Question: If Chuck was expecting Jimmy to show up at night to steal the tape, how did Chuck find out that Jimmy knows he had a tape? Only the Ernesto talk to Kim happened, but are we to believe that Chuck just knows he would tell Kim/Jimmy?

Ernesto hearing the tape and telling Jimmy or Kim was the plan. That's why when Ernesto put the batteries in, it started at the exact point where Jimmy said he switched the address numbers, to make it clear in only a few seconds that Jimmy was confessing something. Chuck had set it up that way. He then deliberately hammed it up when telling Ernesto not to tell Jimmy, as that made it apparent to Ernesto that Jimmy was in deep shit.


Ok, you guys convinced me. I'll just go along with it. Thanks for explaining it all so well. I forgot about past incidents with Ernesto so that might be why I didn't know that Chuck would feel Ernesto would tell Kim/Jimmy.
I initially suspected that Gus swept up something from the bag, but I now think that he noticed Jimmy staring at the guy, and the drop was aborted, seeing as there was a scene where Gus was stood right next to Jimmy while he was staring (and being quite blatant about it). Is that the general consensus, or are there any other prevalent theories?


I initially suspected that Gus swept up something from the bag, but I now think that he noticed Jimmy staring at the guy, and the drop was aborted, seeing as there was a scene where Gus was stood right next to Jimmy while he was staring (and being quite blatant about it). Is that the general consensus, or are there any other prevalent theories?

That's my guess. As someone mentioned, it feels out of character that Jimmy wouldn't know that he was being incredibly conspicuous given his experience as a conman.

I also wonder how things would have played out if Gus had never been tipped off.


semen stains the mountaintops
I initially suspected that Gus swept up something from the bag, but I now think that he noticed Jimmy staring at the guy, and the drop was aborted, seeing as there was a scene where Gus was stood right next to Jimmy while he was staring (and being quite blatant about it). Is that the general consensus, or are there any other prevalent theories?

There's another one that says that they don't drop anything there but Gus visually makes sure everything got picked up and then it's dropped off somewhere else.

I'd say the first is more likely since we then see Gus outside the restaurant when Mike leaves, and as we know, Mike was made out.
I initially suspected that Gus swept up something from the bag, but I now think that he noticed Jimmy staring at the guy, and the drop was aborted, seeing as there was a scene where Gus was stood right next to Jimmy while he was staring (and being quite blatant about it). Is that the general consensus, or are there any other prevalent theories?

You can see Gus in the background sweeping up whilst Jimmy is sat gazing at the drop off guy.

Gus then gets closer and closer and then stands in Jimmy's line of sight for a split second. This, I think, is when we can assume Gus is tipping off the guy that he's been made and to just walk away.


I initially suspected that Gus swept up something from the bag, but I now think that he noticed Jimmy staring at the guy, and the drop was aborted, seeing as there was a scene where Gus was stood right next to Jimmy while he was staring (and being quite blatant about it). Is that the general consensus, or are there any other prevalent theories?

They heavily implied on the latest podcast that he knew exactly what Jimmy was doing as soon as he walked in the door, the dude is basically the omniscient god of the Breaking Bad universe.
You can see Gus in the background sweeping up whilst Jimmy is sat gazing at the drop off guy.

Gus then gets closer and closer and then stands in Jimmy's line of sight for a split second. This, I think, is when we can assume Gus is tipping off the guy that he's been made and to just walk away.

This was my take. I think thats pretty obvious.

I actually really liked how bad Jimmy was at spying. He is a con man not a spy. He is in his element when he is in the spotlight and all eyes on him not the otherway round. He has always been terrible and being subtle in that way. He was also completely focused on seeing what the guy did with the bag and not thinking about someone else meeting him so as long as the guy wasn't looking at him he wasnt worried. But to everyone but the guy he was watching he was super obvious. It was great stuff and I thought it fitted his character well. The mistake was Mikes in thinking that he would be remotely suitable for the task.

Jimmy also drives a really obvious car so it wasnt hard for Gus to notice he had driven up the street and parked (hence he was outside) and then just put the pieces together and realise Mike was on to them. I get the impression this is actually all a test on Mike set up by Gus to see how good he is so he can use him for his own gain.

I enjoyed reading you guys discussion on Chuck. To me its pretty simple. Chuck is jelous of his brothers ability to make everyone like him despite his shady character, while he sticks to the law and tries to be what he deems a decent person yet the same doesnt happen for him. He is fueled by his jelousy and uses his knowledge of the law as a weapon to stop his brother at every turn. While Jimmy is obviously shady as shit he has redeeming qualities and at various points in his life already has tried to turn himself around and be legitimate. Chuck fails to realise that most of the shady things Jimmy does are because of his actions against him (because of his own jelousy) and completely ignores all the nice brotherly things Jimmy does for him.

You end up with this really interesting dynamic where you have one guy who breaks the law in various ways for multiple reasons but is very likable and often has good intentions (doesnt make it right but it does create sympathy and understanding). Meanwhile you have his brother who tries to be "good" and use the law to the letter but is almost entirely unlikable because he uses this knowledge to stop his brother at every turn because of jelously alone.

I have really enjoyed this show from the begging. I like its slower pace as well compared toe BB. It fits in with the BB universe perfectly yet still has its own uniqness to it.
his character well. The mistake was Mikes in thinking that he would be remotely suitable for the task.

To be fair, he didn't really have a choice. He doesn't know anyone else in town. Jimmys not perfect, but he is reliable, as Jimmy at least. It is interesting in hindsight, (or foresight, I guess) because Saul totally screws Mike over by hiding Jesse in BB, and inadvertently kills Mike, Gus, and ruins his own life.


I enjoyed reading you guys discussion on Chuck. To me its pretty simple. Chuck is jelous of his brothers ability to make everyone like him despite his shady character, while he sticks to the law and tries to be what he deems a decent person yet the same doesnt happen for him. He is fueled by his jelousy and uses his knowledge of the law as a weapon to stop his brother at every turn. While Jimmy is obviously shady as shit he has redeeming qualities and at various points in his life already has tried to turn himself around and be legitimate. Chuck fails to realise that most of the shady things Jimmy does are because of his actions against him (because of his own jelousy) and completely ignores all the nice brotherly things Jimmy does for him.

You end up with this really interesting dynamic where you have one guy who breaks the law in various ways for multiple reasons but is very likable and often has good intentions (doesnt make it right but it does create sympathy and understanding). Meanwhile you have his brother who tries to be "good" and use the law to the letter but is almost entirely unlikable because he uses this knowledge to stop his brother at every turn because of jelously alone.

Glad you enjoyed it, since I always like to spark interesting discussion, even if not everyone agrees with me.

I agree with your assessment that a big part of Chuck's frustration and resentment comes from the fact that he's not well liked and he can't seem to do anything to change that. This pops up in a lot of ways, like how Rebecca enjoyed Jimmy's jokes, while when Chuck tried to make his own, he couldn't make her laugh, to something like his mother calling out for Jimmy (who was off getting food), while he was the one who was actually there for her. Stuff like that, he's basically outright sick of being the unwanted one when he tries his hardest.

I'll probably do a write up on that one of these days, but I want to see if we get any more tidbits on Chuck and Jimmy's past this season first. But it's not only good character writing, it's deliciously meta-textual. Chuck lashes out because he isn't liked like Jimmy is, both in universe and by the audience*

*Except Howard. I do wonder if Howard is his only friend. And if he's a genuine friend or more of a close and respected colleague.


This season is going far slower than the other two which already went at a slow, but really good pace

the stakeouts were too much

almost feels like I'm watching anime filler except rather than something happening that's not related to the plot, nothing is happening at all


FUCK CHUCK fucking cunt ass brother piece of shit, good on his wife for leaving his pathetic sorry ass


I'd be surprised if Howard actually considers him a friend, especially with all this BS Chuck has gotten him into in regards to messing with Jimmy for years (He goes along with it, but even he silently acknowledges at times how utterly petty Chuck can be) dealing with his psychosis (which from someone who isn't the audience, must be hard to take seriously) and all the burdens that entails, etc.

Respected colleague at best imo, if they had a friendship, I feel like that ship has sailed lol


semen stains the mountaintops
almost feels like I'm watching anime filler except rather than something happening that's not related to the plot, nothing is happening at all

Man, are we watching the same show? We're on episode 2 and Jimmy already found the tape and Gus has now been introduced, with Gus knowing Mike found the tracker. That's two huge plot developments just 2 episodes in.


Man, are we watching the same show? We're on episode 2 and Jimmy already found the tape and Gus has now been introduced, with Gus knowing Mike found the tracker. That's two huge plot developments just 2 episodes in.

Yea, I don't get why people make this criticism. I won't lie, the whole stakeout/Gus thing took a long awhile, but yet ironically the same episode got the whole tape thing out of the way already, among other things, so with that being said...

Are we watching the same show?


Gus' introduction was great, him cleaning the restaurant out of focus was cool. His facial expression when he was outside was cool as shit too. He knew. Loved all the BB call backs, I didn't even realise Fransesca was in BB as well.


He touched the black heart of a mod
Yep, the way you see him bussing tables in the background while Jimmy is just staring at the backpack was so great.

Gus is such an amazing character.

Exactly. I remember watching that shot drag on and thinking "all right, Jimmy is looking at the guy... Jimmy is still looking at the guy... what am I supposed to be- oh fuck"


Yea, I don't get why people make this criticism. I won't lie, the whole stakeout/Gus thing took a long awhile, but yet ironically the same episode got the whole tape thing out of the way already, among other things, so with that being said...

Are we watching the same show?

I think Howard is just a guy whose only interested in running his legal firm and wants the drama to go away already.

I wonder what he does in his time off away from work.


I think Howard is just a guy whose only interested in running his legal firm and wants the drama to go away already.

I wonder what he does in his time off away from work.

We need to see this.

Exactly. I remember watching that shot drag on and thinking "all right, Jimmy is looking at the guy... Jimmy is still looking at the guy... what am I supposed to be- oh fuck"

Lmao same, I was kinda not paying much attention, and then suddenly I realized who it was, and I was like "Shiiiiiiiet"

it was 51 minutes fam


Hey, I'm not the guy that said "nothing is happening at all"


How's that change the fact that a ton of plot development has happened in the last 2 episodes?

I mean you can call it a ton but in reality its two things everyone watching the show knew were going to happen. We knew eventually Jimmy would find out about the tapes, and we knew Gus would be revealed.

listen you don't need a ton of shit happening on screen to add more substance to a show, I get some of you like the subtleties that happen throughout but I personally would have preferred a little more dialogue.

I loved the moment where Jimmy yells at his brother and says no wonder his wife left him, there are so many more interesting aspects about the characters I wanna learn. So yeah I do find it frustrating seeing stakeouts and driving scenes that are just pans back and forth to the person sitting and what they're looking at.

in 102 minutes there have been a lot of "paint drying" moments

plot could have progressed just as much in two 30 minute episodes

Hey, I'm not the guy that said "nothing is happening at all"

How to take quotes out of context 101, you should get a job in sports media

I legit talked about the stakeouts prior and was obviously referring to that and the extended length those scenes have

but okay


semen stains the mountaintops
plot could have progressed just as much in two 30 minute episodes

Then you're really watching the wrong show because Breaking Bad and BCS have always been like this. A lot of character moments aren't down through dialogue, a lot of it are silent scenes with subtext. This is what these two shows have always been and hopefully BCS continues to be this.

And I'm not sure I agree that huge plot developments are diminished because we assume or know they will happen down the line. We know how the show ends, does that diminish everything that leads up to that? Do we need to trim anything that's not just pure exposition and leads us to the next plot point?


I mean you can call it a ton but in reality its two things everyone watching the show knew were going to happen. We knew eventually Jimmy would find out about the tapes, and we knew Gus would be revealed.

listen you don't need a ton of shit happening on screen to add more substance to a show, I get some of you like the subtleties that happen throughout but I personally would have preferred a little more dialogue.

I loved the moment where Jimmy yells at his brother and says no wonder his wife left him, there are so many more interesting aspects about the characters I wanna learn. So yeah I do find it frustrating seeing stakeouts and driving scenes that are just pans back and forth to the person sitting and what they're looking at.

in 102 minutes there have been a lot of "paint drying" moments

plot could have progressed just as much in two 30 minute episodes

How to take quotes out of context 101, you should get a job in sports media

I legit talked about the stakeouts prior and was obviously referring to that and the extended length those scenes have

but okay

To each his own, but I could watch Jonathan Banks doing detective shit without a word of dialogue for a full hour. The guy has a mesmerizing presence doing anything he does, the amazing cinematography and music is just an added bonus.


Better call Saul is pretty egregious with milking scenes and i agree that sometimes im just like come the fuck on and show the thing already. I feel like people think its a masterclass in building suspense but really it just makes me impatient. I dont need to watch mike pour his cereal. If i was into videography maybe id appreciate it more, but it seems like asmr videos or something


Then you're really watching the wrong show because Breaking Bad and BCS have always been like this. A lot of character moments aren't down through dialogue, a lot of it are silent scenes with subtext. This is what these two shows have always been and hopefully BCS continues to be this.

And I'm not sure I agree that huge plot developments are diminished because we assume or know they will happen down the line. We know how the show ends, does that diminish everything that leads up to that? Do we need to trim anything that's not just pure exposition and leads us to the next plot point?

no but because you know the ending you can flesh out the characters so much more

Breaking Bad was genius because it had a large and varying cast and there was always that sense of what is going to happen, how is Walter going to go further and further down into the abyss, and how this disaster he's putting himself into is all going to come to fruition. Obviously I can appreciate slower moments, but they're much better when there's a large payoff or deeper meaning behind it and it actually plays a part into the pace of the show naturally. Not just setting the tone (which better call saul and BB both do extremely well), or seeing a cameo of Gus in the background. Breaking Bad hit the nail on the head with the mastery of slow moments with episodes like "Fly" or even the boxcutter one.

there were more moving parts in breaking bad, better call saul has a much smaller cast so you would expect more exposition on characters and more fleshing out of who they are

they're handling the brothers dynamic perfectly for example, but I just think the Mike segments are slower and dont vibe with the set pace of the show. Mike's segments in all honesty are the only ones I'm really complaining about.

anyways that's all I wanted to say. I like the show, and I liked breaking bad. people can like the show for different reasons, so don't say "im watching the wrong show"


Who ever said he was a saint?

What I'm asking is. why does he need to be? Why does he have to be a saint in order to do what any ethical lawyer would do, which is to bring Jimmy to justice for his actual, legitimate crimes?

No you arent though you pretty explicitly said that chuck is an upstanding moral person and we act like hes a bad guy. Now youre saying youre just asking why he has to be a saint?


no but because you know the ending you can flesh out the characters so much more

Breaking Bad was genius because it had a large and varying cast and there was always that sense of what is going to happen, how is Walter going to go further and further down into the abyss, and how this disaster he's putting himself into is all going to come to fruition. Obviously I can appreciate slower moments, but they're much better when there's a large payoff or deeper meaning behind it and it actually plays a part into the pace of the show naturally. Not just setting the tone (which better call saul and BB both do extremely well), or seeing a cameo of Gus in the background. Breaking Bad hit the nail on the head with the mastery of slow moments with episodes like "Fly" or even the boxcutter one.

there were more moving parts in breaking bad, better call saul has a much smaller cast so you would expect more exposition on characters and more fleshing out of who they are

they're handling the brothers dynamic perfectly for example, but I just think the Mike segments are slower and dont vibe with the set pace of the show. Mike's segments in all honesty are the only ones I'm really complaining about.

anyways that's all I wanted to say. I like the show, and I liked breaking bad. people can like the show for different reasons, so don't say "im watching the wrong show"

Couldn't disagree more. Just because we know what happens doesn't make Mike's scene less atmospheric and suspenseful. It's like in No Country for Old Men where they spend like 20 minutes on Llewlyn fucking around in his motel room while Chigurh takes his shoes off, goes into the next room, and finally blasts everyone in 5 seconds. I love all of that stuff.


No you arent though you pretty explicitly said that chuck is an upstanding moral person and we act like hes a bad guy. Now youre saying youre just asking why he has to be a saint?

I would love to see you quote me 'explicitly' stating that.
*Except Howard. I do wonder if Howard is his only friend. And if he's a genuine friend or more of a close and respected colleague.

After the reveal in previous seasons about Chuck being why Jimmy was overlooked and not Howard, my opinion on him changed. I was no longer looking at him as the business man that stepped on those below him. Howard seems totally aware of Chucks flaws and entertains them because he is brilliant and is his friend. In this very episode he tries to put an end to Chucks plan because he seems more willing to take the loss. He just acts very proffesional because that is what his life has become. He owns a top law firm that demands it and seems to almost not be able to act any other way in fear of losing his image but part of him looks back fondly at his younger self in the past where he was free from this persona.

This really hit home for me in the way he handled Jimmy when he told him the truth about Chuck being why he was never promoted and in how he handled Kims leaving of the company. He even expresses his jelously of her going out and going it alone. I think he is a good guy over all but a victim of his own success in some ways. Also when Chuck is talking about his plans to screw over his brother you can almost see in Howards eyes that he would love to just let it go. He seems torn between being a decent human being and stuck in his very business like state of mind as he flickers between excitment and sadness when dealing with Chuck.


I seriously doubt that Gus was staking Mike out himself. He'd basically have to stare at a screen for hours and I imagine he's a busy guy. It was probably a henchmen error.

I get that, but I still think it would have been part of some protocol he would have made them follow.


Couldn't disagree more. Just because we know what happens doesn't make Mike's scene less atmospheric and suspenseful. It's like in No Country for Old Men where they spend like 20 minutes on Llewlyn fucking around in his motel room while Chigurh takes his shoes off, goes into the next room, and finally blasts everyone in 5 seconds. I love all of that stuff.

Nah I think you misread my post I said even though we know what happens they can do more with it, and regardless BCS and BB are both amazing at setting tone. But yeah there is disagreement because for me I want more than tone and atmosphere sometimes and specifically with Mike.

Like I think the brothers scenes are masterclass, the subtleties are so well done and it shows both Jimmy and Chuck and how they feel about one another and who they are without them saying anything. Likewise with Jimmy and his relationship with Kim. They're so well done, so it's just like damn this is kinda boring when Mikes stakeouts are just setting tone and only Gus gets revealed (unless they had a lot of things that are gonna pop up later that we didn't notice) I mean there was the SUV at the end and the backpack still but idk sometimes mikes scenes just drag.
no but because you know the ending you can flesh out the characters so much more

Breaking Bad was genius because it had a large and varying cast and there was always that sense of what is going to happen, how is Walter going to go further and further down into the abyss, and how this disaster he's putting himself into is all going to come to fruition. Obviously I can appreciate slower moments, but they're much better when there's a large payoff or deeper meaning behind it and it actually plays a part into the pace of the show naturally. Not just setting the tone (which better call saul and BB both do extremely well), or seeing a cameo of Gus in the background. Breaking Bad hit the nail on the head with the mastery of slow moments with episodes like "Fly" or even the boxcutter one.

there were more moving parts in breaking bad, better call saul has a much smaller cast so you would expect more exposition on characters and more fleshing out of who they are

they're handling the brothers dynamic perfectly for example, but I just think the Mike segments are slower and dont vibe with the set pace of the show. Mike's segments in all honesty are the only ones I'm really complaining about.

anyways that's all I wanted to say. I like the show, and I liked breaking bad. people can like the show for different reasons, so don't say "im watching the wrong show"

Oddly enough Mike's bits are my favourite. I love the switch in pace and as someone else said, I could watch Mikes stake out shit all day. I just find it fasinating to watch.

Its a great mix of Jimmys life spiraling out of control with mistakes from everyone in every direction to Mikes cold and calculated scenes where you are looking for that one mistake from a mixture of people who practically never make mistakes.
Nah I think you misread my post I said even though we know what happens they can do more with it, and regardless BCS and BB are both amazing at setting tone. But yeah there is disagreement because for me I want more than tone and atmosphere sometimes and specifically with Mike.

Like I think the brothers scenes are masterclass, the subtleties are so well done and it shows both Jimmy and Chuck and how they feel about one another and who they are without them saying anything. Likewise with Jimmy and his relationship with Kim. They're so well done, so it's just like damn this is kinda boring when Mikes stakeouts are just setting tone and only Gus gets revealed (unless they had a lot of things that are gonna pop up later that we didn't notice) I mean there was the SUV at the end and the backpack still but idk sometimes mikes scenes just drag.
I think you're reasonable. And there are folks who prefer Mike's stuff to what's happening with Jimmy / Chuck / Kim (though I disagree with them). For me it's fun to see both, and I love how much room / space there is to take things in.

The saddest thing for me as a fan of both BB and BCS is how they leaked and announced the return of Gus. It would've been so much more impactful if they'd kept that as hidden as possible. Then the outcome of the stakeout would have had more umph.

Hopefully some future person that is only now getting into BB will watch BCS after that and have it be as impactful as it could have been...


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
Gilligan directed the hell out of this episode, some impressive shots. My favorite is the one where Mike's bald dome comes peeping out of the horizon like a second sun.

Is it just me or is Kim smoking hot lol

She doesn't even have to do anything and she steals the scene.

Also I loved how the duct tape thing from last ep paid off in a very smart way. He's just been fucked over royally, yet he's still following his tape rolling advice, until he snaps. Reminded me of Walt's punching in the toilet. Odenkirk really sold that segment. While Kim's talking he says nothing and is internally screaming, angry and defeated.

btw I love those long stakeout scenes, I wanted them to last even longer. The show sells it with the direction.
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