I must say, it is really satisfying seeing Kim stand up for herself. I want to see her succeed and extract herself from Jimmy without meeting some tragic fate. Pls pls pls pls.
I must say, it is really satisfying seeing Kim stand up for herself. I want to see her succeed and extract herself from Jimmy without meeting some tragic fate. Pls pls pls pls.
I must say, it is really satisfying seeing Kim stand up for herself. I want to see her succeed and extract herself from Jimmy without meeting some tragic fate. Pls pls pls pls.
I honestly see Kim just moving home or maybe she still is New Mexico but we have no idea. We never got a background on Saul in BB just pops up never saw his home life.
Moving home, as in what?
I agree. And I like that in the end we didn't get any sort of indication that the guy was lying about where he needed to go. It means that at this point at least Saul Goodman is just trying to help someone who wouldn't get help otherwise.He certainly did, although it could be a different Ignacio.
No way in hell is it a different Ignacio.
That was some riveting television.
And although we saw the name Saul adopted in full already, him getting that $700 felt like the real birth of Saul.
Kansas City I think she is from. She had Royals gear on at one point I believe.
you sweet summer child
Eh, I still can't see it. Just breaking them up that cleanly would seem extremely anticlimactic for this show, IMO.
She's a main character, they're a couple and they're business partners. There is too much there for her to just leave, and that's it.
I think a tragic fate is in store for Chuck, but killing off Kim would be laying it on a little thick.
Francesca sticks with Jimmy from his current practice to the Saul Goodman one in Breaking Bad. She's a receptionist for both Jimmy and Kim (and Kim much more so at the moment because Jimmy isn't currently practicing) and it seems unlikely she'd stick with Jimmy if his actions got Kim killed, directly or indirectly. At this point she's still fairly straight-laced.
Plus, it would be unnecessarily gratuitous to simply kill everyone around Jimmy just for the sake of his character development. For a while, Jimmy had two people in his life he wanted respect and admiration from to keep him on a legal path. With Chuck, any such delusion has been erased, so Jimmy's no longer seeking his approval. But there's still Kim. Kim is the last thing keeping Jimmy somewhat grounded, and her leaving him without much hope of reconciliation would remove the last person in his life he would want to be a legit practitioner for.
Not everybody needs to die to bring the point home.
We don't even know if she even actually leaves for all we know she is still in Albuquerque still practicing law.
This isn't a show like Breaking Bad where death seems to be a thing. The epilogue part of the show is clearly in the future in Omaha. Which is close to Kansas City. I can see a falling out between them.
Right, I'm not saying she will probably get killed off. But she is way too connected with Jimmy to just bail on him. Something has to happen, and I can't see it being a clean split.
I think a tragic fate is in store for Chuck, but killing off Kim would be laying it on a little thick.
I mean heck, in this universe, I could see Kim is rotting away in a prison cell during BB because Jimmy had to save himself at some point. I could see something like that happen to her.Of course not something happens most likely but then again we don't know shit about Saul's/Jimmy's personal life.
I mean heck, in this universe, I could see Kim is rotting away in a prison sell during BB because Jimmy had to save himself at some point. I could see something like that happen to her.
Right, I'm not saying she will probably get killed off. But she is way too connected with Jimmy to just bail on him. Something has to happen, and I can't see it being a clean split.
Like I mentioned, I could see Kim getting into the shady shit with Jimmy, and something bad happen there, far more than I can see her just splitting up.
The epilogue part of the show is clearly in the future in Omaha. Which is close to Kansas City.
Actually, I think she said it was a small town close to the Kansas/Nebraska border. Which makes the Omaha connection even more plausible.
Also, I felt a bit sorry for Chuck. Is something wrong with me?
What the heck was up with the ending
"Maybe there is a way we can come to an arrangement.
Would you take 20% as a cut?
No, I won't take money from your family. Now lets shake on it.
Wait... you didn't tell me what I would have to do or what the deal is.
Why would Mike just blind agree to a deal.
But dammit, my favorite scene...I was firmly on team Fuck Chuck. But as he spoke to Dr. Cruz about his progress and his hopes for the future, and seemed to on some level realize exactly how low he's allowed his mental illness to take him, and how much he's hurt those that have loved him, it was difficult not to well up. McKean killed it.
Also, I felt a bit sorry for Chuck. Is something wrong with me?
What the heck was up with the ending
"Maybe there is a way we can come to an arrangement.
Would you take 20% as a cut?
No, I won't take money from your family. Now lets shake on it.
Wait... you didn't tell me what I would have to do or what the deal is.
Why would Mike just blind agree to a deal.
What the heck was up with the ending
"Maybe there is a way we can come to an arrangement.
Would you take 20% as a cut?
No, I won't take money from your family. Now lets shake on it.
Wait... you didn't tell me what I would have to do or what the deal is.
Why would Mike just blind agree to a deal.
I must say, it is really satisfying seeing Kim stand up for herself. I want to see her succeed and extract herself from Jimmy without meeting some tragic fate. Pls pls pls pls.
It disappoints me to see people deriding this season for being too slow and that "nothing's happening!". I love how this show is paced.
I think the shows great and all but it's honestly never felt tense or urgent to me, and I've watched it since the first episode. Also, I cannot see this show standing up well to binging.
Timeline for Gus buying the lab in 2003 and it barely finishes in early 2009.
I don't think they planned that out very well. Forced the laundromat for that nostalgia.
Wait, what? I don't remember this.
Walt's first day at the lab when it was finished completion was S3E05
Más- March 11-15, 2009
Huh. I thought the lab had been up and running for years at that point. Gale seemed very familiar with the lab, I assumed he'd been working there for a while.
I think the shows great and all but it's honestly never felt tense or urgent to me, and I've watched it since the first episode. Also, I cannot see this show standing up well to binging.
It disappoints me to see people deriding this season for being too slow and that "nothing's happening!". I love how this show is paced.
I assumed that as a consummate professional, Mike could read between the lines that Gus wanted Mike to come work for him in return for laundering his money, and that's what he was agreeing to?