Sorry, but Born This Way is a bloated mess, while Joanne may have a couple bad songs, it is a more solid effort. Believe it or not, a ton of average songs is worse for an album than two bad ones. In order to properly make my point I will go by each album and rate each song...
Great Songs:
You and I
The Edge of Glory
Dancin' in Circles
Million Reasons
Angel Down
Good Songs:
Marry The Night
Diamond Heart
John Wayne
Sinner's Prayer
Average Songs:
Born This Way
Government Hooker
Bloody Mary
Heavy Metal Lover
Electric Chapel
Hey Girl
Bad Songs:
Bad Kids
Highway Unicorn (Road to Love)
Come to Mama
Awful Songs:
Perfect Illusion
On a scale of 5 for Great, and 1 for Awful the total for Born This Way is 45, while Joanne is 39. However because obviously Born This Way has more songs, a better way to rate it proportionally. And since every song has the potential to Great, every song is rated out of 5. There for Born This Way has a potentiality of 70 while Joanne has one of 55. Therefor the results are this:
Born This Way: 45/70 = 64%
Joanne: 39/55 = 71%
In Conclusion: Joanne is the better album.