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You get your news from Twitter. But like from your friends' tweets. You call yourself an emotional person but have zero compassion for the homeless. Suck at math.

The accuracy


Wants to outlaw technological innovation.
At least Mariah didn't get in...so many BritKnee stand though...and pure heroine is for middle/high school girls yet we have people stanning it around here...what has the world come too....I voted for 25/4.


I simply can not at Daydream losing to Blackfuckingout, ch, I underestimated the obsession of the homosexual community over that faded teen popstar has been.


Anyway, I already voted for Art Angels and Ray of Light but this is a tough choice becuase 4 has some songs I do like and 25 is a very consistent experience.
What data are you using to come up with this assumption? lol

Because we have no idea if Mark Ronson can work with Gaga or is just a yes man like DJWS. IMO RedOne has yet to make a poor song with Gaga since they seem to work well together. We have no idea if the chemistry exists with Mark or he just agrees with all of Gaga's ideas so she's pushing RedOne aside for him


Is this true?

Honestly, wtf. Bye girl.

Yup RedOne spilled the tea in an interview.
He also said that out of the 8 songs they made together, 4 are 'smashes' and 1 of those 4 is Grammy worthy.
He also practically said that he was in the dark about the album and didn't know which direction Gaga was going now, but later backpedaled and tweeted that Gaga texted him that she loves him or something.

Edit: A vote for Art Angels and Ray Of Light is a vote for quality and equality! (But I think everyone here knows that)

Voted for 4 and Ray of Light. 4 is a beautiful, well-rounded classic. Ray of Light still sounds avant-garde after all these years.

25 is solid but won't age well. Art Angels is gorgeous but didn't hit me the same.
Yup RedOne spilled the tea in an interview.
He also said that out of the 8 songs they made together, 4 are 'smashes' and 1 of those 4 is Grammy worthy.
He also practically said that he was in the dark about the album and didn't know which direction Gaga was going now, but later backpedaled and tweeted that Gaga texted him that she loves him or something.

Edit: A vote for Art Angels and Ray Of Light is a vote for quality and equality! (But I think everyone here knows that)




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Unconfirmed Member
Apparently Taylor broke up with Clavin

Another failed relationship

Oh well

New Taylor album when?


Maybe we'll get Back to May (or June?) this time around.

Was she the one who was rumored to potentially have an album release this fall because of some apperance she made at some industry event? Otherwise, maybe this album will release in 2017 and be her 21 (in theme only).
Maybe we'll get Back to May (or June?) this time around.

Was she the one who was rumored to potentially have an album release this fall because of some apperance she made at some industry event? Otherwise, maybe this album will release in 2017 and be her 21 (in theme only).

2017 is most likely. The general populace needs a break from her. Just look at the performance of 'OOTW' and 'NR', the public are sick of her and a break is needed.
Reminds me of Gaga 2011 :(

I have a chance now. :)

There are hotter and WAY NICER women than Taylor

Emily Clarke>>>>>>>>>>

Perched for the new slander campaign against this new ex in the form of another #1 hit album.


Aren't we all!

Ended up voting for 4 and Art Angels... Help!


Wants to outlaw technological innovation.
Maybe we'll get Back to May (or June?) this time around.

Was she the one who was rumored to potentially have an album release this fall because of some apperance she made at some industry event? Otherwise, maybe this album will release in 2017 and be her 21 (in theme only).
Nah, she even said herself that she wasn't releasing an album this year because of 1989 being so huge and wanting to something fresh or whatever. Hell someone on here spoke a rumor of her maybe getting married. I agree though with the theme of 21...this will be her breakup album and she will likely have some huge hit like "Hello" or "Somone Like You".


Mariah deserved to pass over Lorde but Im okay because Britney did win
From the second round I will vote for 25 but dont know what other album, I have never heard Art Angels or Ray of Light


I simply can not at Daydream losing to Blackfuckingout, ch, I underestimated the obsession of the homosexual community over that faded teen popstar has been.


Anyway, I already voted for Art Angels and Ray of Light but this is a tough choice becuase 4 has some songs I do like and 25 is a very consistent experience.
But Blackout is easily the best of those four. Your anger is misdirected.

I need to relisten to Ray of Light before I decide on this round. Can't really remember most of them.
Going to listen to Blackout for the first time. I'll report back with my thoughts. I can all ready tell though, by this first song, it wont be good.
Britney stans are the worst. That album was haute garbage. It reminds me of the great quote by Paul Mooney. "Everybody wants to be a n---a but nobody wants to be a n---a." It was just some watered down "urban" music with those awful tinny vocals of hers. Trash, trash, trash. I will say that "Perfect Lover" and "Why Should I Be Sad" were decent and I wouldn't be adverse to listening to those again at least one more time.

Result: 13/100 - F
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