Kadeem Hardison as well, who played Cole. Deserves a nod. Especially his elevator bit.
"We're not coming back
While I've found the stealth scenes in Beyond superfluous/boring, they weren't particularly hard (just make it a habit to use Aiden a lot, to know your surroundings) and you can't really fail. There's no 'Game over'.
Ok, thanks. Shouldn't get my blood pressure too high then.
As an aside, I've actually come to appreciate the "no game over" design in story-driven games. While having a challenge is great, I've raged too often at failing some BS QTE or otherwise getting instakilled in a climactic scene. It's an instant immersion killer and lessens the impact of the scene. That's also why I usually hate stupid end bosses (hello Uncharted 1 and 2).
So any news on if there is an uncut version of the game, or was the reports on censorship unfounded?
Can't say I agree with that. The gameplay mechanics in Beyond are consierably more complicated that HR (in particular, all the Aiden mechanics) I got a bunch of my casual/non-gamer friends to try out HR with reaosnable success. I can't see that happening with Beyond.What to say.... except that HR and Beyond are two very different game in term of style (dark noir tale vs exploration of one strange life), but Beyond managed to be better in every aspect I can think of... HR was one of my favorite games in PS3 1st party offering, and Beyond is better and way more accessible to non gamers. It has to be played by everyone.
There is an easy mode that automates Aiden and gives you hints during fights. It makes the game very accessible. Also it supports smartphones as a control device, casual gamers will be just fine.Can't say I agree with that. The gameplay mechanics in Beyond are consierably more complicated that HR (in particular, all the Aiden mechanics) I got a bunch of my casual/non-gamer friends to try out HR with reaosnable success. I can't see that happening with Beyond.
Beyond is going to suffer from being too complex for casual gamers, and not being enough of a "real game" for "core" types.
Thanks. There was definitely a mental barrier I had to overcome before I started loving the game. Before I was like "not another timeline jump". It's even harder when you don't know about this stuff and what Cage tries to convey with this game. Reading interviews before playing definitely helped.Just finished. This post nails it. if you work through it, the game is better than some of the parts that make up the sum, but it's satisfying. Ambitious, too. I won't say that I love the game, and unlike Heavy Rain, I'm not compelled to play this again for a LONG time. Still, it's worth going through at least once. Reviewers won't like it. It's a hard game to commit to when you're in a score-based, pressure filled environment.
I'm about 8 hours in. Will beat it tomorrow and will join the spoiler thread ASAPComputer and Dragon - would love to share thoughts on the ending in the spoiler thread. Not sure which ending I got, but I'm okay with it.
Can't say I agree with that. The gameplay mechanics in Beyond are consierably more complicated that HR (in particular, all the Aiden mechanics) I got a bunch of my casual/non-gamer friends to try out HR with reaosnable success. I can't see that happening with Beyond.
Beyond is going to suffer from being too complex for casual gamers, and not being enough of a "real game" for "core" types.
Because:Why are you all so sure reviewers won't like this? Heavy rain reviewed very well.
Many reviewers simply won't "get" this game. Heavy Rain was a simple thing compared to this. Beyond is actually pretty unique in some aspects and definitely Cage's most ambitious work yet. Seems like as soon as reviewers don't find a film or game that they can compare it to they start to struggle. Heavy Rain was like Seven. Seven was good. Nice story. Beyond is like many things, but it does feature a scene where you go to war and have some action. So it is like a bad war game or movie. Bad story.3 main reasons IMO:
1. The game has no real plot for the first 1/3 of the game or even longer. Each scene is an important moment from Jodie's life, like a memory that will always be with you. Shocking moments, sad moments, happy moments, boring moments that somehow stuck with you. They have no real connection at first. So you are pretty much playing vignettes in random order. The plot IS Jodie for the most part. That's hard to grasp at first and even harder to accept. Many will find it boring immediately and quit ("nothing is happening"). Many will say it has no plot or focus on the "main plot", which does exist so the game can eventually end, but is of no real importance till later in the game and shouldn't be focused on. It's not something that should be done often, but I find it highly interesting in this case. It's like Cage said "playing the life of a character". I find it compelling and fascinating to participate in the life of this character. A lot of people won't enjoy that and I don't blame them
2. The subject matter won't appeal to everyone. This is mostly a story about being alone and depressed, to have no friends, no home or no anything pretty much. The game focuses on how to deal with that. It's also about growing and accepting who you are. Much harder stuff to identify with than a father who wants to save his son. I live in a similar situation, or I did a long time ago. Similar to Computer I feel invested in this character, because we align in some ways. Many people will just find it too depressing or boring.
3. The writing still has some issues, although less than Heavy Rain. After TLoU, this is harder to forgive when you are a reviewer and have to score in relation to everything else that came out this year. I don't really care, because most of these problems are related to the main plot I honestly don't care about (yet).
I appreciate they gave Cage free reign, but it was fucking nuts yes. Heavy Rain is the safest thing there is compared to Beyond and HR wasn't safe in the slightest. I love it though, so thanks Sony for having crazy balls.Im kind of flabbergasted that Sony greenlit this, because the subject matter definitely doesn't sound like something that the majority of people will enjoy. I know that there are hints at a life of solitude and despair in all the promo material but all the impressions so far make it clear that this game is pretty much steeped in pathos. Pretty damned gutsy of both Cage and Sony to stick to their guns, and I'm more curious than ever of what their PS4 title will embody
Yup. Thanks for reading.Excellent and fair piece of criticism. I agree. Your first point is particularly accurate. That's why the last few hours were very important and could not afford to suck. The first two thirds of the story are almost 'nothing special', they just lay the ground for what happens next so, if the conclusion was bad, the whole game would pretty much fail. However, I think the ending does deliver, it does make sense, therefore it gives meaning to the story as a whole. Your final choices wouldn't have as much weight if you didn't feel as familiar with Jodie.You have to know the value of life before you can look death in the eye.
With great graphics, solid gameplay and an engaging plot, Beyond is definitely a rival for Grand Theft Auto V and The Last of Us for the Game of the Year Award. If you need to buy one last game for the PlayStation 3 before heralding the arrival of the PlayStation 4 on our shores, it has to be Beyond: Two Souls.
Verdict: 5/5
One of the few reviews I look forward to reading. His opinion on Heavy Rain closely mirrored my own.
When are the review embargo?
Will be picking this up tomorrow. Very excited. Will put my ps3 away after this. it had a good run
When does the review embargo lift? Kinda hoping it would by now, I hate these late reviews, so damn infuriating.
No. One player controls Aiden, the other Jodie. It's not really traditional co-op, since you are not both playing at the same time. You can decide when to pass over the controls to your partner, afterwards he decides when to give them back to you (only the person playing can pass them over). You have to work together. It makes sense for this type of game, introduces a nice dynamic and can actually create secondary tension, because you might fight over the controls in a already tense moment. Usually also creates some very nice discussions about choicesIs the co-op split screen?
Hope he does the review. The only one I'm interested in besides Sterling.
sessler's something regarding games like beyond and wolf among us.
4pm BST, I think.
So, 13 hours and 49 minutes from now.
Amen to this- he said exactly the things I was so frustrated with Heavy Rain, while acknowledging bits and pieces that were great also.
In Sterling, I trust.
Hope he does the review. The only one I'm interested in besides Sterling.
Hope he does the review. The only one I'm interested in besides Sterling.
it does not matter who does the review. what matters is that there is none of the "oh it's not a game, it's a movie" and "oh cage is so pretentious therefore the game should be judged based on his opinions" bullcrap.
You certainly won't get any of that from Rev3Games.
You certainly won't get any of that from Rev3Games.
Around 10 hours or less. Depending on how you play of course.How long is the game?
^ Post that in the spoiler thread, dude.
Please do remove it here =/
Please do remove it here =/
What about Batman?
so i already have the R1 regular edition early. but i also have this R3 version coming in a few days.
- Exclusive Steelbook Premium Packaging
- Collector’s Edition Book (32cm x 23cm)
- Extra 30 minute additional playable scene
- 4 x Making of Videos
- Soundtrack
- Dynamic PS3 Theme
- PSN Avatar Pack
Getting it from Gamestop in store, but didn't specify I wanted special edition when I preordered. Hope that's the one I get...
Newegg has been a disaster for game releases as of late.Gee, thanks Newegg for canceling my discounted Beyond preorder one day before shipping. I had a $12 discount on a game with no tax or shipping so it would have been a nice $17 discount overall.
During the red-carpet event in Paris, Ellen Page said she was playing through her early copy of the game. Would be interesting to get a clip / gif of her playing as herself tooI just realized that I have this old GIF of NomNom Jayden playing Ethan's shower scene. It's hilarious:
Wonder if Page plays game.