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BF4 Console Community Thread - Squad Bros and Official Servers

Assuming that your teammates aren't complete idiots, conquest large is seriously babby mode compared to domination, obliteration and rush.

CR rush is honestly garbage though.


Assuming that your teammates aren't complete idiots, conquest large is seriously babby mode compared to domination, obliteration and rush.

CR rush is honestly garbage though.
It's absolute garbage on Silk Road and Altai Range, but I like it quite a bit on Guilin Peaks, and Dragon Pass. The first two are way too easy for the defensive side. Either the M-COMs are really close to each other or they're in the middle of huge open fields.
It's absolute garbage on Silk Road and Altai Range, but I like it quite a bit on Guilin Peaks, and Dragon Pass. The first two are way too easy for the defensive side. Either the M-COMs are really close to each other or they're in the middle of huge open fields.

Assuming that your teammates aren't complete idiots, conquest large is seriously babby mode compared to domination, obliteration and rush.

CR rush is honestly garbage though.

It's absolute garbage on Silk Road and Altai Range, but I like it quite a bit on Guilin Peaks, and Dragon Pass. The first two are way too easy for the defensive side. Either the M-COMs are really close to each other or they're in the middle of huge open fields.

Here's the thing about that. All things being equal, Rush favors defense because the attackers have a limited number of spawns. This is why attackers have to play aggressively.

If the MCOM is in a wide open space, and one team must arm while another must disarm, and the spawns are evenly spaced (all these conditions are met in China Rising maps) the team who wins is the team who gets its ass to the objective first. Assuming that your team isn't horrible at aiming and shooting, it's easy to win Attack if everybody moves up and does it together. Every Rush attack we've lost recently has been due to our failure to do one of these two things. We either have people playing deathmatch somewhere halfway to the objective or we have everyone running in different directions, usually solo.


Here's the thing about that. All things being equal, Rush favors defense because the attackers have a limited number of spawns. This is why attackers have to play aggressively.

If the MCOM is in a wide open space, and one team must arm while another must disarm, and the spawns are evenly spaced (all these conditions are met in China Rising maps) the team who wins is the team who gets its ass to the objective first. Assuming that your team isn't horrible at aiming and shooting, it's easy to win Attack if everybody moves up and does it together. Every Rush attack we've lost recently has been due to our failure to do one of these two things. We either have people playing deathmatch somewhere halfway to the objective or we have everyone running in different directions, usually solo.
The thing I have issues with is that the defensive team has to put in far less effort into defending on some sets on certain maps. Take the first set on Altai Range. You've got two M-COMs about 50 meters apart and can quite easily be defended at the same time. Add that to the fact that both teams have similar vehicle spawns (light vehicles aside) and the lack of any good flanking routes and you've got a (section of a) map that's completely out of balance.

A couple of days ago we played two rounds of Rush on Locker back-to-back on defense and attack. We spawntrapped the hell out of the other team while we were on defense, but somehow we couldn't even get past the third phase while we were on attack. You can keep talking about how we're not using the right tactics (which is definitely not untrue), but even then it should not be that hard to win a game against a team that bad. That is straight-up a combination of bad map design and bad objective placement.
The maps were not designed for Rush in my opinion, unlike bc2. Bc2 conquest was the afterthought. This time around it's the opposite. I can't believe I miss destructable mcoms. I miss tons of houses in general.


Neo Member
Thought I'd play some campaign now PSN is down, well apparantly I can't get to my save games if I'm not signed into PSN cus I can only choose new game or resume, which starts mission 1.

What the hell.
The thing I have issues with is that the defensive team has to put in far less effort into defending on some sets on certain maps. Take the first set on Altai Range. You've got two M-COMs about 50 meters apart and can quite easily be defended at the same time. Add that to the fact that both teams have similar vehicle spawns (light vehicles aside) and the lack of any good flanking routes and you've got a (section of a) map that's completely out of balance.

A couple of days ago we played two rounds of Rush on Locker back-to-back on defense and attack. We spawntrapped the hell out of the other team while we were on defense, but somehow we couldn't even get past the third phase while we were on attack. You can keep talking about how we're not using the right tactics (which is definitely not untrue), but even then it should not be that hard to win a game against a team that bad. That is straight-up a combination of bad map design and bad objective placement.

I am in complete agreement about Locker. Choke points are bad for Rush attackers, full stop. China Rising doesn't have them the same way Metro or Locker does. And the first point on Altai is tough, granted. But the MCOMs are near each other, but attackers have a lot of rocky cover near the objectives. The defenders spawn downhill and pretty far from the objectives.

I'm not saying it's perfect, but it feels a lot like BC2 Rush to me. My win percentage with randoms is actually higher on these maps than with GAF folks so far. I think it's because new players tend to be more aggressive on attack than veterans.

I'll be on in an hour. Let's test our respective theories.

P.S. Ody, I have an extra PS4. If there's a way to transfer your Amazon bucks to me, let's do business.


I am in complete agreement about Locker. Choke points are bad for Rush attackers, full stop. China Rising doesn't have them the same way Metro or Locker does. And the first point on Altai is tough, granted. But the MCOMs are near each other, but attackers have a lot of rocky cover near the objectives. The defenders spawn downhill and pretty far from the objectives.

I'm not saying it's perfect, but it feels a lot like BC2 Rush to me. My win percentage with randoms is actually higher on these maps than with GAF folks so far. I think it's because new players tend to be more aggressive on attack than veterans.

I'll be on in an hour. Let's test our respective theories.

P.S. Ody, I have an extra PS4. If there's a way to transfer your Amazon bucks to me, let's do business.
EA servers have been down for me all day.

Edit: Back online now.


By the way, if anyone got BF4 from the PS4 "Action pack" bundle from Amazon and was missing the China Rising code, I just got off from chat with them and they sent me a code.

Now if only PS store was working so I could redeem it...
What are the fees, if any, when using Amazon Payments? They're site keeps looping me, may need to use another browser.

Also, someone stream.

It used to be fee-less person-to-person, but someone said they're going to start charging the recipient a small percent like PayPal.

Signing on and streaming.
Here's the thing about that. All things being equal, Rush favors defense because the attackers have a limited number of spawns. This is why attackers have to play aggressively.

If the MCOM is in a wide open space, and one team must arm while another must disarm, and the spawns are evenly spaced (all these conditions are met in China Rising maps) the team who wins is the team who gets its ass to the objective first. Assuming that your team isn't horrible at aiming and shooting, it's easy to win Attack if everybody moves up and does it together. Every Rush attack we've lost recently has been due to our failure to do one of these two things. We either have people playing deathmatch somewhere halfway to the objective or we have everyone running in different directions, usually solo.

"People just need to be aggressive" is not a tactic.
You're still going to be faced with a hard wall if your opponents are any bit decent.

my problem with the China Rising Rush maps are this:

1) Defender Field of vision: Almost all of the past BF & BC maps were designed so that m-coms were either close but not in direct line of sight (metro, arica habor, port valdez) or far but in direct line of sight of one another (Nelson bay, Isle Innocentes.) This creates breathing space for the attackers since bad teams will shift their attention to one and neglect the other and good teams will have to keep a watcher behind. Altai Range set 1 does the unthinkable where the m-coms are both close and within direct line of sight of one another once the crappy wooden houses are cleared. This makes it so that attackers must either put up a united one-time effort, time their attacks (pull back the tank till enemy tank is cleared) or hope that their opponents are really bad at team death match/king of the hill.

2) Points of entry: Usually I would be a big advocate of m-coms being closer together like they are in Bad Company 2. However, that works in BC2 & some BF3 because the playing field is much much larger and attackers were given more options in terms of flanking or ways of entry (atacama desert, firestorm.) And for those smaller and linear maps, Dice use of choke points and giant vision-blocking concrete walls at least helped in terms of luring over-aggressive defenders away from the objective. On Altai Range set 1 or even silk road set 1, the point of entry is extremely limited. ON AR, the tank can only really travel down the main road. Attackers coming down the right hill will be seen by anyone guarding the m-com/tank and attackers coming up from the left slope has a viewing disdvantage of being down slope/easy picking by a few defenders. Some later sets for AR is equally stupid. a down hill plain with no cover (unlike dpeak) and uphill climb with limited routes. The same thing with silk road 1 - the fact that the whole left side is closed off for the defender spawn means that any idiot can guess where people are coming from. With no choke points, limited points of entry for attackers - EVERYONE is now a dedicated defender! Even the idiot pubs who run to the front line knows to stay behind!

3) No breathing room: In past battlefield maps, attackers are typically given some breathing room if they're able to get pass a major choke point. You can either hide in a building till your squad spawn in or even get behind the defender's spawn zone to flank them from behind (metro). This is totally moot AR/silk road cause the first 3 sets all have buildings/covers that are completely destrutable (tents, wooden houses).

4) No Kit logic: You'll often hear me yelling at people who don't know how to place spawn beacons - don't place them in open fields/places without roofs. Cause you might as well tell everyone where you're coming from when you're going to parachute in from the sky. Dice implemented this rule cause they didn't want people to get behind enemy lines with air vehicles and place spawn beacons behind enemy lines. Fortunately they disabled the rule in BF3 on linear maps without vehicles (metro.) UNFORTUNATELY, they were too dumb to do the same for land vehicle-only maps on BF4. So combine with point 2) that defenders will stay in base and 3)there's no more decent covers. Why even bother with a spawn beacon?

Also for the 200th time, Recon-wannabe GAF - stop placing spawn beacons in open fields. Been yelling this since BF3.
Parachuting in on objectives can be useful in certain situations.

Won't deny that, but most of time it's too unpredictable to determine where you land.
Not to mention, that tactic is typically only useful when you want to take advantage of higher terrain/vertical views(landing on roofs) or flanking from behind enemy lines.


Assuming that your teammates aren't complete idiots, conquest large is seriously babby mode compared to domination, obliteration and rush.

CR rush is honestly garbage though.

It only really takes a couple of players to win a conquest game or a domination game for sure.
(Conquest thrives on bad players, being successful in the mode means being able to outmaneuver anything and everything and tank removal)
Being consistently that guy in every conquest game takes skill and a shit load of time and map knowledge.
Anyone can have a couple of good games, being consistent is what most cant do.

Rush is coordinated and can be won quickly if your map knowledge of the rush size is great and coordinated.

Obliteration is all over the place, but most of my losses are due to 2 dudes and a helo.

I even know every bomb spawn and i barely play the mode (140hours played will do that regardless i guess) and its still all over the place.


One thing I'm very guilty of is wasting tickets on spawn deaths. Really hurts the team when you spawn on someone who is rushing in and about to die. I gotta learn to slow down and watch player cams before spawning. It would help tremendously if people in party chat would call out if they are safe to spawn. Might be helpful even to designate a runner that finds somewhere safe behind enemy lines and acts like a spawn beacon for squad mates.
One thing I'm very guilty of is wasting tickets on spawn deaths. Really hurts the team when you spawn on someone who is rushing in and about to die. I gotta learn to slow down and watch player cams before spawning. It would help tremendously if people in party chat would call out if they are safe to spawn. Might be helpful even to designate a runner that finds somewhere safe behind enemy lines and acts like a spawn beacon for squad mates.

This is a good idea.

To Dream: Being aggressive is a philosophy. Taking the open space from the other team is the basis of map control. You can complain about open routes, but the same goes for defenders. If attackers get to the MCOM buildings on Altai 1 before the defenders, then the defenders have to fight across open ground (and uphill) to disarm.

Rush on this and most of BF3 is different form BC2. That old method of sneaking one dude into a house and spawning a squad doesn't work very well on these maps. These maps really do require a majority of the team focusing on covering ground and forcing the other team to cross open territory.

Also, I'm signing on shortly.


Gold Member
So I have premium and downloaded china rising... But the only servers with the new maps are a few air superiority and then a bunch of 0/10 player servers. I've checked my filters, ps4 version. Is this a common thing right now or us this a issue on my end? Vanilla maps show up fine all game types.
This is a good idea.

To Dream: Being aggressive is a philosophy. Taking the open space from the other team is the basis of map control. You can complain about open routes, but the same goes for defenders. If attackers get to the MCOM buildings on Altai 1 before the defenders, then the defenders have to fight across open ground (and uphill) to disarm.

Rush on this and most of BF3 is different form BC2. That old method of sneaking one dude into a house and spawning a squad doesn't work very well on these maps. These maps really do require a majority of the team focusing on covering ground and forcing the other team to cross open territory.

Also, I'm signing on shortly.

It is a philosophy that is sort of pointless to bring up because you can't expect everyone else on the team to do the same. In addition, it contradicts with the idea of the team covering grounds. I do agree that you can win it with a concise effort, but that certainly requires certain players (tank) or actions (solo spawning) to be held back a bit. An aggressive tank driver riding in while all his infantry support is far behind is not going do much good since the "choke point" (that corner turn) is so exposed.

As for defender facing the same disadvantage -
That disadvantage is no where as pronounced as BF3 due to the larger teams + the fact that people no longer leave the objectives unattended as much. Both AR and silkroad B has an easy front line that gives defender direct view of the m-com. Between AR A&B there's also a metal shed/ that is PERFECT for defenders to place a spawn beacon on.


I was wondering if anyone knows how to double shoot in a Tank. I have seen people doing this and I am not sure how they do it.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
I was wondering if anyone knows how to double shoot in a Tank. I have seen people doing this and I am not sure how they do it.
It might be the Tank Shell type. Not sure.

BTW The railway map is nuuuts for tank battles.
... sort of pointless to bring up because you can't expect everyone else on the team to do the same...

We've reached our fundamental disagreement. Not about the entirety of the team, obviously. But we can and should expect our squad/bros to do the same because that's the whole reason we squad up and communicate. In BF3, one competent squad could control all but a few fringe case Rush games. That was four of twelve players on a side. In BF4, one squad is five of sixteen. I'm sure we can do the same now. The only wrinkle is the proportional reduction in attacker tickets--which again means we have to get the damn thing done before the blueberries can piss our tickets away deathmatching at choke points.

I'm confident this can be demonstrated when everyone gets their PS4's and learns the maps.


When you're using a sniper rifle, what does it mean when you change meters when you press down on the dpad?

It's called zeroing. I think it helps with shooting targets that are far away or close by. For example; if you use 400m on a target that's 100m away you'll miss.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
DICE just published a Top Issues Tracker

It's a list with all the Top Priority issues right now and their current state.

Bug accounting for a quarter of the crashes on PS4
Platform(s): PS4
Status: Fix live

EMP blur effect
Platform(s): All
Status: Fix live

One-hit kill bug where players sometimes take damage twice from the same bullet
Platform(s): All
Status: Fix live/in next patch

Loss of SP progress that can happen after quit and restart on PS4
Platform(s): PS4
Status: Fix live

Game Mode ribbons are counted twice
Platform(s): All
Status: Fixing

4X damage from miniguns when using Defensive specialization
Platform(s): All
Status: Fixing

Players sometimes get stuck in kill cam after revive
Platform(s): All
Status: Fixing

Bug accounting for a majority of crashes on next-gen/PC
Platform(s): PC, PS4, X1
Status: Fixing

Players sometimes become spectators while still alive in Defuse mode
Platform(s): All
Status: Fixing

Players sometimes get stuck in revive screen
Platform(s): All
Status: Fixing

Desynchronized game world where objects have different states for different players
Platform(s): All
Status: Investigating

Join queue disabled on consoles
Platform(s): All consoles
Status: Investigating

Bug accounting for a large amount of crashes on X360
Platform(s): X360
Status: Investigating

Squad spawn sometimes positions you under the terrain
Platform(s): All
Status: Investigating

Hit markers and crosshairs sometimes disappear
Platform(s): PC
Status: Investigating

Rubber banding issues for some players with solid Internet connections
Platform(s): All
Status: Investigating

Some instances of no hit effects and no damage to opponent in your sights
Platform(s): All
Status: Investigating

Damage received is sometimes delayed by a few frames
Platform(s): All
Status: Investigating

Incorrect matchmaking on Xbox One
Platform(s): X1
Status: Investigating

Server browser filters are not fully functioning
Platform(s): All
Status: Investigating

Sudden frame rate drops during certain in-game events
Platform(s): All
Status: Investigating

The "Sound Loop Crash"
Platform(s): All
Status: Investigating

Statuses explained
INVESTIGATING means we are aware of a specific issue and working to reproduce it. Often, getting a solid reproduction is what actually allows us to eliminate a bug in the end.

FIXING means that we have been able to reproduce an issue and are working on a fix. This might be a simple line of code or a larger task. Once we have the solution, we code, test and get it live. An issue with the label FIXING is on its way to being resolved.

FIX LIVE means that we have fixed the issue in a patch that has already gone live. For example, we had a bug that accounted for a quarter of all crashes on PS4. That issue was fixed in the latest PS4 game update that went live Dec 5. Many other issues are already addressed.

Aside of bugs some things i would like to see added are:
* Being able to change your soldier loadout before match
* BF3's Squad Up Option
* Rebalance/rework of the Field Upgrade System
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