Yeah, somehow the single player isn't as terrible as I expected. It's actually quite enjoyable at times.
Lost my save though, so I'm not playing it any further for now.
But the story is indeed garbage. I can't even be bothered to listen to what is being said and thus have no idea whatsoever about what's going on.
Something about people being angry in China, a dictator or something, yadda, yadda.
Don't know what it is, but it feels like the more I play MP, the worse I become.
Was doing pretty well with the assault riffles in the beginning. But I always played BF3 with a 870, ACOG and slugs, that or an SKS. So after unlocking everything for the 870 I need in BF4, it seems I can't hit anything with it. :-/
I think I have so far killed 2 people with slugs and miss everything else. No idea what's going on there. Buckshots are working fine, but that's not my thing.
I'm hoping that it's just a case of having to get used to it again.
The issue with enemies seeing you a second or so early as you spawn, even before you leave the black screen is starting to get on my nerves as well.
Spawning and being sniped or knifed the second I see the game pop up over and over again is infuriating.