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Big Brother 19 |OT| Fake Apples, Real Snakes


Won't someone please think of poor innocent Josh.

there's a difference between being a prick by banging pots around and attacking somebody for their weight. Cody and Jess have no class. not a single drop.

I hope this all causes them to agree to vote out Jessica and just target Cody/Mark next week.

Yup, they should.
But they have to be careful if Cody or Mark wins HoH because they'll play in the veto. If say Paul and Alex gets put up, more than half of the house is going to be willing to throw the comp or take one of them off to backdoor Mark/Cody, whichever one who isn't safe


Do you watch the feeds? I can assure you, Josh does not CONSTANTLY antagonize Jessica, he barely even talks about her behind her back.
Josh has even gone out of his way to ask people not to antagonize Jessica especially, this week Josh even made it a big point when he won HoH not to go after them. This was a peaceful week until now.

he DID, tho. In the past. Just because he's over it does not mean she is. She told him not to start... and he kept at it.

every time I see him getting into it with ANYONE it's because he doesn't know how to stop himself.

anyway, I mostly just watch clips on YT and the show on tv. And from the clip I saw on YT Jess told him not to start w/ his shit... and he kept at it and ended up in tears.

Won't someone please think of poor innocent Josh.

seriously! Seeing everyone in the HoH room fake consoling him over shit he started had me LOL


there's a difference between being a prick by banging pots around and attacking somebody for their weight. Cody and Jess have no class. not a single drop.

To me it's not even the weight thing, it's the threats of violence outside the house. Coming from a houseguest who is military trained and can't differentiate game from real life, even said it in his own words that this isn't a game this is real life to him.

This is just as bad as what Paul did 2 weeks ago. Too many houseguests are crossing the line this season.
there's a difference between being a prick by banging pots around and attacking somebody for their weight. Cody and Jess have no class. not a single drop.

Yup, they should.
But they have to be careful if Cody or Mark wins HoH because they'll play in the veto. If say Paul and Alex gets put up, more than half of the house is going to be willing to throw the comp or take one of them off to backdoor Mark/Cody, whichever one who isn't safe

Because that's all Josh has done.

Velcro Fly

Man watching those clips she really wants to pick a fight. They aren't even talking to her and she starts shit. Then the second one he's still not even starting shit and she's flying off the handle and psycho Cody is threatening him. Fuck both of these people seriously.
Cody's the type of egghead you accidentally bump into in a bar and he wants to fight your whole family.
Even Jessica sees it but she's too enamored with his pecs.


Because that's all Josh has done.

Josh threw his own drink in his own face? Oh wait, that was Mark who did that. This is a psychological game. If you can't handle somebody, you try to break them mentally. Once you start threatening physical violence and throwing things, you're no longer a victim.
This game is more and more so becoming The Real World.

Although I have enjoyed this season, I hate that it's just become about fights instead of playing the game. I wish somebody would get kicked out and the game could move on. The sooner Jess and Cody are out there better.
Man watching those clips she really wants to pick a fight. They aren't even talking to her and she starts shit. Then the second one he's still not even starting shit and she's flying off the handle and psycho Cody is threatening him. Fuck both of these people seriously.

agree with you on the first sentence.
dont agree on the first part of your third sentence.

There is no reason for him to go to them and stand infront of them like a bartender. You can see that he is upset about the "drought" thing and wants to confront jess.

Cody was wrong threatening Josh BUT do people forget how Josh acted the last couple weeks. I can see why cody cant stand looking at him.

Do A FRACTION of the stuff Josh did in the house and you get knocked out cold outside of the house! btw. he did this stuff so that it happens in the house and Cody / mark get kicked out.

dont forget why he was doing the circus bullshi* pan slapping shi* please.
agree with you on the first sentence.
dont agree on the first part of your second sentence.

There is no reason for him to got to them and stand infront of them like a bartender. You can see that he is upset about the "drought" thing and wants to confront jess.

Cody was wrong with threatening Josh BUT do people forget how Josh acted the last couple weeks. I can see why cody cant stand looking at him.

Do A FRACTION of the stuff Josh did in the house and you get knocked out cold outside of the house! btw. he did this stuff so that it happens in the house and Cody / mark get kicked out.

dont forget why he was doing the circus bullshi* pan slapping shi* please.
You're missing the point entirely though.
It's not the real world, it's a GAME.
You think Paul is as manipulative and shady outside the house???
I doubt it.


Super Member
You're missing the point entirely though.
It's not the real world, it's a GAME.
You think Paul is as manipulative and shady outside the house???
I doubt it.
He's been pretty nonchalant about inciting violence to get 2 different houseguests expelled. The game environment may actually be protecting him from what constitutes harassment in the real world.
Josh threw his own drink in his own face? Oh wait, that was Mark who did that. This is a psychological game. If you can't handle somebody, you try to break them mentally. Once you start threatening physical violence and throwing things, you're no longer a victim.

Dude I think you are little too invested in this show. Josh brought that drink being thrown in his face all by himself. He cheated acted like an ass and got what he deserved.

You strike me as the kind of person that will reward a child's tantrum with candy.
He's been pretty nonchalant about inciting violence to get 2 different houseguests expelled. The game environment may actually be protecting him from what constitutes harassment in the real world.
It's NOT the real world.
Cody's going to kill someone in a road rage incident outside the house and go to jail for the rest of his life.
I like Josh's chances better in society.

Velcro Fly

Dude I think you are little too invested in this show. Josh brought that drink being thrown in his face all by himself. He cheated acted like an ass and got what he deserved.

You strike me as the kind of person that will reward a child's tantrum with candy.

He cheated at some dumb game of pool. Better throw shit in his face because of it.

Good lord


No sympathy for Josh whatsoever. Don't bully people if you can't take it yourself.

Josh was the one that was bullied from the start. Yeah he got douchey when he got the chance, but don't act like he's the perpetrator here. Unlike real life you can't just get away and ignore your tormentors in the house, so of course he snaps back at them when they're shitty to him for 2 weeks.
Seriously, I hope Cody gets counseling once the show is over.
Not sure if it's being on the battlefront(not sure if he saw action), a fucked up upbringing or he's just a dickhead but he has serious anger management issues.
He's going to hurt someone or himself.
Production better put ratings aside and give a good talking to him as he's about to explode.


Super Member
It's NOT the real world.
Cody's going to kill someone in a road rage incident outside the house and go to jail for the rest of his life.
I like Josh's chances better in society.
It's a potential criminal act all the same, and they have Paul on cameras so they know where all the bullshit comes from. The backyard fight wasn't Josh's idea. He wasn't alone in being encouraged to use the pans. Paul is still playing the game by telling Josh to pull all this shit (Paul is keeping his head down and hands clean, you see). Tells Josh to ignore name-calling, calls him shit behind his back.

Watch, if Paul wins he's gonna claim responsibility for masterminding everything.

Josh vs. Jody is only like half the story, let's be truthful here. Paul is fucking with people's lives for a stupid $500,000. If he was any sort of adult, and if he regrets the hostility the house, then he'd try to change the tone of the game. He has tons of momentum and doesn't need to choke opponents until they're out of moves. Desperation tends to bring out the worst in people, not to mention the other shit his opponents have been through.

Cody is blowing up because of paranoia, and that is definitely part of the game. However, where violence is threatened, and can be averted by telling the truth
Paul is behind everything and is still pushing buttons
, it's not entirely his fault.

That said, if Cody truly does have issues I hope he gets help. This anger isn't exactly unwarranted though.


Grandma's Chippy
Zero sympathy for Josh - All he has done is be an ass to people and rub in every negative thing people are feeling. Then cry when it happens to him. Plys he (and the rest of the house) let Paul stir all this shit up and then watch the show.

Also zero sympathy for Cody - All he has to do is control his temper and everyone else looks like bullies and assholes. Plus threatening people after the game is some "meet me in the parking lot" juvenile shit.

Also fuck production for not stopping the pot banging in peoples faces. That is some threatening shit right there.

Not sure who to root for anymore.


Dude I think you are little too invested in this show. Josh brought that drink being thrown in his face all by himself. He cheated acted like an ass and got what he deserved.

You strike me as the kind of person that will reward a child's tantrum with candy.

It's a game. So what if he cheats and acts stupid, it's still a game and Mark, Cody, and Jess are taking everything to levels that are not needed. Instead of moving on and playing another game, Meathead Mark thinks it's funny to do chilidish shit.

You seem like the type of person who will throw a punch in a bar because someone called you out on double tapping the cue ball. but i guess that's what they deserve right?

Also fuck production for not stopping the pot banging in peoples faces. That is some threatening shit right there.

Not sure who to root for anymore.

actually, they have told Josh multiple times to calm down and that he needs to stop instigating people to fight e.g. pots and pans


didn't Josh start a fake fight with Megan on the first (second?) damn day in the house, just to stir shit up? Y'all can stop w/ the poor Joshie stuff in an effort to back the bus over Cody or Jess.

give me a break, please.
It's a game. So what if he cheats and acts stupid, it's still a game and Mark, Cody, and Jess are taking everything to levels that are not needed. Instead of moving on and playing another game, Meathead Mark thinks it's funny to do chilidish shit.

You seem like the type of person who will throw a punch in a bar because someone called you out on double tapping the cue ball. but i guess that's what they deserve right?

Double Tapping? No! Acting like a tough guy and claiming you won. Yup, knocked the fuck out.

As for your previous paragraph. With the exception of Kevin it's been all of them bullying Cody, Jess and Mark. 7-3? Poor helpless majority.


It's a game. So what if he cheats and acts stupid, it's still a game and Mark, Cody, and Jess are taking everything to levels that are not needed. Instead of moving on and playing another game, Meathead Mark thinks it's funny to do chilidish shit.

You seem like the type of person who will throw a punch in a bar because someone called you out on double tapping the cue ball. but i guess that's what they deserve right?

all I've seen from the start of House vs. Cody & Jess is peeps taking swipes @ Cody's personality, life outside of the game, etc. How Jess is a victim, and Cody controls her, etc.

let's not act like these peeps have clean hands.
You're missing the point entirely though.
It's not the real world, it's a GAME.
You think Paul is as manipulative and shady outside the house???
I doubt it.

no i`m not missing the point. Josh harassed people with the intention to get hit in the face so they get kicked out of the BB house. Its was literally a plan by Josh and Paul.

Thats game to you? Harassing people by slapping pans together infront of their face? thats game? how is that ok to you?

Paul being manipulative is a game strategy and he is doing a great job. Harassing people is not a game move. It`s bullying. Stop acting like its ok because it`s happening in the big brother house.


Josh is a big bitch who starts shit and cries afterwards, whatever insults they hurl at him are well deserved. They're all trash anyway.
Did production talk to Cody about threats outside the house???
Leaked footage, take with a grain of salt


How are ratings looking this season?

Big Brother's ratings have gone up massively this season, even doing better than previous seasons...which is almost unheard of for a show to achieve that kind of a ratings spike (considering Big Bother has been on air for almost 20 years).

Say what you want about Paul, but he's probably one of the most entertaining Big Brother personalities in recent history, and probably the most "love to hate villain" ever on the show.

He's single-handily the one responsible for causing a shitload of drama week after week - and clearly it's working in CBS's favor, because more and more people are watching the show.



That's what makes it so funny. Josh didn't want to get Jess out this week and was working out a plan with some others in the house to save her and get Elena out instead, but now he's 100% certain he wants Jessica out.

In fact earlier in the week Josh even asked to speak to Jessica to tell her his plan, and she instead started insulting him and laughing in his face.

That girl has literally not campaigned for a second this entire week. I honestly think if she had (and played nice with Josh), that there would have been a chance she stayed in the game.

She's fucking horrible at this game and I hope Julie Chen embarrasses Jessica in her eviction interview by telling her that Josh was in fact trying to save her from being evicted.
That's what makes it so funny. Josh didn't want to get Jess out this week and was working out a plan with some others in the house to save her and get Elena out instead, but now he's 100% certain he wants Jessica out.

In fact earlier in the week Josh even asked to speak to Jessica to tell her his plan, and she instead started insulting him and laughing in his face.

That girl has literally not campaigned for a second this entire week. I honestly think if she had (and played nice with Josh), that there would have been a chance she stayed in the game.

She's fucking horrible at this game and I hope Julie Chen embarrasses Jessica in her eviction interview by telling her that Josh was in fact trying to save her from being evicted.
Josh keeps telling her "you're going to feel stupid when you watch this back"...
Hard-but-dumb-headed Jessica refuses to believe it.
Paul was 100% spot on saying that Jessica is protecting the one person that can't protect her.
Big Brother's ratings have gone up massively this season, even doing better than previous seasons...which is almost unheard of for a show to achieve that kind of a ratings spike (considering Big Bother has been on air for almost 20 years).

Say what you want about Paul, but he's probably one of the most entertaining Big Brother personalities in recent history, and probably the most "love to hate villain" ever on the show.

He's single-handily the one responsible for causing a shitload of drama week after week - and clearly it's working in CBS's favor, because more and more people are watching the show.


I think part of the ratings spike might be due to CBS All Access gaining popularity. My sister lives in a Nielsen household and told me that anyone who watches on CBS All Access adds to Nielsen numbers, even if they're not in a Nielsen household. I might be wrong and it only counts for Nielsen households with All Access, but how would they know then? Even though I have an antenna, I find using CBS AA to be more reliable for watching live.


He cheated at some dumb game of pool. Better throw shit in his face because of it.

Good lord

I'd go even further, and say Mark's immediate reaction of "NOOOOOOOO! THATWASASCRATCH!!!" was absolutely absurd. Like jesus, he double tapped the ball, it could've been completely accidental, I do that all the time.


Is it cheating if it's not on purpose? I screw up, sure, I don't expect the person I'm playing against to scream at the top of their fucking lungs because of it.

I'm not a billiards expert but rather on purpose or not, it's a penalty and you lose if you sink the 8 ball
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