I'm not a billiards expert but rather on purpose or not, it's a penalty and you lose if you sink the 8 ball
I'm not arguing he didn't lose the game (yes, he lost because he scratched the ball), I'm just saying Mark's response was ridiculous
I'm not a billiards expert but rather on purpose or not, it's a penalty and you lose if you sink the 8 ball
Is it cheating if it's not on purpose? I screw up, sure, I don't expect the person I'm playing against to scream at the top of their fucking lungs because of it.
Pandemic strikes again in the house
I'd go even further, and say Mark's immediate reaction of "NOOOOOOOO! THATWASASCRATCH!!!" was absolutely absurd. Like jesus, he double tapped the ball, it could've been completely accidental, I do that all the time.
And yet I can stand them more than the rest of the house. The last episode (Temptation Comp), literally every player said this:Jessica and Cody taking every single game move personally. Do they not realize a rock solid showmance going into the jury stage together is dangerous? They are always going to pick each other. I'm so sick of them and their shit gameplay. At least Mark and Elena have put one iota of thought into the game at this point. Jessica and Cody are so fucking stupid.
Josh botched it for not telling her what the plan was
Jess botched it for being a ass
I think HOH will be Kev, Jason or Cody.
If she was a better player or even a good one, she'd at least make jury.Jess is going?that makes me sad. What happened to Josh and the Elena thing/ not letting Paul tell him what to do? Jess is a better player than at least half this cast. I hope Cody wins HOH and causes some damage.
If she was a better player or even a good one, she'd at least make jury.
She isn't and won't.
Smarter than following one egghead.There is so much wrong with that especially because the majority of the players making jury this season only did so by following Paul.
If she was a better player or even a good one, she'd at least make jury.
She isn't and won't.
There is so much wrong with that especially because the majority of the players making jury this season only did so by following Paul.
My DVR lists a Big Brother episode for Friday, August 18th. Could this possible the double eviction episode or the BB fast forward. Would be cool if it was another Battle Back episode but I don't think they'd do that this late in the season.
Did the CDC get involved? Or do you mean pandemonium?
Except I meant to use the word that I did...Can we take a second to appreciate this savage yet brilliant reply.
She is a better player than so many of them, or at least APPEARS to be.
I don't get Jessica stans, seems like all a girl has to do is go in and give off a strong girl persona and she'll have a following. Funny enough her interactions and relationship with Cody completely contradict this. And as the previous posts have mentioned, her gameplay has been atrocious. Using the hex to save Cody last week was one of the worst game moves in recent BB history! Funny enough, I could see her getting a second chance especially if BBOTT2 gets greenlit.
I'm not really rooting for anyone in this house, but I was excited for the opportunity to shake things up when Cody came back and Jess won HoH + Veto. Instead she pissed that away instead of putting up Paul in place of Ramses.Using the hex was the right move, but just see how petty she acts whenconfronted with viable options like Josh, you cannot win big brother if you're too fucking dumb to take the opportunities that lay themselves at your feet and she has spurned every single one. Her "being better" when Cody was gone consisted of her moping and not acting like a massive tool for a week while she laid low and still barely talked to anyone. Terrible person, terrible player. Why anyone likes Jess is beyond me.
I just want someone to unapologetically shit on Paul and his game. T_TUsing the hex was the right move, but just see how petty she acts whenconfronted with viable options like Josh, you cannot win big brother if you're too fucking dumb to take the opportunities that lay themselves at your feet and she has spurned every single one. Her "being better" when Cody was gone consisted of her moping and not acting like a massive tool for a week while she laid low and still barely talked to anyone. Terrible person, terrible player. Why anyone likes Jess is beyond me.
I'm not really rooting for anyone in this house, but I was excited for the opportunity to shake things up when Cody came back and Jess won HoH + Veto. Instead she pissed that away instead of putting up Paul in place of Ramses.
So fuck this season at the moment. I'm waiting for a big move to hit.
A second battle back that puts Jessica back in would be the biggest producer meddling in existence. They need their villains. Unfortunately their villains are just really bad at the game and are super boring standoffish douchebags.
Her using the hex was her absolute best move. They had a solid chance for either Her Cody or Mark to win HOH. Why would you lessen your chances to survive?
If she didn't use it the house would have voted her out. Why would they let someone with a power like that stay.
Jess & Cody are dead in this game, regardless of how anyone feels about them.
Sooner they are both gone, sooner we can see what drama is next.
That's wrong about Paul.What we haven't seen this season is big alliance swings. Kissing ass to whomever has HOH power really hasn't happened and there seems like a really solid list of eviction preferences. Once the original couples alliance broke up, Jess and Cody have been poison. Mark and Elena sorta trying to stick with them have only made them targets. Josh is probably up on that list too.
Paul likes to think he's in control, but following the list of preferred evictions suits everybody just fine for now. Play along with the puppetmaster because it's mutually beneficial, but Paul probably doesn't realize how high on that list he is. Maybe sooner than later. If Cody wins HOH, it wouldn't surprise me if the house is just fine with eliminating Paul.
He was arguing that to Josh. He was right, it's not that they're a couple is that it's THEM. They will never vote for Josh ever. He could be the only option and they'd refuse to vote.Jess & Cody are dead in this game, regardless of how anyone feels about them.
Sooner they are both gone, sooner we can see what drama is next.
Although I do find one Jess/Cody commentary interesting. When Paul argued that they are a "united" vote that you do not want in the Jury. What about Mark/Elena? Matt/Raven? Wouldn't that be the same?
Also, doesn't it work both ways. If you keep Jess/Cody, get on their good side, then let the rest of the house take them out, they may both vote for you later.
At this point, Mark/Elena and Matt/Raven are all pair votes that can sink or solidify your win if their exits are handled correctly.
Although Paul may be the only one that can evict them and still get their vote.
Time will tell.
He was arguing that to Josh. He was right, it's not that they're a couple is that it's THEM. They will never vote for Josh ever. He could be the only option and they'd refuse to vote.
Jessica actually started it.So Josh really did get himself in that situation where he cried. By repeating a joke from Paul