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Big Brother 19 |OT| Fake Apples, Real Snakes


No JURY battleback but Jessica is not on the jury...

Absolutely nobody came out looking good in that fight. Embarrassing.

I hope Cody doesn't snap and actually hurt someone before the season is over.


No jury battle back, hell yeah.
Double eviction next week, hell yeah.

Double eviction with this group is going to be amazing.

Absolutely nobody came out looking good in that fight. Embarrassing.

I hope Cody doesn't snap and actually hurt someone before the season is over.

I'm banking on Cody hitting Josh and getting removed from the game. Sadly his motivation is gone now and he probably won't get to that level of mad again for the rest of his time in the house.
Double eviction with this group is going to be amazing.

I'm banking on Cody hitting Josh and getting removed from the game. Sadly his motivation is gone now and he probably won't get to that level of mad again for the rest of his time in the house.
Jessica already has issues with him being a hothead.
I know he rages but I don't expect that.
Paul will be the one attacking Cody putting him in a gogoplata and getting kicked off the show and Cody will be revered as one of the best ever to play the game by provoking it.


I can't believe people are fans of Jessica and Cody but then I remember Trump got elected President so it starts to make sense.


Super Member
I can't believe people are fans of Jessica and Cody but then I remember Trump got elected President so it starts to make sense.
This doesn't make sense, the biggest bullshitter is actually running the house.

If there's anything I've had to think really hard about this year, it's that how the people with the loudest, most frequent, and biggest presence gain power and those who are more modest get shut out. Being right is too far down the priority list.
This doesn't make sense, the biggest bullshitter is actually running the house.

If there's anything I've had to think really hard about this year, it's that how the people with the loudest, most frequent, and biggest presence gain power and those who are more modest get shut out. Being right is too far down the priority list.
Jessica and modesty go together like Josh and serenity.


That was a goofy comp. The David and Danya quick change artists. Memory skills are probably the best ability for BB comps.

Good riddance Jess. First of several jerks that need to go.


I am bored with the current live feeds (most of the time) so I am watching seasons I didn't watch. I started the show at S7. I asked Jokers and they recommend 2, 3, 5 and 6.

I am almost done with S2 and it is quite amazing to see how much society, and the show, has changed. 16 years is a lot of time but it is easy to forget just how much has changed. Half of the house chain smokes, they wear g-string bikinis, some are openly bigots, and the show talks about hooking up much more than it does now. It is fun seeing how campy and silly it was back then and still is now.

I would love to see the current houseguests have to do the food comp where their favorite foods went into a blender.


I am bored with the current live feeds (most of the time) so I am watching seasons I didn't watch. I started the show at S7. I asked Jokers and they recommend 2, 3, 5 and 6.

I am almost done with S2 and it is quite amazing to see how much society, and the show, has changed. 16 years is a lot of time but it is easy to forget just how much has changed. Half of the house chain smokes, they wear g-string bikinis, some are openly bigots, and the show talks about hooking up much more than it does now. It is fun seeing how campy and silly it was back then and still is now.

I would love to see the current houseguests have to do the food comp where their favorite foods went into a blender.

I would love to look back at BB before the Hashtags and Instragrram shit.

Also some of the livecam stuff.
I can't believe people are fans of Jessica and Cody but then I remember Trump got elected President so it starts to make sense.

Oh For Fuck Sakes. I can think Josh is a piece of shit and think Cody and Jess played a terrible game and still root for them and also at the same time concurrently think that Donald Trump is a fucking idiot. Give your head a shake.

I'll say this. If there was no Paul this year this might have been a great season. I think this cast dynamic would have been awesome. I would have been Team Alex all the way. Not no more. One of the worst goodbye messages ever.


I love how Jessica on at least 2 different occasions in tonight's episode tried to highlight that it took the entire house 50 days to finally break them up.. what??? First of all your boyfriend was evicted and only came back thanks to a twist. Then you were awarded a power that nullified one of those weeks. That leaves about 5 weeks of actual gameplay which 2 of them you and Cody each were hoh. Chick is delusional and I was glad Julie Chen called her out in the exit interview. Also, not sure why people care about Alex's goodbye message, Jess isn't in Jury so let her say what she wants..


I love how Jessica on at least 2 different occasions in tonight's episode tried to highlight that it took the entire house 50 days to finally break them up.. what??? First of all your boyfriend was evicted and only came back thanks to a twist. Then you were awarded a power that nullified one of those weeks. That leaves about 5 weeks of actual gameplay which 2 of them you and Cody each were hoh. Chick is delusional and I was glad Julie Chen called her out in the exit interview. Also, not sure why people care about Alex's goodbye message, Jess isn't in Jury so let her say what she wants..

By the end of last night's episode I was shouting at the TV every time Jess made that stupid claim. Cody was the third person evicted. His HOH was a disaster. His game was terrible.


My friend and I were watching and making fun of Jessica every time she she said that as well. Cody was already voted out. The game twists brought him back and kept you both safe for one week. And now you're gone. Meanwhile, the people not aligned with you that you are bashing kept voting out people they wanted gone - including during your own HOH!

Like I'm still not sure why she nominated Ramses when she could have made it between Paul and Josh. Hell she won the veto that week, she could have attempted to backdoor Paul or any other big player instead of leaving a weak player like Ramses up there for the house to feed on. At the very least Josh would have gone home who made her life in the house hell.

But nope, wants to try to claim some pyrrhic victory because it took the house 'so long' to get rid of her. *the biggest of eyerolls*

Hopefully Cody is next with his; 'if I can't win, I don't want any of them to win' nonsense. Like... you do know a winner is crowned every season right dude? if you don't win and nobody else wins... uh, wtf are you talking about?


My friend and I were watching and making fun of Jessica every time she she said that as well. Cody was already voted out. The game twists brought him back and kept you both safe for one week. And now you're gone. Meanwhile, the people not aligned with you that you are bashing kept voting out people they wanted gone - including during your own HOH!

Like I'm still not sure why she nominated Ramses when she could have made it between Paul and Josh. Hell she won the veto that week, she could have attempted to backdoor Paul or any other big player instead of leaving a weak player like Ramses up there for the house to feed on. At the very least Josh would have gone home who made her life in the house hell.

But nope, wants to try to claim some pyrrhic victory because it took the house 'so long' to get rid of her. *the biggest of eyerolls*

Hopefully Cody is next with his; 'if I can't win, I don't want any of them to win' nonsense. Like... you do know a winner is crowned every season right dude? if you don't win and nobody else wins... uh, wtf are you talking about?

He is beyond crazy. He knows he can't win, and he doesn't want to play anymore, but he won't self-evict. He also keeps saying that it isn't a game for him. It's rare to see someone want to inflict that much misery on themselves for no apparent reason.

I'm generally a pretty empathetic person, but I laughed when he cried earlier this week. I found it hilarious. He spends most of his time belittling other house guests, making personal insults and calling them "betas," and then he gets swerved by Christmas and he goes in the other room and cries. In his mind, everyone is a follower and no one is making a big move, but he can't recognize or handle that the rest of the house actually playing the game, and playing it light years better than him.

I noticed that whenever he and Jessica interacted with the rest of the house together, they made each other twice as bad. They bring out the absolute worst and most petty tendencies in each other. Jessica always started with a dismissal ("now is NOT the time") while she was sitting in the middle of a crowded room, then someone (anyone) would respond, then Cody's predator programming kicked in and he went from zero to ten for no apparent reason, then Jessica started the personal insults, then Cody threatened physical harm. This happened several times that I saw, and I don't even watch the live feeds. They were like a battery of awfulness.
I'll say this. If there was no Paul this year this might have been a great season. I think this cast dynamic would have been awesome. I would have been Team Alex all the way. Not no more. One of the worst goodbye messages ever.
I 100% agree with this. No Paul could have been great.

It's one of the reasons I'm pissed that Jessica didn't take a shot at him when she won HoH and veto. Take Ramses off and try to play the house against Paul. I know they "didn't want to make waves" when Cody came back in the house, but they should have realized nobody likes them and they have two HoH wins, so they are going to be a target. Once she didn't do that, her game was fucked. People can say all they want about "Cody cost you $500,000" but that was the move that cost her. I know Cody helped dissuade her from taking Ramses down, but still.
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