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Big Brother 19 |OT| Fake Apples, Real Snakes

It feels like Jason was just trying to fit in with the rest of the house being terrible and went way overboard and took it way too far. He hasn't said or done anything bad like this before right?

This isnt the first time he made a rape comment. He made a similar comment towards Jessica earlier in the season.


Matt is
eating normal food even after being warned. They should just kick his ass out or give him 1 penalty vote for every bite taken.


Junior Member
Can you imagine they kick him out and bring back Cody in a jury battle back?

Paul's worst nightmare!

Pretty sure Julie said there is no jury battle back this season.


Paul, talking to the camera "I'm pretty sure I'm a psychopath, but fuck it what else can I say."

lol, at least he admits it.

at like 2:04:40 (he starts talking to the camera at about 1:55)

He was just talking about how all his plans have panned out and he can't believe it. He also says they should have kicked his ass out week 4 when his pendant was done.
BB really needs to changes the rules next season if people dont follow the rules for being a have not. Matt
Only getting ONE Penalty Vote isnt enough when that is his goal.


Grandma's Chippy
Seriously, this show brings out the worst comments from people. I know they are "joking" but come on people, you are on fucking TV not doing a racey stand up routine, context or humor mean nothing. You're screwing yourself.
As of last week, I was rooting for Jason, because he seems like a nice guy.

But man, I'll bet his pornhub searches are all about rape and tying people up.



If you'd told me at the start of the season my top 3 would consist of Christmas, Josh and Kevin I wouldn't have believed you.
If you'd told me at the start of the season my top 3 would consist of Christmas, Josh and Kevin I wouldn't have believed you.

Looking at Matt, I thought he would be a comp threat and a social genius. The guy is VERY articulate. He directed Jason's flip flopping very well. Where was this for 75 days?


Neo Member
Based on what's happening in the house, Kevin should be voted for America's Favorite.

Or if we really want to stick it to the guests and show how bad the season was, get Cameron or Megan America's Favorite.
I'm sure his pregnant wife is sure happy about him right now and that she is currently carrying his child. :(

He will have bigger issues if someone (Paul) rats him out to Kevin for saying what he did.

That's some really fucked up thing to say and think. And It's not the first time.

He's lucky He's been carried by Alex so far. All these comp wins are just going to put a target on his back.

He thinks him, Alex and Paul are a lock at final 3. Paul isn't stupid enough to keep 2 comp threats in the house. He's going to keep his alliance with Chris and Josh and boot these two out.

The final HOH comp is critical to Paul winning. He knows this... No one going to take Paul to the final.


WTF happened to this season? These people really are as awful as Cody and Jessica made them out to be...


Super Member
I know people say BB15 is worse for having self-aware racists but being "WORSE than self-aware racists" might be an apt description of some of these jokers.


I know people say BB15 is worse for having self-aware racists but being "WORSE than self-aware racists" might be an apt description of some of these jokers.

No one in that house was a self aware racist. They were all shocked that anyone could even consider them to be disgusting trash, including Aaryn.


I know people say BB15 is worse for having self-aware racists but being "WORSE than self-aware racists" might be an apt description of some of these jokers.

I think this cast is worse than BB15 cause at least that cast had some amount of humanity and gameplay (however dumb it may have been) to at least give us another perspective.

Everyone left in the house now is just straight up vile and lounging around hoping they'll be the one to lose to Paul in the F2.
Thank God Megan left so early. She really dodged a bullet. This has got to be the most toxic, vile, and vindictive cast I've seen. And yet they're still boring as all hell? I don't get it.

The things these people say/do is beyond gameplay and is just.....unnecessarily cruel.

edit: I can't wait until the AFP announcement and these assholes find out Jess/Cody/Kevin/Mark/Elena were the fan-favorites.

Velcro Fly

I used to like Alex as a player and competitor but I hear she's been pretty awful lately.

Also I hope we get some juicy drama tonight. 23 minutes left of the live show so maybe we do.
I used to like Alex as a player and competitor but I hear she's been pretty awful lately.

She's accused Kevin's behavior matching those of a pedophile, child predator, mob boss, she says he's lying about being married, says he's lying about having children, believes he has a children with a woman he's cheating on his wife with, believes he's secretly a cop a la Derrick, she wakes up every morning and gives the finger to Kevin's bed, she finds the idea of Kevin winning AFP laughable and has threatened to beat him if he does.

This is just this last week or two, too. She was just as awful and accusatory with Cody/Elena/Mark.


Super Member
Despite those unfortunate comments I want to congratulate Jason for shaking up the house by doing whatever the fuck he wants.

It should be like this every week.
Despite those awful comments, I just can't bring myself to hate Jason as much as I hate Alex, Raven, and Matt.

Also, everybody being mean to Kevin makes me very sad...


Grandma's Chippy
We need a BB19 score card for all the shit talking and personal attacks that have gone on this season.

Has Mark been the only person not to be this rude? I remember Cody/Jess had some nasty comments against Josh, and when Elena was "in" she jumped on the gang trash train a few times.

Dunno... ugliness for sure.

Velcro Fly

Jason just seems like a bumbling goof rather than a malicious asshole like the rest of the house.

Maybe he's conning everyone. I just don't see it.

To my knowledge Mark stayed out of it. He always seemed to try and be decent which is probably why they didn't like him.


I can't believe cbs gets away with not including these things in the show. Knowing all of this just makes me not want to keep watching anymore. I don't want to help give ratings to garbage human beings
I forgot Alex also trashed all the slop (Matt's breaking all the have-not rules and eating normally, so it's really just Kevin on slop) in order to starve Kevin.

Speaking of, people are mad that they're letting Matt break all the rules for being a have-not and have only punished him with a single penalty vote. They think he should be ejected, or at least the entire house should become have-nots (like they do on BBCan when a have-not breaks a rule) and tbh I agree. Why have these rules if the punishment for breaking them is so inconsequential? All they've done is give him a penalty vote and say "Stop that!" when he's breaking a rule, which he just ignores. This sets a really bad precedent for the future.


Super Member
Next week
is a double eviction

There's still "good guys" Jason and Kevin to go through, so I'm hedging my my hopes for any combination of Alex, Christmas, Paul, and Josh getting eaten alive

Raven stumbles her way to Final 3


They turn on people to justify voting them out. It's the herd/cult mentality at work.

April's come to jesus moment in BB6 where she realized she had to work with Janelle to have a prayer of getting past F4 was amazing for that reason.
They turn on people to justify voting them out. It's the herd/cult mentality at work.

April's come to jesus moment in BB6 where she realized she had to work with Janelle to have a prayer of getting past F4 was amazing for that reason.

Like Derrick said, that's strategy and gameplay up until the post-veto noms where the person is all but confirmed to be evicted. If you're still making that person's life miserable when you're all already planning to get them voted off, and they know they have no hope (like with what happened with Cody/Jess for example) it's stops being strategy and starts becoming more personal.

(I know Derrick definitely did the same thing his season but idk if he's being hypocritical and I'd like to forget his season ever happened so I'm not about to go find out)
I was rooting for alex but cant anymore. It was great to see jason not put up kevin. Look how insane they got when everyone wasnt pauls bitch. Alex's reasonings to jason saying "dont piss off matt and raven you idiot!!! Jury votes!!!". That is the dumbest argument ive ever heard. Yeah get rid of kevin who is good with jason to keep matt amd raven who would put him up next week. Wat the fuck is wrong with this cast? Play nice ? I dont watch th feeds but seems like paul prob put that in alex's head. Wat an awful season
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