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Big Brother US 16 |OT| Now in HD! (Unmarked Spoilers, Read OP)

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The problem with starting an alliance is you have to do it when you have some sort of power. People will always go to the power to protect their asses no matter how close their "alliance" was. Basically Donny needs to win an HOH and then we will see his true game

Is dual HOH done? If not, then the other HOH's team throws the comp to make sure Donny's nominations win so that Donny is dethroned and eligible for the backdoor.

If dual HOH is done, then yes, we get to see what kind of game he can put up.


Is dual HOH done? If not, then the other HOH's team throws the comp to make sure Donny's nominations win so that Donny is dethroned and eligible for the backdoor.

If dual HOH is done, then yes, we get to see what kind of game he can put up.

This was the last of the dual HoH's. The next HoH comp will have one single winner.


Whenever a game uses "middleware," I expect mediocrity. Just see how poor TLOU looks.
I don't get what went wrong this year. Besides BB13, the last 5 years of Big Brother have just been awful, but after last year's bigot/racist mess, I was optimistic about this year, and it started off pretty decently, but quickly spiraled downhill right into the landfill

Was it the terrible Dual HOH twist? (don't EVER bring this back)
Was it Frankie Grande, Production Darling and likely assured winner of BB16? (Certainly not the public's favorite)
Was it the fact that some of the most terrible houseguests will comprise the final four?
While it's a great theory, and my wife asked me something similar on Sunday, but unfortunately it's a bit out of left field.

Viacom used to own cbs, but in the early 2000s, they spun off cbs, thecw, cbs production studios, showtime, and their outdoor advertising into a separate company (CBS corporation). They do enjoy some form of shared interest, as lots of their top investors own siginificantly amounts of both companies.

My money this year is on Derrick, with Donnie as a dark horse winner. Donnie apparently can win comps (through meddling, luck, or gumption). Derrick has played a great game where he truely is at the center of the house and everyone likes him. Frankie doesn't really have a shot for more than 2nd place. I don't think others will vote for him

It's called Product Integration...Intergortion?



I feel the only person that can stop Derrick from winning 500k is Hayden coming back or Donny winning HOH. Next HOH is likely an endurance so Hayden probably has the best shot. out of the returning players. I want Derrick to win this game because its been far too long since a "good" player actually won. I know luck and being in the right place at the right time is a major factor in this game but Im tired of the Andy's and Gina Marie's lucking into a final 2.

I always wondered how well I would do on this show, i hope I would play a game like Derrick but likely I will end up getting super paranoid and alienate myself from the house.

Its just a game, I try not judge people that harshly for the moves they do in this game. Whether its backstabbing a friend or being "sheeple". They are doing what is best to protect themselves in the game.I see alot of personal attacks on the contestants in here based off how they play this game.

Most of my ire is directed towards Frankie and Christine because I've seen them do and say enough non gameplay related things to peg them for the vile people they are. I don't even know if I would say their gameplay has been good to make it this far because they've gone out of their way to be horrible towards all of the jury members.
ya almost the entire female cast (cept christine and nicole) were recruits so thats what happens.

This is the reason this season and last season sucked (GAME WISE)

BBMVP last year - Anyone can go up at any time by elissa. This caused more fear.

Two HOH's this year - 4 nominees instead of 2 makes people more scared, thus forming huge 8 person plus alliances and voting with house

These two twists alone make for everyone to be more afraid then they already are. When you make a group of people more afraid in a game confined in a house they will try and stay together more and not try and make any waves, thus last year everyone voted with the house and this year it is the same. Everyone has been so afraid the past 2 seasons because of these stupid ass twists. Thank god for derrick this season because without him NO one would be playing a good game.


Disasterous season because of terrible casting. They clearly and intentionally got too many people who were not familiar with the game. Bad decision. Get a better mix of strategic players, not just one. Plus less idiots required.

Those are good points about the dual HOH. It was very much a house decision season. They need to get a game that encourages different alliances instead of house decision. The dual HOH needs to go, or at least end a lot sooner.


Wait a minute. People actually like Zach? It's not just "let's laugh at the idiot" kind of like?

Why does he act like such an asshole? Is it his gay denial?


So today Donny was talking to Cody and Donny basically laid out Derrick's game to him. Cody will not do anything to change to his fate it seems. Donny has Derrick figured out but this dumb cast won't do anything about it.


So today Donny was talking to Cody and Donny basically laid out Derrick's game to him. Cody will not do anything to change to his fate it seems. Donny has Derrick figured out but this dumb cast won't do anything about it.

Cody sat there an defended Derrick like a battered wife.


Cody sat there an defended Derrick like a battered wife.
That entire house has defended Derrick like a battered wife at one point or another this season.
Except for possibly Frankie but that's because he's self-absorbed and has no soul.


Casting was the problem. Only a few people willing to play the game. Almost entire female cast was awful.

Yes. I wish they'd cast more 30-somethings ... Would bring more gameplay ... when you're young, you have nothing to lose and don't have as much perspective, so it just turns into a fun summer camp and flippant gameplay (for example, Zach) ... I feel like those at least in their 30s would have a bit more to play for (for example, someone like Derrick) ...


So today Donny was talking to Cody and Donny basically laid out Derrick's game to him. Cody will not do anything to change to his fate it seems. Donny has Derrick figured out but this dumb cast won't do anything about it.

Cody sat there an defended Derrick like a battered wife.

That entire house has defended Derrick like a battered wife at one point or another this season.
Except for possibly Frankie but that's because he's self-absorbed and has no soul.

Seriously... and they don't even question him at all... Derrick wins unless Frankie gets lucky or Donny has a big run of victories to keep himself off the block and HOH until the end.


Death Prophet
The saddest Derrick relationship is Victoria's. She actually thinks they're the closest in the house. Derrick is her "person". He's literally the only person she trusts.


Now that there is only one HoH per week, can somebody win repeat HoHs?

If so, this is what Donny needs to do. If not, then my previous statement about winning when he is eligible and winning to take himself off the block when he isn't (because you know the others will put him up every chance they can) is his only way I can see. Unless the big group splits again and there is suddenly a fight between two/three factions.
The saddest Derrick relationship is Victoria's. She actually thinks they're the closest in the house. Derrick is her "person". He's literally the only person she trusts.

It's my first year watching this show, and I honestly think he's the only one that deserves (on a gameplay level) to win.

The undercover cop in him made this season just another day the field for him. He played everyone perfectly, except for Donny, but for Donny, it's already to late. You try to convince them now, you'll just look like the crazy person that needs to get evicted next... which they are already trying to do.


The saddest Derrick relationship is Victoria's. She actually thinks they're the closest in the house. Derrick is her "person". He's literally the only person she trusts.

He is literally the only person that she talks to.... and they don't even talk game.


The saddest Derrick relationship is Victoria's. She actually thinks they're the closest in the house. Derrick is her "person". He's literally the only person she trusts.
That conversation last week where Zach tells Victoria the alliances for no strategic reason whatsoever was just ridiculously eye rolling. A real clash of the witless titans there. He can barely form a coherent sentence and she bursts into tears when she has to process that her beloved Derrick might be aligned with somebody else.

Then it takes Derrick about two seconds to realize Zach is lying to him about it.

This season has to the be the worst for bad gameplay and clueless contestants.



lol still dont care even after the post-zing meltdown


Why do people keep asking for All Stars next season? This is Grodner/CBS we're talking about.

It'd be a fucking house of like Frankie, Rachel, Brendan, Amanda, McCrae, Jeff and Jordan (if he's not a legit CBS employee), and whatever other insufferable people there have been since BB7.

Now that I wrote that out loud, watch them do a BB showmance season.


Whenever a game uses "middleware," I expect mediocrity. Just see how poor TLOU looks.
I'd love to see Amanda back, personally.

ummmm what? Amanda as in leader of the racists from BB15 Amanda?
Yikes, and people judge me for liking Rachel :/

I want Zach, Rachel and Frank (NOT Frankie, the Frank with the red curly hair that was allied with Mike Boogie) to come back for the next BB All Stars. And though she's already had 3 appearances the last of which was a complete mess where she wasn't even herself, bring back Janelle too <3


I've accepted that an All-Stars US season would be filled with nothing but hateful contestants and Grodner's pets.
And Britney won't come back now that she's a mom so that's even less to look forward to.
I'll just have to hope they bring back Shelly to clean up after all of them and they forget what she's capable of so I'll have someone to root for.

In the meantime, Big Brother Canada is the only Big Brother that matters.


Donny laying down the truth to Christine but I bet she's to scaaaared to take him seriously.
Donny's been laying down the truth in that house for weeks now. It hasn't done anyone any good. They're not capable of thinking for themselves.
The ants in the kitchen have more independent thought and they're part of a colony.


Whenever a game uses "middleware," I expect mediocrity. Just see how poor TLOU looks.
In the meantime, Big Brother Canada is the only Big Brother that matters.

Sure if you're talking about BB Canada 1.
The second season was absolutely wretched and I tuned out when I realized production was rigging the game in favor of that oaf with no manners or class Jon. How they attempted to paint him as Canada's "hero" while keeping his true colors edited out of the show vs. the #FirstFive was such a scam, it guarantees I won't be tuning in for Season 3.
Donny's been laying down the truth in that house for weeks now. It hasn't done anyone any good. They're not capable of thinking for themselves.
The ants in the kitchen have more independent thought and they're part of a colony.

Damn. I love Zach, but it's shit like this that makes me grateful that it's not Donny's ass out the door this week. Would it help or hurt if Donny was like "and you should do it for your husband" or something like that.


Donny has a handle on things, but he hasn't done anything about it. When he was HOH he completely wasted the opportunity because his whole strategy is the nice guy and no blood theory. How can he not see that he's still the target even though he doesn't have any blood on his hands? When you figure out the power group, you rally the rest to challenge them. Instead he does nothing. He'll be gone soon.


Donny knows he is the target, hence why he going around the house trying to sway people his way. He is actually a smart player but he was ostracized early in the game because everyone thought he was a secret agent super hero. His gameplan right now wont work because he doesnt have any power or any numbers.
Donny just needs to win HOH and he will see how fast the game turns in his favor.

Next week is the last "dangerous" week for Derrick. I feel if he can make it past next week you can pretty much hand him the 500k and I will be so glad.


I think it would be better for Donny to win POV than HOH. Winning HOH will just leave him vulnerable the next week. If he wins POV, he can take himself off if he's on the block and if he's not on the block he can take Victoria off and force the HOH to put one of their own up.


Was looking up the past couple seasons to conceive my fantasy All-Stars season.

The big twist is Big Brother Ball and Chain. Teams of two, but only one HoH-- they nominate one person for eviction, and their partner becomes the second nominee. Consecutive HoH runs are possible, but only players with their partner still in the game are eligible to compete as long as the twist is active. After six HoH cycles and an evictee returning through the form of a competition, the twist is lifted and jury starts. Twist could extend if popular, and if atleast two couples are both evicted.

Shelly + Donny
Danielle (BB14) + GinaMarie
Danielle (BB8) + Dominic
Frank + Hayden
Ian + Helen
Wil + Frankie
Amanda + Dick
Elissa + Rachel


Why not Nicole then?

I saw Helen as a good match for Ian's play style, and being one of only two winners to return, he's a good candidate for an early exit, so I at least have an Ian 'type' around. Amanda is also a big candidate to go home early, and I wanted a guaranteed Rachel/Elissa kaboom at some point. With Amanda gone, I need someone with existing Reilly drama, and Helen constantly blowing up Elissa's game behind her back on the feeds is something I'm sure rubbed Rachel the wrong way and that confrontation is exactly what I'm looking for.

Also, bleh @ Nicole. She'd just end up immediately fighting with Amanda and guaranteeing Amanda goes home early. I'd rather keep as much heat off Amanda as possible. Her type of conflict is something I need to play out in at least the middle of the game (read: when it starts to get boring).
I can't watch the feeds now, but reading and Christine is basically telling Cody about her conversation with Donny. Cody is pissed, but it's Cody...he's not going to do anything. I wonder who will get Brittany'd first...Cody or Christine.

Also, I wonder what a season would look like with Shelly and Andy working together.
I can't watch the feeds now, but reading and Christine is basically telling Cody about her conversation with Donny. Cody is pissed, but it's Cody...he's not going to do anything. I wonder who will get Brittany'd first...Cody or Christine.

Also, I wonder what a season would look like with Shelly and Andy working together.

Christine tells Cody, Cody runs off to tell Derrick.
Derrick formulates a plan, pushes BMC and/or Zack to execute said plan without knowing that they are executing a plan. everyone else remains clueless. Derrick remains safe. Donny is left all alone in the house. .
[this is how my crystal ball said it would go down]

Red Comet

I can't watch the feeds now, but reading and Christine is basically telling Cody about her conversation with Donny. Cody is pissed, but it's Cody...he's not going to do anything. I wonder who will get Brittany'd first...Cody or Christine.

Also, I wonder what a season would look like with Shelly and Andy working together.

What Donny was telling Christine was probably true though. I imagine she is as disposable as Victoria at this point.

I hope that if Donny doesn't win HoH or PoV this week that he exposes the Team America twist and shakes the other HG's trust in Derrick.


Was looking up the past couple seasons to conceive my fantasy All-Stars season.

The big twist is Big Brother Ball and Chain. Teams of two, but only one HoH-- they nominate one person for eviction, and their partner becomes the second nominee. Consecutive HoH runs are possible, but only players with their partner still in the game are eligible to compete as long as the twist is active. After six HoH cycles and an evictee returning through the form of a competition, the twist is lifted and jury starts. Twist could extend if popular, and if atleast two couples are both evicted.

Shelly + Donny
Danielle (BB14) + GinaMarie
Danielle (BB8) + Dominic
Frank + Hayden
Ian + Helen
Wil + Frankie
Amanda + Dick
Elissa + Rachel
If using a team of 2 you'd have 2 HOH each week. How about veto?
If no veto, presumably one person of the nominated ball and chain is voted out each week. You wrote the person left cannot participate in next HOH... But then they also would not be eligible for next nominations since they have no partner to go up with them.
Sounds artificially twisted to me with no game benefit.
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