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Big Brother US 16 |OT| Now in HD! (Unmarked Spoilers, Read OP)

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The only bad thing is that this means weak people will be on the block. Which likely means the women will go first, but will also mean that by the time we get to the strong players this twist will be done and that's when it would get really interesting.
I call bullshit on Joey being the first vote. :lol

The twist actually kind of has me interested. You go for strong players you chance getting screwed. Could be interesting.


Whenever a game uses "middleware," I expect mediocrity. Just see how poor TLOU looks.
not this twist totally blowing up in G̶r̶o̶d̶n̶e̶r̶'̶s̶ Production's face


Bye Frankie Grande



Neo Member
I could see why Joey was the first vote. Ariana didn't really acknowledge that Frankie was going to be on the show until after the voting had closed. I think the next vote will be Frankie, though.


Here's hoping the initial Battle of the Block comps aren't physical in nature. A puzzle comp or two might discourage an HOH from nominating folks like Christine and Nicole.
Devin benefits the most from this twist. Clearly designed by Grodner to ensure a house full of Franks and Howies to drool over.


So are there still going to be 4 people nominated? Or do the 2 people that dethrone the one HoH come off the block?
4 people nominated.
They square off in a 2 vs. 2 showdown team Battle of the Block challenge.
Winning team comes off the block and is immune for the week.
The HOH that nominated them loses HOH status and their own immunity.
Remaining two nominees play POV with the remaining HOH and three houseguests per random draw as normal.
If POV is used, the replacement nominee may be the HOH whose nominees didn't stick.

The only question that remains is whether the two "immune" Battle of the Block winners can play in POV.
I would assume yes. But that has not been clarified.


Whenever a game uses "middleware," I expect mediocrity. Just see how poor TLOU looks.
feel much better about the cast now tbh, the 2nd group
not counting Caleb
was a colossal improvement over the first.

I'm really liking Derek the Cop, Zach the Psycho, Christine the Barista, and of course PRIME MINISTER Jocasta. Hayden's not too bad either and "surfer dudes" usually irritate the hell out of me. Remember that moron from last year, the first to be evicted?

Add Amber, Joey and Donny into the mix, and I have my list of faves pretty much sorted :)
Yeah, The HOH is dethroned and their nominees are saved.

4 people nominated.
They square off in a 2 vs. 2 showdown team Battle of the Block challenge.
Winning team comes off the block and is immune for the week.
The HOH that nominated them loses HOH status and their own immunity.
Remaining two nominees play POV with the remaining HOH and three houseguests per random draw as normal.
If POV is used, the replacement nominee may be the HOH whose nominees didn't stick.

The only question that remains is whether the two "immune" Battle of the Block winners can play in POV.
I would assume yes. But that has not been clarified.
Alright, thanks. I knew I missed something during Julie's explanation.


The only bad thing is that this means weak people will be on the block. Which likely means the women will go first, but will also mean that by the time we get to the strong players this twist will be done and that's when it would get really interesting.

The twist would be done at that point anyway because of the number of HGs it requires.


just a wild guess, was it Hayden?
There's nothing wild about that guess.

When the live feeds kick off in 3 hours, we'll have a good idea on who each of the tandem nominees will be. Anyone want to chance some early predictions?

Will Frankie nominate Zach or is he worried that Zach could easily win a BotB comp against some weaklings that Caleb puts up and will wind up costing him HOH in the process? Or can he convince Caleb to put up Cody, Devin, Derrick or Hayden to offset the Zach Attack?

Will Frankie hold to not nominating any of the Crazy 8s? 'Cause you know he's not nominating Caleb (initially) or Victoria. If he won't nominate Zach, he certainly won't nominate Hayden. So I'd say Hayden is safe. And probably Derrick as well. That leaves Frankie either going against the Crazy 8s or nominating two of Brittany, Christine, Jocasta or Zach.

As for Caleb, we don't have a clue about where his head is at. We only got to see him size up Pao Pao briefly and that's it.


Whenever a game uses "middleware," I expect mediocrity. Just see how poor TLOU looks.
Will Frankie hold to not nominating any of the Crazy 8s?

Honestly I don't think Frankie will hold to his word for even a second. Look at how quickly he flip-flopped his opinion tonight just on Caleb alone. He went from being the most nervous of him and his "conservative way"
pretty good intuition actually
to want to pair up with him at the end and being carried on Caleb's back while running around screaming "who want's to see our HOH room?!!"

ugh.... now comes the hard part. I swore I'd stay away from the feeds and online behind-the-scenes summaries but I'm dying to know what happens next and my only other option is to wait for Sunday's aired episode....


Odds are the Battle of the Block comp will have already taken place by the time feeds kick off tonight. So we may just have just one HOH in control.

I don't expect POV will have been played yet.
Speaking of noms, they didn't mention any restrictions on noms. Will the HOH's do their noms together so they don't nominate the same people or what?

My nominee guesses(assuming no restrictions):

Frankie: Zach and Jocasta (guessing he'll keep his target of Zach and using Jocasta as an easy target anchor for Zach in the comp)

Caleb: Donny and Christine (I think he could see them as week outcasts and he seemed pretty paranoid about wanting to stay HOH)


Brittany might possibly be the hottest BB houseguest ever. Gotdamn.

Double surprised the two team thing didn't happen and of course Joey winning. Although I did throw the majority of my votes her way since I liked her preshow interview the best.

Anyone want to chance some early predictions?

I'm going to guess:

Caleb noms girls he thinks are weak and won't rock the boat so Nicole and Christine. Maaaybe Pao Pao if she ended up pissing him off these last six days.

Frankie is going to play the "you're my favorite person in the house but I want to nominate strong friends so I know I'll get to stay HoH and we'll get out who we want" card. I'm assuming he'll pull this on people in the second group so I'll go with Zack and Hayden.


Speaking of noms, they didn't mention any restrictions on noms. Will the HOH's do their noms together so they don't nominate the same people or what?
Ian suggested that the HOHs may draw chips/lots to determine who picks 1st. The other HOH will get Picks 2 & 3. And then the first HOH gets to choose their final nominee. Sort of like a snake draft. Which would be the fairest way of doing it, IMO.

Frankie is going to play the "you're my favorite person in the house but I want to nominate strong friends so I know I'll get to stay HoH and we'll get out who we want" card. I'm assuming he'll pull this on people in the second group so I'll go with Zack and Hayden.
You want your nominees to LOSE the Battle of the Block competition. Nominating both Zach and Hayden wouldn't seem especially smart as a way to remain HOH.
I like RepairmanJack's "Jocasta anchor" suggestion. Nominating a floater that clearly won't work well with your intended target would seem to be smart.
Sort of like that Survivor competition where big tough Joel had to drag useless Chet around in a challenge and then lost.


Since the Team A vs B thing didn't happen, how are they going to get two HoH's now? Last two standing in each comp? That would probably never work in trivia ones though. Randomly break them up into groups each week?

You want your nominees to LOSE the Battle of the Block competition. Nominating both Zach and Hayden wouldn't seem especially smart as a way to remain HOH. I like RepairmanJack's "Jocasta anchor" suggestion.

Jeezus I am dumb. Thank you for sorting me out. I am legit embarassed now.


Whenever a game uses "middleware," I expect mediocrity. Just see how poor TLOU looks.
so if I'm sticking to just the 3 aired episodes per week, how is it broken down
Sundays: Battle of the Block, 1 HOH comes down, 2 nominees
Wednesdays: Veto comp for the 2 nominees and Veto Ceremony
Thursdays: Live Eviction, new HOH battle begins for 2 HOHs

Are you guys gonna be posting stuff from the feeds in here? I don't want the episodes spoiled so I just wanna know how careful I have to be to avoid advance spoilers in here
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