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Big Brother US 16 |OT| Now in HD! (Unmarked Spoilers, Read OP)

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We may see weak players getting put up each week until the Battle of the Block ends and out of the duo that loses whomever is able to garner the most sympathy and trust from the rest of the house ends up sticking around.

You are probably right, and that sounds.....awful

Caleb is now talking to Derrick about Amber...

Christine, "I didn't think I was going to dislike this many people". Nicole, "Me too"

Seems Victoria can't sleep in the same room with any guys for religious reasons, what happens when she's a have not? How the hell was she cast?


I'm adoring this trio in the Honeycomb / Beehive Room right now.
Frankie, Brittany and Jacosta are cracking me up.


I'm adoring this trio in the Honeycomb / Beehive Room right now.
Frankie, Brittany and Jacosta are cracking me up.

Yeah, I was watching that and I agree. I kinda like them as a trio right now (even tho Frankie isn't aligned with them... I don't think).


Neo Member
Brittany and Nicole are still up. I'm not sure if they just wake up crazy early or if they stayed up all night. Brittany thinks that Zach just pretends to sleep a lot of the time.


summary of first week
Friday: 1st 8 move in, Frankie wins HOH1
Saturday: 2nd 8 move in, Caleb wins HOH2
Sunday-Tuesday: Frankie nominates Brittany & Victoria, Caleb nominates Paola & Donny
Wednesday: BOTB comp, Paola & Donny remain noms, Caleb sole HOH. Have-Nots decided by volunteers.
Thursday: POV draw Zach, Cody and Victoria
tomorrow, or possibly later this weekend: POV comp
early next week: Veto ceremony
Thursday: 1st eviction.
Thanks for the recap. This is what I needed to know.


I really hope they tweak these angles because it's pretty obvious that the house was designed for 4:3. Seems awkward.
The comp that usually comes later in the year, where they have to name HOH's and Nom's from each week, will be absolutely fucked up this year. Or the comp where there are multiple answers for the questions like "This person was HOH week 2 and ate slop week 5".


He's Brandon Hantz, isn't he.
That's probably a more fittng comparison than the Willie Hantz vibes he was initially giving off. Lucky for him, the twist, Donny being a sacrificial lamb and Devin freaking out all of the girls into a state of catatonic fear are going to keep him in the house for a while for him to continue being a lovelorn lunatic.

My Likability / Long-Term Viability Tiers (essentially my ratings at Jokers - from best to worst)















Between Derrick & Brittany, I'm cheering more for Brit even though I feel Derrick has a better chance of making it far.
That sentiment will likely flip once we clear the Battle of the Block twist phase.


What did Devin do that made people turn against him?
Essentially be a prissy bi-polar whiner and freak out all of the meek women in the house (who are already on edge because of the Battle of the Block twist) in the process.

And there are a lot of meek women in this house. Afraid of ghosts and sleeping alone or with men in the same bed or whatever else is keeping them up late at night. Being a passive-aggressive complainer about EVERYTHING when you're a hulking manbeast won't endear you to people.

Not to mention that he's thrown Donny under the bus, wants to backdoor Joey despite declaring her "a 10", orchestrating a ridiculous alliance of 8 and being wishy-washy over the first boot... nobody in their right mind would want to be in an alliance with this guy.

It says something when Caleb's a certified psychopath doing his best impression of several Hantz family members and nobody seems to want him out of the house while they complain about Devin constantly.


Wow. Frankie yelling at Big Brother because he got called to DR. "I dont care how many times you say my name, I'm not going in there looking like this. Give me 5 minutes" Big Brother voice: "FRANKIE".

The DR gave up and called Paola instead. So he won that battle.


Essentially be a prissy bi-polar whiner and freak out all of the meek women in the house (who are already on edge because of the Battle of the Block twist) in the process.

And there are a lot of meek women in this house. Afraid of ghosts and sleeping alone or with men in the same bed or whatever else is keeping them up late at night. Being a passive-aggressive complainer about EVERYTHING when you're a hulking manbeast won't endear you to people.

Not to mention that he's thrown Donny under the bus, wants to backdoor Joey despite declaring her "a 10", orchestrating a ridiculous alliance of 8 and being wishy-washy over the first boot... nobody in their right mind would want to be in an alliance with this guy.

It says something when Caleb's a certified psychopath doing his best impression of several Hantz family members and nobody seems to want him out of the house while they complain about Devin constantly.

Yikes. Some people play the game too hard too early. It never works out well for them.


I think its too early to really judge anyone's character. Give yourself a week before you call someone a psychopath.
I'm factoring in his Instagram into my assessment as well.
But he's literally bringing up Amber's name every 5 minutes to whomever is in his immediate vicinity. I see zero potential in Caleb's long-term game viability aside from being a meat shield.


Probably more to do with his ratio of meaningful conversations in the house to times getting called to the DR.
Production needs to not be obvious about their DR favorites. Especially if they haven't socially acclimated themselves to the rest of the house.
It's idiotic of them and they ought to know better by now.

The Bomb Squad Alliance

The Core 4

Frankie - aka "The Diffuser", secret alliance with Zach & Christine, obvious alliance with Caleb, false alliance with Devin, socially gaming with everyone in the house
Derrick - undercover cop
Cody - Shane 2.0
Zach - hibernates during the day, games at hyperspeed when awake

The Muscle

Caleb - stalking/pining over/moping about Amber 24-7
Devin - whiner primadonna extraordinaire, hated by most everyone in the house including alliance members Christine & Cody

The Extra Votes

Christine - secret alliance with Frankie, joined at the hip to Nicole (not in the alliance)
Amber - stringing Caleb along, cleaning up after everyone

Their Preferred Targets (in order of priority for the coming weeks so long as they stay in power)...

1) Donny (certified supergenius professor - aka not a groundskeeper - doomed if he fails to win POV)

2) Jody
3) Victoria (may not be pawned again for fear of her bawling her eyes out - seems like the house has had enough of that)
4) Paola (should be OK if she survives the week but her pitiful challenge performances may keep her on the block for a number of Thursdays)
5) Hayden

6A) Jocasta or Brittany (I get the impression Brittany may be nommed solely to keep winning BotB comps if multiple HOHs collude as Caleb & Frankie did this week)
6B) Brittany or Jocasta

8) Nicole (extra vote in play thanks to Christine)

Incidentally, none of the above will play out because Devin & Caleb are awful and Frankie and Zach are over-gaming.
But there's some potential for it to remain entrenched due to the nature of the Battle of the Block twist.

POV is currently being played.



Has anyone notice how old Frankie looks? It seems like life has come at him FAST.
He looks older than his 31 years and he's telling the house he's 28.
He doesn't look much younger than Boogie did when he last played two years ago and he was 41 at the time.
No, not Joey! How likely is it that they backdoor Devin? Also, was anything from the feeds actually worth watching from last night. I fell asleep right before they went on.
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