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Big Brother US 16 |OT| Now in HD! (Unmarked Spoilers, Read OP)

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At least when Joey gets home she'll see how awesome that GIF is.

Additionally, Caleb is really surprising. He's been bad in other ways I wasn't expecting. From the Instagram stuff I was expecting the worst, but he's actually pretty nice to everyone (especially Frankie) and I've not heard him say anything remotely offensive, although I haven't watched that much. Didn't expect to not like him for being so thirsty for some girl...

I have to agree, maybe we shouldn't have judged so harshly based off of Instagram alone, but yeah, the Amber thirst is something else. He's fallen for someone who he's barely spoken with. It's so odd.


Yeah, I'm fine with him in the house other than the Amber thing.
Frankie seems to be on to Brittany's potential power.

edit: Caleb referred to Amber as "my girlfriend" last night 0_o


Everyone stanning Florida Georgia Line



Yeah, I'm fine with him in the house other than the Amber thing.

edit: Caleb referred to Amber as "my girlfriend" last night 0_o
Caleb's the best thing on the feeds right now... solely due to his trainwreck potential.

Here's what Ian had to say about the whole situation on Sucks last night...

Not a whole lot, interesting feed right now. This Caleb/Amber thing is hilarious to watch (especially the recent HoH toilet thing). I'm obviously no expert on romance, but this guy is insane -- I'd put the over/under on him being expelled at like, 2 weeks.


Caleb is the only thing making the feeds worth watching. He is obsessed with Amber. He said he would move to LA to be w/ her and he's going to get Frankie to talk to Amber about how everyone knows her and Caleb like each other and they should just get together


The Zack-Frankie discussion in the HOH a few minutes ago is flashback-worthy.
If only to FINALLY hear somebody in the house speak openly about Caleb's Amber fixation and how they fully expect it to blow up in a messy fashion.

Current Bomb Squad hit list, btw...

TOAST = Joey
1) Brittany
2) Donny
3) Victoria
4) Hayden
5) Paola
6) Jocasta
7) Nicole

In the event of a dual Bomb Squad HOH next week, I doubt Hayden hits the block. Paola will get up alongside Brittany to cripple her Battle of the Block chances. The other tandem will be Donny and one of Victoria or Jocasta. Depends on whether they want to avoid another Victoria crying breakdown or not.


So sad Brittany isn't going to make it far.

Live feeds don't work on my Nexus 5 and it's pissing me off. WiFi or full 4g does jack shit. Just sits there on a black feed while the preview panes play as normal.


So sad Brittany isn't going to make it far.

Live feeds don't work on my Nexus 5 and it's pissing me off. WiFi or full 4g does jack shit. Just sits there on a black feed while the preview panes play as normal.
Brittany actually has great game instincts. Her problem is that she didn't know enough to play stupid this week given the house dynamics and the way this Battle of the Block is not set up in her favor. Doubling down on Joey instead of making inroads with Derrick, Cody and the Christine-Nicole-Hayden trio hasn't helped matters. She needed to take a page from Jocasta's book and lay super low - but she tipped her hat without following through and now she's in deep doo-doo for next week unless she wins HOH or POV.

The only other card she has to play is fueling the Devin flames if someone that's wishy-washy on him is running the show.


I saw bits of it, but I'll flashback to the convo between the two of them. I really like them together as a Duo, hoping to see them go far, so Zach can win in the F2.

Or so Zach can turn on him at the F3 and bring Paola


I was able to get the feeds on my Nexus 4 the first night but since then it's been the disclaimer then a black screen.


"playing" dumb? unpossible
Please tell me they aren't doing the stupid "house votes" like they did last year? Oh and, Victoria is pretty hot.


Please tell me they aren't doing the stupid "house votes" like they did last year? Oh and, Victoria is pretty hot.
Of course they'll do house votes. Especially with the Battle of the Block making all of the weak players/floaters super-paranoid. Joey is going home 13-0 ... or 12-1 if Brittany is really stupid.


Why don't they like Joey

I'm a dirty non feed watcher
Joey told Devin pre-feeds while they were playing chess that she was part of a "girls alliance" that she tried to start up (referring to El Cuatro - technically started by Pao Pao) but it didn't work out so she wanted to be up front about it. Devin told the rest of the Bomb Squad about it and when Donny won POV that was Caleb's incentive to put Joey up on the block (in case it was some kind of swerve).

When word got around to Devin that she was going to be nominated under some BS guise that Caleb was polling the house for whomever "the majority wanted gone" (which, if it were true, would be Devin because he's creeped out most of the girls - and added Amber & Christine to the Bomb Squad without consulting the rest of the guys), Joey blew up Caleb's pitch and made it public record that he was polling "the house" for replacement nominee suggestions to force his hand to put up Devin or to expose that he's aligned with him.

For the most part, Joey's just gone out of her way to do everything you're not supposed to do in Big Brother... and that's why she'll be going home on Thursday. I will thank her for making tonight's feeds plenty entertaining.

Also, Jocasta is hilarious.


Is there anything she did today worth flashing back? I haven't been watching the feeds much.
Jocasta delivers the best reaction shots. Both to the daily meditation pow-wow (above) and Joey blowing up her game.

She should have some more gems tonight as she's somewhat of a night owl.


Zach to Nicole: "Cody's at the top of my list if I were to form an alliance"

Within the Bomb Squad it's now officially Frankie/Zach/Christine/Derrick/Cody using Devin/Caleb/Amber for votes until the alliance blows up.



Can Devin just

Worst HG of the season.

Brittany comes out of HOH room crying after talking to Devin: "he's such a fucking dick like you can't even get a word in with him"
"I fucking hate him"


This Frankie-Christine-Cody conversation is pretty good.

Christine: "[Devin] has to have a small penis"
Frankie: "He does, I felt it."

Frankie: "[Devin's] the only one where I'm like, 'really Kassting?'"

"Donny has a fucking blueprint of what's going on"

Nicole told Zach she could hook him up with her best friend.


Death Prophet
She's next week's target and he's Mr. Perfect.

For anyone who missed it, that Devin-Brittany discussion is a must-flashback.
CBS won't be doing his doucheness justice with their show edit.
I haven't seen that, but for context Brittany told him to his face she wants him on the block and she would vote for him to leave. I knew something was going to happen.


Flashed back to the Zach/Frankie convo at 3:35 yesterday, they work well together, and they're gonna go far if they can keep up playing as well as they are.

And I saw the Devin/Brittany convo in HOH last night, Devin will not go far, since he's playing like ass.

Joey announcing to Devin she 'voting' to Caleb for him to be a replacement nom is hilarious... At least she gave us a good gif before her upcoming exit, I guess.

The rest of the house is just sort of... there.




edit: Joey officially the replacement nominee.
edit: Is Cody/Christine becoming a thing? I like this. I think she can guide him well.
edit: Zach is such a butterface.


You can make a strong argument for either Frankie or Derrick having the best first week.

I would say Frankie has the better social game and the better understanding of the social dynamics in the house.
But he also has blind spots when it comes to people like Victoria, Donny and others.
And he's more closely attached to Zach who could sink his game by overplaying at the wrong time.

Derrick is easily the most patient and game savvy person in the house.
They're both insulated with multiple sub-alliances within and outside of the Bomb Squad.
I think Frankie is a little more aware of Derrick's ability than Derrick is of Frankie.
Will largely depend on what soldiers each of them are able to line up and what opportunities they take.

It's the rivalry I expect to be watching for most of this season.


Yeah, I could definitely see them becoming secret rivals.

the only two convos for the past 10 minutes have been Caleb-Paola and Devin-Joey



Who do you guys think is the best female player in the house? Amber?
Not really. She's too attached to the inevitable Titanic that is Devin & Caleb... although she has time to distance herself from it and establish meaningful relationships elsewhere. Paola and Donny are her only legitimate allies outside of those two.

In terms of best positioned female player in the house, I'd have to say it's Christine - although I credit that more to happenstance than anything she's done herself this week.

I adore Jocasta but she's practically a non-entity to the game at this point.

Joey is toast. Brittany is practically toast. Pao Pao will last a long time purely due to being a challenge goat but has zero chance to win. Victoria's a hot mess. And Nicole is there solely to be teased.

It hasn't been a good start to the season for female Big Brother players... which doesn't surprise me given their pre-season interviews.


I love how Zach is continuing to inflate Caleb's head. Caleb is going to get backdoored so hard its not even funny.


I love how Zach is continuing to inflate Caleb's head. Caleb is going to get backdoored so hard its not even funny.
Zach's a joy. He appears to have been cast solely to find unlit fuses of dynamite in various players' games and to light them on fire and giggle like a schoolboy when they explode. It's rare to find someone who revels in blowing up people's games and blowing smoke up their asses. And I suspect he'll own it in the DR, too... which is all I ask.

I just wish he had some finesse to what he does.
Shelly Moore had finesse. This guy just pushes all of the buttons in the elevator.

I actually like that Zach and Frankie paired off because they complement each other's skill sets to a T.
Zach talks people into jumping off the ledge while Frankie talks them down from jumping.


Calling it right now, Caleb is gonna get backdoored without even realizing it. He gonna tell someone to nominate himself because he will "kill it" in the POV and end up losing. An ego that big creates blindness.
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