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Big Brother US 16 |OT| Now in HD! (Unmarked Spoilers, Read OP)

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I know people hate Devin but I'm really excited for this week. He's such a loose canon, you know he's going to make a train wreck of move that will only benefit us the viewers.
I hope he wises up and realizes the BS are going after him hard. I would love a Cody/Frankie/Christine/Zach nomination. But he'll go the easy route like Brittany and Donny, play the self righteous loyalty card and get screwed next week.


I love that Devin won HOH.
I love that he's up in that suite with Amber which will drive Caleb mental.
I love that Hayden and Cody both wiped out right at the end of the comp and looked like idiots.
I love that Joey got booted by a 13-0 vote.
I love that Donny is most likely safe this week given who won HOH.
I love Big Brother 16. (For now.)

Big Brother 16 Episode 5 Recap - With Neda & Ika

His winning is literally the best case scenario for action this week. Donny is safe, and Devon is in full on ego-mode. This is great. He's gonna burn bridges left right and center.
Can't both HOH's nominate whoever the two people they want? If Devin wants Donny to be one of his nominations than Amber can't do anything about it right? Or do they both need a consensus on the four nominees?


Wonder who will volunteer to go up as Amber's nominees so they can throw Battle of the Block? And will Devin realize what's going on.
Seems that was Derrick's purpose behind hopping out of the comp first. That's damn shrewd.


Haha, I think Amber and Caleb are alone together in a room right now cause all the house guests just left for hot dogs.

Amber's face looks like she is petrified.


Caleb's already in "protect Devin's HOH" mode. Doesn't want his muscle getting backdoored and he's got sway over Amber.

Derrick needs to sell her on putting him up so he can throw it. Or putting Pao Pao up because otherwise Devin's going to do it. Hell, she'll be up if he draws Egg #1 regardless.
And probably Victoria or Jocasta along with her. (EDIT: Looks like it'll be Brittany.)

Derrick selling that he was a klutz in the challenge to people not in the Bomb Squad.


Likely Devin nominations if he draws Egg #1 = Brittany & Pao Pao

Likely Amber nominations (because she sucks at Big Brother) = A team that will win Battle of the Block, leave her best friend Pao Pao on the block (and in jeopardy if Brit wins POV), two other girls who will never trust her if she nominates them or a team of Caleb and Derrick to prevent Derrick from throwing the comp and facilitating a Devin backdoor.

Why did Amber want to win HOH again? In what way does this help her game? Did she want a goodie basket and pictures in exchange for being Caleb's puppet for the rest of the game? Because that's what she's going to get.

Devin's days are numbered. Whether she facilitates it this week to get in the good graces of the house and own her game again or later this month. Saving him does her game no favors. It only helps Caleb.
I know people hate Devin but I'm really excited for this week. He's such a loose canon, you know he's going to make a train wreck of move that will only benefit us the viewers.

Oh I completely agree, and his decision will change on a dime. This guy is a disaster, his time is ticking in the house.
As usual what I see on TV and what you guys talk about here feels like two different shows. Keep on with the updates guys, you are doing great. I would have loved to see this Devin meeting. And Caleb/amber saga sounds hilarious.
Amber was in a sweet spot after the dust of last week settled, lack of gameplay smarts led her to not throwing that competition. I think Derrick might have been a little too obvious throwing that, but at least he knew that he needed to. The two HOH/BOTB stuff has Derrick VERY confused right now though...


Amber was in a sweet spot after the dust of last week settled, lack of gameplay smarts led her to not throwing that competition. I think Derrick might have been a little too obvious throwing that, but at least he knew that he needed to. The two HOH/BOTB stuff has Derrick VERY confused right now though...
He needs to go into the DR (if he hasn't already) and get his head screwed on straight about this twist before he does something stupid like ask Devin to put him up. The real trick is to talk Amber into putting somebody that isn't Caleb up with him so he can throw it.


Totally interested and in love

I figure Frankie was some like half brother 8 times removed that Ariana doesn't even know about, but she actually watches this shit show.... how does Frankie not win America's favorite?

Velcro Fly

the battle of the block stuff confuses me too. if the people you nominate lose the other person is no longer HOH? That seems so easily able to be abused.


Seems like it's going to be a dull week.
Brittany goes 12-0. She's already going around the house giving her eulogy.

Hope we get some decent Jocasta .Gif material so there's something positive to come out of it.



Seems like it's going to be a dull week.
Brittany goes 12-0. She's already going around the house giving her eulogy.

Hope we get some decent Jocasta .Gif material so there's something positive to come out of it.


Devin will make sure the week isn't dull


deciding a week is going to be dull this early is crazy and almost always wrong.
Amber's desired noms are really smart given the short timeline.
She wants to intercept Devin's Pao Pao anchor play and put Hayden up with her.
But she needs to get that first egg so Devin doesn't get to Pao Pao first.


Neo Member
Zach, Frankie, and Cody's conversation on Camera 3 starting at around 10:03 is a must watch. Especially for anyone that likes Zankie. I mean wow...
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