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Big Brother US 16 |OT| Now in HD! (Unmarked Spoilers, Read OP)

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"I never want to be HOH again, I'll tell you that" - Amber

Really great casting right there. No social game, zero strategy, and going to throw every HOH, just great
She proved how much of a challenge threat she was tonight just to get some pictures from home.

She is nothing more than a vote for Caleb. An obsession for Caleb.
He spent an entire two weeks willing her to be his property. And for all intents and purposes in this game now that's exactly what she is.

Such awful female game players in the BB house this season.


This season is so good so far, and this week is an amazing mess. Devin is running this HOH, and he'll run it completely into the ground, make himself a target, and go crazy a la Willie. Amber looks like a stupid person, and the nominees are dumb. If Hayden/Nicole were smart, they'd leverage a deal with with Amber to not throw it, and to get out Devin.

This BOTB twist really gives a lot of power to noms and leaves them with a bunch of options.
"I'm a strong player, and I have pull in this house"- Caleb to Nicole and Hayden

Translation: you need to backdoor my ass in a hurry. Hell, he even said this is what "we decided", why the fuck would you say that?


This season is so good so far, and this week is an amazing mess. Devin is running this HOH, and he'll run it completely into the ground, make himself a target, and go crazy a la Willie. Amber looks like a stupid person, and the nominees are dumb. If Hayden/Nicole were smart, they'd leverage a deal with with Amber to not throw it, and to get out Devin.

This BOTB twist really gives a lot of power to noms and leaves them with a bunch of options.
It's up to them to take advantage of it. Thus far we haven't seen anyone willing to game at that level.

"I'm a strong player, and I have pull in this house"- Caleb to Nicole and Hayden
Translation: you need to backdoor my ass in a hurry. Why the fuck would you say that?
Why the fuck does Caleb say anything? Even Frankie has thrown in the towel in terms of managing this circus act.


Do we think POV is tomorrow, or did they do noms tonight so they can run a skeleton crew tomorrow for the 4th of July?
Battle of the Block is tomorrow. Seems like they're going to roll audio cues out all night.
POV is probably Saturday. POV ceremony on Monday. That's my expectation anyhow.


I'd be ok with Paola leaving this week. It's too early for Brittany.
They sure rushed through everything. This could be a long week depending on how pov goes
I think they did the BOTB comp early this week so they can do some Fourth.of July shenanigans later today.


Zach, Frankie, and Cody's conversation on Camera 3 starting at around 10:03 is a must watch. Especially for anyone that likes Zankie. I mean wow...

Oh my god I just saw this


So everyone that talked to Amber apart from Caleb and Devin had decent advice for her but she rejected all of it? A mess.


Details, please!

It's too NSFW to repeat. They thought the feeds were on lockdown.

The discussion involved a personal lubricant.

edit: convo with Cody and Christine around 2:18a Cam 1 is pretty great. I like those two together, strategically.

edit: Zach : "I don't flirt with girls. I don't cuddle with girls, I don't touch girls"


Paola getting evicted when Brittany is Devin's target as HOH and him not having any power for the next week is going to be



THE HOUSE DIVIDE - As of July 4th, 2014


Bomb Squad = Amber, Caleb, Christine, Cody, Derrick, Devin, Frankie, Zach
Non-Bomb Squad = Brittany, Donny, Hayden, Jocasta, Nicole, Pao Pao, Victoria


Team Anti-Devin = Brittany, Christine, Cody, Derrick, Hayden, Nicole, Victoria, Zach
Team Pro-Devin and/or Puppets = Amber, Caleb, Devin, Donny, Frankie, Jocasta, Pao Pao

I believe the above are pretty much on point. Incidentally, Caleb and Frankie will continue to roost/sleep in the HOH this week.

From the Anti-Devin group, the people most likely to flip and force a 6-6 tie or even a pro-Brittany eviction majority decision, IMO, are Christine, Derrick and Zach.
Derrick was the only one of the 3 actively engaged in the HOH decision making last night so make of that what you will.

From the Pro-Devin group, Donny can be considered somewhat of a soft vote. Jocasta won't keep Brittany over Pao Pao so she's not flexible.

As for POV, I don't expect it to be used this week.
The replacement nominee would be Victoria if either candidate was removed from the block as she is the only non-immune name in black opposite him in both the pretend & actual alliance dynamic.

Pao Pao getting replaced would actually be a problem as it would flip the vote from 7-5 to 6-6 just based on house dynamics.
But it's not likely that Caleb/Devin will suss that out as they're still under the misguided belief that the Bomb Squad is intact and will not evict their precious BotB challenge-sucking anchor.
For what it's worth, however, Devin did promise Pao Pao he would replace her with Victoria if he wins POV tomorrow.
Not sure how much stock I would put into that, though. He also promised Joey he would vote for her and pushed for Donny to go up on the block despite being aligned with him.

Frankie needs to be kept in the dark until post-POV or you can kiss Brittany's life in the game goodbye.
The fact that he's continuing to sleep upstairs should keep Zach/Christine (both of whom have F2 deals with him) in check for now.
It's too NSFW to repeat. They thought the feeds were on lockdown.

The discussion involved a personal lubricant.

edit: convo with Cody and Christine around 2:18a Cam 1 is pretty great. I like those two together, strategically.

edit: Zach : "I don't flirt with girls. I don't cuddle with girls, I don't touch girls"


Jesus what is the fuck is wrong with Caleb
Caleb is sad y'all. He's "broken".
Amber won't spend time with him on this special holiday commemorating when all of his friends in the military who have no names died, y'all. (Actually, THAT would be Memorial Day.)
Frankie needs to call a house meeting and tell everyone about how sad Caleb is, y'all.
Maybe come upstairs and give him a big hug and a pat on the back and tell him everything will be okay, y'all.
But not the folks outside of the secret Bomb Squad alliance because they're banned from Devin's HOH Room, y'all.
They will be advised they cannot enter when they attempt to, y'all.
Amber will see how sensitive he is and cry with him in her arms like that dude in The Notebook, y'all.
Then they'll plan out their post-game dating life that she hasn't agreed to, y'all.

It should be noted that Caleb is wearing Amber's shawl around his neck today and has sprayed her perfume on him so he can always smell her close by.
Caleb is sad y'all. He's "broken".
Amber won't spend time with him on this special holiday commemorating when all of his friends in the military who have no names died, y'all. (Actually, THAT would be Memorial Day.)
Frankie needs to call a house meeting and tell everyone about how sad Caleb is, y'all.
Maybe come upstairs and give him a big hug and a pat on the back and tell him everything will be okay, y'all.
But not the folks outside of the secret Bomb Squad alliance because they're banned from Devin's HOH Room, y'all.
They will be advised they cannot enter when they attempt to, y'all.
Amber will see how sensitive he is and cry with him in her arms like that dude in The Notebook, y'all.
Then they'll plan out their post-game dating life that she hasn't agreed to, y'all.

It should be noted that Caleb is wearing Amber's shawl around his neck today and has sprayed her perfume on him so he can always smell her close by.
Fuck. Shouldn't Big Brother warn him or something, it's getting pretty fucking creepy. I hope he's out soon.
Caleb is sad y'all. He's "broken".
Amber won't spend time with him on this special holiday commemorating when all of his friends in the military who have no names died, y'all. (Actually, THAT would be Memorial Day.)
Frankie needs to call a house meeting and tell everyone about how sad Caleb is, y'all.
Maybe come upstairs and give him a big hug and a pat on the back and tell him everything will be okay, y'all.
But not the folks outside of the secret Bomb Squad alliance because they're banned from Devin's HOH Room, y'all.
They will be advised they cannot enter when they attempt to, y'all.
Amber will see how sensitive he is and cry with him in her arms like that dude in The Notebook, y'all.
Then they'll plan out their post-game dating life that she hasn't agreed to, y'all.

It should be noted that Caleb is wearing Amber's shawl around his neck today and has sprayed her perfume on him so he can always smell her close by.

Worse than GinaMarie


Amber just went up to Caleb and hugged him, gave him a kiss on the cheek and said thank you for your service.

She left a lipstick kiss mark on his cheek that I doubt will be washed off any time soon


They will be advised they cannot enter when they attempt to, y'all.
Amber will see how sensitive he is and cry with him in her arms like that dude in The Notebook, y'all.
Then they'll plan out their post-game dating life that she hasn't agreed to, y'all.

Are these last three things true!?!? Been outside grilling and listening to music instead of watching live feeds.


Amber just went up to Caleb and hugged him, gave him a kiss on the cheek and said thank you for your service.

She left a lipstick kiss mark on his cheek that I doubt will be washed off any time soon
Caleb's cheek will resemble this in a few days.


Hell, he'll probably borrow Amber's lipstick and retrace the imprint in the mirror to keep it fresh in event of it fading.

Caleb's probably not used to being rejected.
I'd say it's more like Caleb's not used to having a girl that's clearly not interested in him locked into an enclosed space with him and unable to escape.


I'd say it's more like Caleb's not used to having a girl that's clearly not interested in him locked into an enclosed space with him and unable to escape.

Give him a break, he hasn't had a girlfriend since February 16, 2010. His words, not mine lol.

Yes, he still remembers the exact day.
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