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Big Brother US 16 |OT| Now in HD! (Unmarked Spoilers, Read OP)

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Did this happen before or after Victoria talked to Christine?

That was early this morning. So maybe before. I haven't watched the feeds after noon so I may be way out of the loop.

Ok so, I'm confused. The current plan is to keep Zach right? But they want some people that want Zach to stay to vote against him (For example, Frankie... for now) To save their own asses? Or is that just Frankie?

I think that's just Frankie. He's wants Zach to go and that's his lie to get Zach to be okay with him not voting for him. Frankie is dealthly afraid of voting to keep Zach and getting caught.


That was early this morning. So maybe before. I haven't watched the feeds after noon so I may be way out of the loop.

ah ok because when she was talking to Christine it was clear she was not a fan of Zach. She was volunteering this information while Christine acted like she wasn't really aware of what went down so it's not like Christine was coaxing it out of her or riling her up.

It's possible her dislike for Pao could outweigh her feelings toward Zach I guess.
ah ok because when she was talking to Christine it was clear she was not a fan of Zach. She was volunteering this information while Christine acted like she wasn't really aware of what went down so it's not like Christine was coaxing it out of her or riling her up.

It's possible her dislike for Pao could outweigh her feelings toward Zach I guess.

I don't think her dislike for Zach would get beaten. It's just a matter of getting her to vote without emotions and not personally.

I'd try to convince her the longer he's in the house the longer people won't be gunning for her.


I don't think her dislike for Zach would get beaten. It's just a matter of getting her to vote without emotions and not personally.

I'd try to convince her the longer he's in the house the longer people won't be gunning for her.

Which she would be stupid to believe because no one really cares for her. She even said that she considers Frankie to be the closest person to her in the house and that she was disappointed that he didn't defend her when Zach was ranting.


The vote is presently 8-4 in favor of evicting Pao Pao.

The reason why Christine is acting so wishy-washy during this vote is that she wants a 7-5 vote so she can remain trusted by Frankie. He only has 4 hard votes to evict Zach (between him, Caleb, Amber and Jocasta). He thinks he has Christine and Victoria. He has neither of them.

Christine wants to turn one of the soft Pao Pao eviction votes (namely Victoria - although Donny is equally soft) against Zach so that she can get her desired 7-5 outcome. Frankie will still trust her and she won't put her biggest data resource in the house in jeopardy. She'll also be able to, in good conscience, vote to evict Pao Pao with Hayden and Nicole which is her intent.

The problem stems from those two votes being so soft and the possibility of Christine throwing her vote as well to get what she believes will be a 7-5. She could easily trigger a 6-6 vote and then Zach goes home (which she doesn't want). If either Donny or Victoria flip and Christine is not aware of it, that could easily happen.

She wants the 7-5 for security from Frankie and to keep him as an information resource (he's more honest with her than anyone else in the house).
Which she would be stupid to believe because no one really cares for her. She even said that she considers Frankie to be the closest person to her in the house and that she was disappointed that he didn't defend her when Zach was ranting.

Which is exactly why she should keep Zach around. You start getting all the big hot heads out now and then all of a sudden getting Victoria out seems like a good idea. She has nobody to save her.

Get rid of a random now so the crazy people take longer to fight it out. The more big threats in the house the better. If I was Victoria, I would rather be on the block against Caleb or Devin than a random like Brittany or Nicole.


Frankie: "The rift between Devin and Caleb is getting bigger and bigger"





Vic tells Frankie Nicole just told her she's going to vote Zach out.
This was a ploy to try and turn Victoria's vote.
Christine asked Nicole to tell Victoria that she was voting out Zach (a lie) in order to get Victoria to follow suit (to vote with the house).
In reality, Nicole still plans to vote out Pao Pao.

Frankie & Jocasta are now finishing up the job with Victoria right now to flip the vote from 8-4 to 7-5.


If he flips Victoria and gets Jocasta to watch her like a hawk, Victoria won't flip back.
He can then force Christine to pick a side and make it a 6-6 tie. She'll have to choose between losing Frankie or losing Nicole.
Because if she becomes the 6th vote, it's going to be pinned on Nicole when Zach gets evicted.

Looks like the water fight prevented that plan from getting traction. Victoria is still a soft vote in the Evict Pao Pao column. But she's showing signs of breaking.


8-4, 7-5, jesus. These houseguests are scrambling over the stupidest things right now and it's only the second (third) week. Everyone in the house is so stupid.


I'm confused about this 7-5 Christine thing. Why would Frankie still trust her if he knew where his side's 5 votes already came from? Is Christine going to act like Victoria flipped her vote?

I must be missing a huge piece because that wouldn't work.


I'm confused about this 7-5 Christine thing. Why would Frankie still trust her if he knew where his side's 5 votes already came from? Is Christine going to act like Victoria flipped her vote?

I must be missing a huge piece because that wouldn't work.
I think that was originally her plan. Force a 7-5. Tell Frankie she voted with him. Implicate Victoria as having voted to evict Pao Pao (because implicating Jocasta is impossible). Christine would still have his ear, she would still have the trust of her side alliance and Zach would still be in the house.

That got fucked up when Frankie hashed votes out with her again in the storage room when he said he had Jocasta locked down. Christine played it off as Frankie still wanting a 7-5 and said she's vote the other way, but Frankie never wanted a 7-5. He wants Zach gone.

And now that Victoria has told him that "she's obsessed with Ariana Grande", Frankie can use his name to secure her as an unquestioned ally. She will be Vote #5 to evict Zach and Frankie will give Christine an ultimatum to pick a side. I think she realizes that's what's happened 'cause she was just in tears a few minutes ago.

Frankie will give her 2 choices...
A) Vote with me to force a 6-6 tie and send Zach out of the house. Pin your vote on Nicole if you want to play the middle or admit to it and lose any trust with the other side of the house.
B) Vote against me to evict Pao Pao by a vote of 7-5 and I will make both you and Zach my #1 target, Caleb's #1 target and Devin's #1 target.

But he needs to shore up Victoria's vote to do it.


She's played a terrible game so far imo. All she's done is complain about people not liking her.

She's been focusing on the most petty, inconsequential shit. She seems to care more about what the others think of her than getting ahead in the game.


Frankie literally never lets anyone talk with him, he always says "I know, I know I know"
Frankie thinks everyone is beneath him. After all, he's Frankie Grande.
Everyone else is merely a useless peasant to him. Chess pieces he wishes to move on his board and dispose of when no longer needed.
Frankie thinks everyone is beneath him. After all, he's Frankie Grande.
Everyone else is merely a useless peasant to him. Chess pieces he wishes to move on his board and dispose of when no longer needed.
It's really annoying, it's not like he's actually Ariana Grande. He's just her brother with a Youtube channel.


Zach still refuses to believe that Frankie would betray him even with all the evidence repeatedly laid out for him.

Frankie is on a suicide mission this week to eliminate a guy who basically thinks he's God.


Zach still refuses to believe that Frankie would betray him even with all the evidence repeatedly laid out for him.

Frankie is on a suicide mission this week to eliminate a guy who basically thinks he's God.

I just don't know what Zach's true game is. I think he might truly want Zach to stay but doesn't want Devin to know he voted against what he wanted so if he knows Zach has the votes to stay he'll vote against him still so there's "no blood on his hands" (I'm so sick of that phrase btw :/ ) But he can't keep trying to play like he's on everyone's side, it's going to catch up to him quick.
8:53 PM Zach thinks the votes will be 10-2 in his favor. Zach says that Caleb and Devin are his main targets and vise versa. NT
Zach is on Devin-levels of delusional. I kind of feel sorry for Zach because he really does believe Frankie is voting for him.


Christine appeared to flip Victoria's vote prior to Zach, Cody and Brittany hitting the Rock Room to work damage control.
I'm not sure they corrected the damage but I would put Victoria's vote in the Unknown column at this point.


I really hope Zach stays and everyone tells him how much Frankie was trying to get him out. I think that would make good drama tbh

Cody is so onto Snakie at this point. Cody may be my new fave but I think he'll blow up too if ever confronted and it'll seal his fate.


Derrick is so much better than the others. They're not very observant.

If anyone in the house had sex my bet would be on Cody & Nicole tbh


Cody is so onto Snakie at this point. Cody may be my new fave but I think he'll blow up too if ever confronted and it'll seal his fate.

Cody is a horrible liar so I dunno if he has the gusto to go super far. Whenever he's called out on something, he just goes into stereotypical fratboy "bro, dude, bro" mode and it's so transparent.


Updated vote count as of right now...

- Locked Votes to Evict Pao Pao - Brittany, Cody, Hayden, Nicole {4}
- Soft Vote to Evict Pao Pao - Derrick {1}, Victoria {1}
- Locked Votes to Evict Zach - Amber, Caleb, Frankie, Jocasta {4}
- Soft Vote to Evict Zach - Donny {1}
- Unknown - Christine {1}

Voting tide has shifted since this afternoon to send Zach home on Thursday.

Frankie is going to win this battle and boot his only unquestioned ally from the house. That'll make for a fun chat with Julie on Thursday night.


Updated vote count as of right now...

- Locked Votes to Evict Pao Pao - Brittany, Cody, Hayden, Nicole {4}
- Soft Vote to Evict Pao Pao - Derrick {1}, Victoria {1}
- Locked Votes to Evict Zach - Amber, Caleb, Frankie, Jocasta {4}
- Soft Vote to Evict Zach - Donny {1}
- Unknown - Christine {1}

Voting tide has shifted since this afternoon to send Zach home on Thursday.

Frankie is going to win this battle and boot his only unquestioned ally from the house. That'll make for a fun chat with Julie on Thursday night.

Christine seemed pretty sure she was going to vote with Nicole to keep Zach to stay. hmmm.
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