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Big Brother US 16 |OT| Now in HD! (Unmarked Spoilers, Read OP)

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Frankie keeps pushing and pushing for Devin/Caleb. Derrick and Donny disagree, they want Zach. Let's see how long Team America lasts lmao
Frankie vs. Derrick is going to be the storyline of Week 4. But they'll probably do one Team America mission successfully beforehand so Frankie can celebrate in a completely false fashion as if he gives a rat's ass about an extra 5K.
12:37 AM Donny to Frankie: If you think Devin and Caleb have your back more than me and Derrick, you're wrong. NT
Tell that bitch Donny.
Frankie vs. Derrick is going to be the storyline of Week 4. But they'll probably do one Team America mission successfully beforehand so Frankie can celebrate in a completely false fashion as if he gives a rat's ass about an extra 5K.
Haha, man... if it's Derrick vs Frankie it's not even a competition, Frankie is out that door if it turns into that.


12:37 AM Donny to Frankie: If you think Devin and Caleb have your back more than me and Derrick, you're wrong. NT
Tell that bitch Donny.

Haha, man... if it's Derrick vs Frankie it's not even a competition, Frankie is out that door if it turns into that.
Don't be so sure. Frankie has a rat that even Derrick isn't savvy to in Christine.
Don't be so sure. Frankie has a rat that even Derrick isn't savvy to in Christine.
But I feel like Cody and Christine are way closer than Frankie and Christine. I also don't think Christine is enough to beat the power Derrick has. The thing with Frankie is that I just don't understand why he's so afraid of Devin and Caleb.. like, yeah, they're strong but so are a shit ton of people in that house like Cody, Hayden, Zach, and even Derrick. He's so blinded by the physical strength that Caleb and Devin have that he doesn't realize that a backdoor is an option and it's not all physical strength.
In conclusion I think that Frankie has no balls.


But I feel like Cody and Christine are way closer than Frankie and Christine. I also don't think Christine is enough to beat the power Derrick has. The thing with Frankie is that I just don't understand why he's so afraid of Devin and Caleb.. like, yeah, they're strong but so are a shit ton of people in that house like Cody, Hayden, Zach, and even Derrick. He's so blinded by the physical strength that Caleb and Devin have that he doesn't realize that a backdoor is an option and it's not all physical strength.
In conclusion I think that Frankie has no balls.
I don't buy his BS about "being afraid of Devin and Caleb". That's bullshit. He just feels that they're meat shield targets that are easy to manipulate and can win challenges for him.
Hell, he practically ran Devin's insane HOH this week.

As for Christine, she's in good with everybody. She'll take her shots where she feels they benefit her game. Whether it's against Derrick, Frankie, Cody, Hayden, Nicole or whomever. She'll be most likely to take a shot at Derrick, though. Derrick practices in truth and rational logic... not good for her game. She's a blind spot for Derrick thanks to Cody. And Derrick doesn't talk much game one-on-one with her.

Don't get me wrong. I think she'd sell out Frankie to Cody the week after she takes out Derrick for him. And then I think she'd sell out Cody for Hayden and the rest of the house and then ride to the finals with Hayden & Nicole and win the game.

She's playing a Black Widow game. Get in good with male power players all throughout the house, pit them against each other and then slit their throats.
I don't buy his BS about "being afraid of Devin and Caleb". That's bullshit. He just feels that they're meat shield targets that are easy to manipulate and can win challenges for him.
Hell, he practically ran Devin's insane HOH this week.

As for Christine, she's in good with everybody. She'll take her shots where she feels they benefit her game. Whether it's against Derrick, Frankie, Cody, Hayden, Nicole or whomever. She'll be most likely to take a shot at Derrick, though. Derrick practices in truth and rational logic... not good for her game. She's a blind spot for Derrick thanks to Cody. And Derrick doesn't talk much game one-on-one with her.

Don't get me wrong. I think she'd sell out Frankie to Cody the week after she takes out Derrick for him. And then I think she'd sell out Cody for Hayden and the rest of the house and then ride to the finals with Hayden & Nicole and win the game.

She's playing a Black Widow game. Get in good with male power players all throughout the house, pit them against each other and then slit their throats.
I hadn't even thought about that with Frankie... I just don't believe he's the mastermind social and manipulative player because literally everyone is onto him.

As for Christine, I am 100% sure she'll make it to the finals. She's amazing and I'm kind of rooting for her now that I am over rooting for Frankie.


I hadn't even thought about that with Frankie... I just don't believe he's the mastermind social and manipulative player because literally everyone is onto him.

As for Christine, I am 100% sure she'll make it to the finals. She's amazing and I'm kind of rooting for her now that I am over rooting for Frankie.
Frankie's playing reckless and sloppy but he feels he's insulated enough with Devin, Caleb, Cody, Derrick and Hayden in the house to play his game that way. He's got shields he can clearly influence and a bunch of floater girls he feels he can manipulate out of fear and compliments.

I think the reason he's playing so erratically right now is that he needed to blow up the alliance to start trading blows with his #1 threat in Derrick and Zach was used to facilitate that.

Incidentally, if Derrick & Cody go on record about their intention to cut their losses with Zach and evict him from the house this week, I have no doubt in my mind that Frankie will be shifting the vote around to SAVE Zach (largely through Caleb & Amber's 2 votes in addition to his own) and will then take credit for rescuing him after Derrick & Cody betrayed him.

EDIT: Looks like Frankie is already working the SAVE Zach angle.
Did the DR do some work on Frankie? He came out of the DR and went straight to Zach
Imagine if they told him "Dude... devin and caleb are not worth it"
Frankie's playing reckless and sloppy but he feels he's insulated enough with Devin, Caleb, Cody, Derrick and Hayden in the house to play his game that way. He's got shields he can clearly influence and a bunch of floater girls he feels he can manipulate out of fear and compliments.

I think the reason he's playing so erratically right now is that he needed to blow up the alliance to start trading blows with his #1 threat in Derrick and Zach was used to facilitate that.

Incidentally, if Derrick & Cody go on record about their intention to cut their losses with Zach and evict him from the house this week, I have no doubt in my mind that Frankie will be shifting the vote around to SAVE Zach (largely through Caleb & Amber's 2 votes in addition to his own) and will then take credit for rescuing him after Derrick & Cody betrayed him.

EDIT: Looks like Frankie is already working the SAVE Zach angle.
With Frankie, it ALWAYS depends on what he does after having a conversation with someone, he could be playing that angle in the beehive room but if he goes and spills the same bullshit to devin and caleb then yeah...


Ten bucks says we see nothing of Frankie throwing Zach under the bus to Devin or the rest of the house on the Wednesday-Thursday shows this week.

Actually, scratch that. Frankie has transitioned to a new plan of pretending to be fully on board with saving Zach but will vote him out thanks to convincing Derrick/other people on his side to vote the other way so it doesn't look like he sold out Caleb/Devin. Frankie's all like "don't let it be 9-3, they'll come after me". What a shyster.
3:02 AM SR: Derrick, Frank talking about votes to keep Zak they want to make sure its not unanimous. Devin walks in says you are obvious..Frankie doesnt eat and Derrick you are a have not.. why would you all be in the SR? He says Caleb told him "zak is a cancer and we have to get him out."


edit: I hate Frankie, tomorrow he'll be back on board with saving Zach...


What kind of drugs do they give these HGs? They never sleep. I used to think being up to 1-2AM BBT was a stretch, but these people are up until the sun rises, each day.

When do they sleep?
What kind of drugs do they give these HGs? They never sleep. I used to think being up to 1-2AM BBT was a stretch, but these people are up until the sun rises, each day.

When do they sleep?
They sleep 6 am to like 11 am and some 12 am. It's crazy, but it's a big reason why so much shit happened in 2 weeks.


FLASHBACK Heads Up: July 8th - 1:30am on Cameras 3 & 4

Frankie sells Zach a load of horseshit in the Beehive Room about how "he wants Zackie to the end" but doesn't want to expose himself to the rest of the house with a 9-3 vote (making him a target with Caleb/Amber/Devin) or a 10-2 vote (which would compromise his ability to work with Devin/Caleb should they win HOH). So he gets Zach on board with the idea of Frankie needing an extra vote thrown to evict Zach so Frankie's bases are covered.

Zach is oblivious to the fact that Christine is a mole and that Frankie launched the Flaming Queens alliance with Jocasta, Victoria, Amber and Pao Pao for the sole purpose of evicting him this week. Zach calls Frankie the best Big Brother player of all-time that will have his vote to win at the end.

FLASHBACK Heads Up: July 8th - 2:53am on Cameras 1 & 2

Frankie meets up with Derrick in the Storage Room to sell him on having a vote thrown his way as coverage so he's safe from being targeted next week. Derrick suggests that he burns his own vote to evict Zach to make it 8-4 (the 4 votes coming from Derrick, Amber, Caleb and Frankie).

FLASHBACK Heads Up: July 8th - 4:47am on Cameras 3 & 4

Christine tipped Cody off that Frankie was still pushing hard to evict Zach. That "vote throw" gambit won't hold up once Cody lets Derrick know.

The ACTUAL vote count right now is as follows...

Votes to Evict Zach - 5

Amber, Caleb, Frankie, Jocasta, Victoria

Votes to Evict Pao Pao - 7

Brittany, Christine, Cody, Derrick, Donny, Hayden, Nicole

Andy agrees with what I noted earlier.

Andy listened to people. Frankie talks first and then throws a tantrum when he doesn't get his way.
Andy Herren ‏@AndyHerren
Crucial difference between me and Frankie: I was in every convo and I LISTENED. Frankie is in every convo and he TALKS. #BB16
Brittany working Victoria hard. She's convinced that she can get her to vote to keep Zach

Brittany: If somebody tells Pao suck my toe and you'll stay a week, Pao will do it


Brittany for someone that doesn't have a clue about Big Brother is playing a really good game. I think the majority of the house respects her and she has a lot of pull because of it. She is using it to her advantage when needed.


Brittany for someone that doesn't have a clue about Big Brother is playing a really good game. I think the majority of the house respects her and she has a lot of pull because of it. She is using it to her advantage when needed.

I could still see her end up doing something stupid, especially if Devin stays around longer than a week and she keeps pulling stupid all-nighters. She might get desperate enough to use him for protection.

Case in point: Yesterday she was telling Nicole and Christine how creeped out she was and blah blah hates the guy, will never talk to him, etc. However, the first thing she did after coming in from staying up all night was try and go to the HoH room so Devin would let her rest there. She's a Have Not, so I don't know how that would even logistically work.

She needs to become like the #2 or #3 person in this counter alliance, not try and lead it. The more she pressures stragglers like Victoria, the more she's going to end up on the "bigger" players' radar. Especially if this ridiculous new Frankie + sucky girls alliance actually holds any weight.

*This is a randomly, just concocted opinion and could be completely wrong :lol


Donny tells Cody he's wary of Derrick. Wouldn't have thought that.
Donny could be employing some reverse psychology to gauge Cody's loyalty to Derrick.

Brittany for someone that doesn't have a clue about Big Brother is playing a really good game. I think the majority of the house respects her and she has a lot of pull because of it. She is using it to her advantage when needed.
Brittany's clearly a quick study. Being put up on the block two straight weeks has helped her to pick up this game awfully quick.
She's always had good instincts for this game and she'll act on those instincts as well. She was just playing from behind as far as understanding the fundamentals of the game goes.
Certainly helps that she's able to function on 3 hours of sleep or less.



Frankie's going to leave that house looking older than Donny at the rate he's going.


I really think Devin might be surpassing Caleb at this point. Now he's talking about being worried what Brit's parents think of him.

Apparently production is pushing him to keep talking about it.


I want more, I want Devin to call a house meeting to declare his love for Brittney. That would be amazing.

Fucking lol. Imagine the speech if she's on the block again and he gets PoV. Or if they're both on the block and he gets PoV!!!

On the flipside though, deep down I can't really blame the guy. I'd be in love with her too at this point :lol I just wouldn't be talking about it every waking moment and acting like I'm in junior high.


They sleep 6 am to like 11 am and some 12 am. It's crazy, but it's a big reason why so much shit happened in 2 weeks.
Do they let these guys sleep whenever they want?

This was a big issue in BBCAN. They wouldn't let them sleep when they wanted because some people would just sleep all day and do nothing. Topaz would have slept 18 hours a day if she could.
BBCAN would prevent people from going to bed early and would wake them up in the morning. They could stay up late if they wanted, but couldn't sleep during the day.
Fucking lol. Imagine the speech if she's on the block again and he gets PoV. Or if they're both on the block and he gets PoV!!!

On the flipside though, deep down I can't really blame the guy. I'd be in love with her too at this point :lol I just wouldn't be talking about it every waking moment and acting like I'm in junior high.
Devin legitimately acts like a little girl when talking about Amber lol

Do they let these guys sleep whenever they want?

This was a big issue in BBCAN. They wouldn't let them sleep when they wanted because some people would just sleep all day and do nothing. Topaz would have slept 18 hours a day if she could.
BBCAN would prevent people from going to bed early and would wake them up in the morning. They could stay up late if they wanted, but couldn't sleep during the day.
Meant to say 6 AM to 12 PM sometimes but yeah, some don't sleep until like 5 AM and the wake up call is like at 11 AM I think?


Do they let these guys sleep whenever they want?

This was a big issue in BBCAN. They wouldn't let them sleep when they wanted because some people would just sleep all day and do nothing. Topaz would have slept 18 hours a day if she could.
BBCAN would prevent people from going to bed early and would wake them up in the morning. They could stay up late if they wanted, but couldn't sleep during the day.

I'm pretty sure the way US works is that once BB wakes them up around 10am, the bedroom lights must be on, but people are still allowed to sleep there. Sleeping anywhere else (living room, backyard, etc.) is a no no.

Zach pretty much did sleep the entire first week.
Yeah, I'm always surprised to see people on the feeds when I wake up in the morning on EST. With BBCAN on the same timezone they would be asleep until 9 and had to wait until after work to get my fix (plus their archive could only go back 7 hours).


Updated vote count as of right now...

- Locked Votes to Evict Pao Pao - Brittany, Cody, Derrick, Hayden, Nicole {5}
- Soft Votes to Evict Pao Pao - Donny, Victoria {2}
- Locked Votes to Evict Zach - Amber, Caleb, Frankie, Jocasta {4}
- Unknown - Christine (possibly shading Victoria to disguise her vote) {1}

Donny and Victoria are the people to watch on the feeds these next two days.


Would Victoria really vote to keep Zach though? She doesn't seem to have gotten over the way he treated her


If I'm Amber after the game I would get a restraining order on Caleb.
I believe her family is already filing for one. They despise Caleb.

Would Victoria really vote to keep Zach though? She doesn't seem to have gotten over the way he treated her
Brittany has Victoria's ear and is vouching for Zach so that's the way Victoria is leaning. She's a soft vote, though... just like Donny. (Britt hates Victoria, though.)

Incidentally, I think Zach being in the game is a liability for Derrick and an asset for Frankie so it amuses me that they're on opposite sides of this vote equation (although this vote will expose Cody and Hayden and put them at risk and those ARE assets for Derrick).


I'm pretty sure the way US works is that once BB wakes them up around 10am, the bedroom lights must be on, but people are still allowed to sleep there.
BBCAN would occassionaly let them sleep in if it was a party night before with booze, but once they were awaken they were expected to stay awake. They'd rooster crow anybody who tried to sleep during the day. They even took away the HOH ipod when Topaz was using it to ignore the rooster crowing.


Would Victoria really vote to keep Zach though? She doesn't seem to have gotten over the way he treated her

Zach's blow up yesterday caused the recruits to realize how Big Brother is played on a somewhat fundamental level. Also got people like Donny to start talking game.

Pao Pao is the smart choice to evict so we'll see if that mindset can last another two days.
Would Victoria really vote to keep Zach though? She doesn't seem to have gotten over the way he treated her

Brittany almost had her convinced this morning. She was telling her that yes Zach said mean things but don't play personally and vote based on that. She said how Pao is such a liar and she needs to go because she wanted Victoria out and she is working with Devin and you can't give them any more numbers. And that Zach isn't going to target her. Victoria also said Zach told her he'd keep her safe. If Brittany keeps working her and Zach plays nice, I think she might vote out Pao
Brittany talking mad shit about Victoria and Frankie. She says she can't stand Victoria at all and that she doesn't trust Frankie anymore, and that Frankie always has Zach cornered (I don't think this is true... isn't Zach the one that calls Frankie over to talk to him most of the time?)


Devin and Frankie talking about Caleb: all he cares about are winning challenges and if Amber is going to hold his hand


Brittany almost had her convinced this morning. She was telling her that yes Zach said mean things but don't play personally and vote based on that. She said how Pao is such a liar and she needs to go because she wanted Victoria out and she is working with Devin and you can't give them any more numbers. And that Zach isn't going to target her. Victoria also said Zach told her he'd keep her safe. If Brittany keeps working her and Zach plays nice, I think she might vote out Pao

Did this happen before or after Victoria talked to Christine?
Ok so, I'm confused. The current plan is to keep Zach right? But they want some people that want Zach to stay to vote against him (For example, Frankie... for now) To save their own asses? Or is that just Frankie?
Haha. Well maybe Victoria isn't on board then.

I'm so glad Frankie's game really did get blown up and his actions have caused him to lose a lot of trust. He's so delusional thinking Caleb is definitely going to win this next competition. BB comps aren't all about strength a lot of them are random like who can throw a bean bag the best or who is the best at skee ball


BTW, I never pay attention to Jocasta on the feeds, is she just against Zach because what he did to Victoria, or did Devin/others actually pull her in from a game sense?
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