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Big Brother US 16 |OT| Now in HD! (Unmarked Spoilers, Read OP)

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9:24 PM Team America meeting in the bedroom- Derrick/Frankie gonna vote to keep Zach, but throw the girls under the bus & say they did NT

Bitch... you made an alliance with the girls JUST to vote Zach out.. what the fuck is wrong with your snake ass.


Christine seemed pretty sure she was going to vote with Nicole to keep Zach to stay. hmmm.
She won't be happy to find out that while Victoria still plans to evote to evict Pao Pao, Frankie worked the Team America twist to flip Donny and that it's still 6-5.

And when Frankie threatens to sic Caleb, Devin, Amber and himself on her if he fails to vote her way, I think she'll buckle. Her entire game is predicated around playing the middle and not being targeted. If she votes to keep Zach, Frankie will be targeting her right along with him as Public Enemy #1.

Bitch... you made an alliance with the girls JUST to vote Zach out.. what the fuck is wrong with your snake ass.
He's telling different stories to everyone and nobody is comparing notes apart from 'Frankie is shady'.


wait @ Derrick potentially getting Caleb to vote to keep Zach to stay. What kind of epic strat-talk game?



wait @ Derrick potentially getting Caleb to vote to keep Zach to stay. What kind of epic strat-talk game

There's no way Caleb will switch. Alpha males want nothing to do with getting backdoored and that's so fucking easy to do during this twist.

Unless he's dumb enough to think Zach will become his ally if he stays.

edit: No one cleared up my question from awhile back: is Jocasta on Team Devin or just anti-Zach for this week?


edit: No one cleared up my question from awhile back: is Jocasta on Team Devin or just anti-Zach for this week?
I think Jocasta is Team Frankie.

Frankie is going to come unglued if he so much as clues in to Caleb & Amber getting flipped after all the work he's put in.
This will further the divide between Caleb and Devin because Devin is done with Caleb's shit at this point.


I love how Caleb was clearly going to tell Devin and because of Devin's paranoid ass locking the HoH room it allowed Zach and Caleb to talk first.


This is a really interesting play Zach is making on Caleb. However, Caleb is fucking dumb if he falls for it.

Basically... Zach: I'm staying, I have the votes. My 7 are coming after you if you vote against me but I pinky swear we'll be buds if there's a house vote for me to stay.

Yeahhhhhh right.

edit: Caleb also wants to keep Devin until jury because broyalty.

I don't understand why BB keeps casting people like her who do nothing on the show.

Need to get their money's worth out of the BB8 jesus sound effect board.


Wow... There's still a day left but the Derrick/Zach tag team seriously just flipped Caleb. Except the dummy still cares about what Pao Pao will do if she goes out on 12-1 vote. Who fucking cares? It's week 2!

I've been flashing back through all of the nights and I just realized that Brittany is always up. Does that girl ever sleep?!

Nope. Like seriously never.


Wow... There's still a day left but the Derrick/Zach tag team seriously just flipped Caleb. Except the dummy still cares about what Pao Pao will do if she goes out on 12-1 vote. Who fucking cares? It's week 2!

Nope. Like seriously never.

If you listened to Caleb he was like I don't want to vote against a bomb squad member.

But I promised Pao my vote.

But I'm thinking of going back on that.

Okay I promise you my vote Zach.



If you listened to Caleb he was like I don't want to vote against a bomb squad member.

But I promised Pao my vote.

But I'm thinking of going back on that.

Okay I promise you my vote Zach.

Caleb: You have my vote. I said that I would never vote against a Bomb Squad member.
Zach: Okay.
Caleb: But I'm telling you something, I have to give Pao my vote.
Zach: Okay?
Caleb: I promised her that I would give her my vote. If the votes are 12-1, she's going to scream.
Zach: But you have to break your word (to one of us).
Caleb: You're right...You have my vote.


yeah he should shut up now. lol
Zach doesn't know the meaning of the word, "shut up".
He's had nothing but verbal diarrhea this entire game.
He should not be told anything in confidence.
And he shouldn't be allowed to say anything unsupervised. Especially to Frankie.


Someone please make Caleb stop saying "At the end of the day."

I'm choking on my own laughter at him just chaining 4 in a row.
11:15 PM Zach tells him there is no point in doing that. The vote should be 11-1 with Jocasta being the only vote against him. NT

Zach please stop talking now.

edit: 11:19 PM Caleb says "ok what I'll do is talk to our alliance and tell them that the votes have changed and we have to stick together" NT
fuck I can't wait to see Frankie's face when/if this happens.


So we're now looking at a 12-0 vote to evict Pao Pao.
Maybe 10-2 if she gets pity votes from Jocasta and Donny.
Zach is a shitty player and I suspect Derrick will rue the day he went to bat for him as he is loyal to Frankie and Frankie only.

I was kind of hoping Pao Pao could stick around so she could set some kind of record for most weeks put up without getting voted out. She would be up each and every week if the HoHs are smart at all.
So we're now looking at a 12-0 vote to evict Pao Pao.
Maybe 10-2 if she gets pity votes from Jocasta and Donny.
Zach is a shitty player and I suspect Derrick will rue the day he went to bat for him as he is loyal to Frankie and Frankie only.



please let the new Zankie last longer than a day


Keeping Zach is really stupid for all of these people, basically the only reason everyone flipped votes was "Zach can get out Devin lol" when literally everyone in the house was already on board with getting out Devin.


Keeping Zach is really stupid for all of these people, basically the only reason everyone flipped votes was "Zach can get out Devin lol" when literally everyone in the house was already on board with getting out Devin.

They may have already been on board but it took them to rally to Zach's side for them to all see it and get on the same page.
Cody and Amber talking about Zach being safe, Paola walks in..
Amber: "You can come in Pao we're just talking.....game..."
Cody: "Talking life.."

I love this cast they're all so amazingly awkward sometimes
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