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Big Brother US 16 |OT| Now in HD! (Unmarked Spoilers, Read OP)

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Derrick has strong-armed this HOH away from Cody and Frankie and is now dictating their nominations.

Frankie - Nominates Amber & Jocasta
Cody - Nominates Brittany & Victoria

Brittany is now the sole de facto target because Sergeant Derrick Levasseur says so.

I'm surprised TA is going after Amber, I was so sure they were going to go after Caleb. Huh.
Derrick is protecting Caleb because Caleb will do whatever Derrick says.


Is it really a strong arm? Those noms were pretty much expected.
He's strong-arming Cody into nominating Brittany instead of Victoria.
He's also strong-arming the house target instead of keeping options flexible or allowing his alliance of 5 to come to a consensus decision.


Zankie is trash. I'm over it.
If there was any genuine emotion expressed by either of those two guys, it might have been something unique to get behind.
Zankie was nothing but fanfiction and the first people to tell you that would be Zach and Frankie.

Matt and Ragan had more of a genuine bond in Big Brother 12.


He's strong-arming Cody into nominating Brittany instead of Victoria.
He's also strong-arming the house target instead of keeping options flexible or allowing his alliance of 5 to come to a consensus decision.

The only real Targets are Victoria,Brittany,Jocasta and Donny by the alliance. They dont really have much to choose from. Donny isnt going anywhere if Frank keeps his HOH. They seem have a semi acknowledgment that if Caleb can be backdoored they will.

I think this season is actually pretty good, it sucks that most of the girls this season are pretty worthless but a good female player is far and few between. I knew it was over for the girls when week 2 amber basically threw her HOH away.


Whenever a game uses "middleware," I expect mediocrity. Just see how poor TLOU looks.
Cracking me up.


Who is she

hehe I can't tell if you are being sarcastic XD. Did u watch week one? That's Joey, remember the girl who tried to start that flop 8-girl alliance



Amber to Cody- I adore Brit but she turned on us. Cody- ranting about Brit saying she won't kiss his ass. Says she's going up.

Cal, Cody, Nic, Frank in HOH- Derrick continuously mentioning Brit in a negative way, others defend her here and there and Derrick shoots it down. Heavily demonizing.

Chris says she thinks Jac is the bigger instigator and Frankie agrees, Derrick says wow no way, etc...

Tells them Brit is so mad they won she could've hit them.

These fucking people...

There's no real democracy in this alliance. They're too stupid to realise they're playing for Derrick and booting out the people he can't control.


I'm surprised TA is going after Amber, I was so sure they were going to go after Caleb. Huh.

Personally, I don't think TA should get any money for nominating her. Yeah she has won some comps, but she's pretty much the third most useless person in the house after Victoria and Jocasta.

There's no real democracy in this alliance. They're too stupid to realise they're playing for Derrick and booting out the people he can't control.

Hopefully people realize what's up with him in the next weeks and give him a Devin farewell. I'm totally biased, but his hatred of Brittany just totally dumbfounds me. I just don't understand what he's trying to accomplish in the long run by targeting her.

Maybe it's just how the game works nowadays. Normally in these shows, an outside swing vote is super important every week. But with all the "house vote" bullshit the last few seasons maybe no one gives a shit anymore.

Velcro Fly

Derrick is still my boy but I feel like he might be overplaying his hand a tad bit with this stuff you all have posted recently.


The hate boner for Brittany is gonna cost him his game.

I dont see it. Brittany is a major target in the house. Him pushing for her to leave will just seem as if he is pushing for any of the other 3 targets in the house. Right now its basically Jocasta,Donny and Brittany vs the entire house. Most dont care which one goes home. The only thing I see that damage Derrick's game is if Donny becomes the number #1 target again.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
For people who don't watch the feeds, why is Brittany still a big target? The show edits make her seem rather harmless, and it seemed like only Devin had it in for her?


For people who don't watch the feeds, why is Brittany still a big target? The show edits make her seem rather harmless, and it seemed like only Devin had it in for her?

I watch the feeds and I still ask that question every week. I'm sure someone else can give a better explanation but the basic layout is:

- Like almost half the house, she came in having absolutely no clue what Big Brother was or how it was played. This caused her to do dumb things Week 1 such as doubling down on befriending Joey even after the entire house had turned on her.

- The combination of Devin's downfall and Zach's PoV freakout instantaneously made something click in her brain and within one night she figured out pretty much all the dynamics of Big Brother. The "power" players were not happy that someone in the house was beginning to catch on to their bullshit. You could see that a little bit on the show with the whole "so you didn't nominate us because of who fell off first" and she also started figuring out alliances and sub-alliances.

- Like has been mentioned, and what I can't figure out is her fault or just bad luck, no one has tried to form a legit strong alliance with her. So for these dudes who keep forming 4-8 person alliances, she's a target for them because she's the only outside person with potential to blow up their game.

If just two of the guys would pick her up, they all three could walk to the end. Especially Derrick and Cody. Their only obstacles would be Hayden, the little effort to get people to turn on Frankie enough to vote him out whatever week, and counteracting whatever Christine tries to pull.

edit: Crossed out that last part because apparently I was wrong wrong wrong. Sorry.


Brittany has been caught talking game with Donny and Jocasta. People assume when you go to the beehive room and close the door you are talking game, and rightfully so.

Also, she refuses to talk to HoH because she sees that as 'sucking up to HoH and kissing their ass'. She didn't talk to derrick last week and this week she is not speaking with Cody.

She didn't hide her sadness when Cody/Frankie won HoH.

She got in a fight over the beds yesterday with Nicole. She ended up sleeping alone in the beehive room.

She lied and said Devin didn't say anything about the bombsquad to her. Donny confirmed that which made her seem a liar to her friends. She said she didn't want to talk about it cause she was exhausted because lack of sleep. Jocasta also lied about the devin situation but blamed her constipation.

Jocasta has made it obvious that she is targeting the bombsquad. Brittany hangs out with Jocasta alot - its not a stretch to assume they are working together. They were cheering when they were picked for HoH pairs.

Finally, she has at numerous times rejected working with Derrick and Cody. Making comments like 'see you on the other side' and 'you guys have an order people will leave'. She doesn't understand that you can work with someone and still sabotage them and better to fake work with them for now instead of spit at any offers they make you.


Derrick is the new Devin. He's doing the controlling and manipulation now, but he's just a whole lot smarter and sneakier about it. He is a cop after all.


For people who don't watch the feeds, why is Brittany still a big target? The show edits make her seem rather harmless, and it seemed like only Devin had it in for her?
Leaders vs followers. She doesn't take anyone's shit and doesn't buy into anyone's else's shit. She is the ultimate wild card because she cannot be played because she doesn't understand how the game us supposed to be played. In other words, she is a threat. You want a house of controllable monkeys not a house of leaders.


She doesn't take anyone's shit and doesn't buy into anyone's else's shit.
Unfortunate that the shows are really ignoring some players. Their edit is non-existent, while they spend half the time showing Devin's stupidity and Caleb's stalking.


Leaders vs followers. She doesn't take anyone's shit and doesn't buy into anyone's else's shit. She is the ultimate wild card because she cannot be played because she doesn't understand how the game us supposed to be played. In other words, she is a threat. You want a house of controllable monkeys not a house of leaders.

This is basically it, they (Derrick) can't control her so they want her gone.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
Thanks for the replies. That makes sense, she seems like she could be a valuable asset if handled right. Much prefer to see that man child Caleb get the boot.


Who are you rooting for this season Fey?

No one tbh. I just want Derrick to leave right now. He serves smarter and sneakier Devin. The 2nd boss teas. :eyes:

I can actually understand why a lot of people who avoided the feeds would prefer BBCAN 1 to BBCAN 2.
There weren't too many highlights from BBCAN 2's shows apart from the Ika letter shredding.
I think the feeds were easily superior, though.

Yeah, I really enjoyed BBCAN2 and it's definitely because of the feeds. So many fights and mental breakdowns were cut down or completely ignored on the show, plus the way they edited some people was so bad. Kenny and Sarah threaten Heather's family to the point of getting warnings from production - but he also outed himself to Sarah the same week, so let's ignore all that and give him a hero edit. Neda tries to evict her best ally - gets a mastermind edit that makes it seem like this is the best decision she can make.


Yeah, I really enjoyed BBCAN2 and it's definitely because of the feeds.
Just watching some of the after hour stuff showed me how smart the cast of BBCAN2 was. Most of those people really knew the game and thought out every scenario. Not a lot of bad gameplay mistakes. They played the game hard instead of just hanging out and waiting to see what happened. I still enjoyed BBCAN1 more though because of the characters.

And yes, the TV edit can be extremely different from the reality of the house. Probably a big part is the people act differently when they know it will be part of the show, and production goes with that. Comps and ceremony behavior can be deceiving.


Victoria is the fucking worst. Brit looks like she wants to punch her.

She seriously doesn't understand the concept that she's the new Pao and will be nominated every week. She thinks Frankie and Cody still love her and next week will be all ok and this being her second time nominated means that she's a strong player in the house.

Whatever though. Derrick still has both these women fooled so they're both fucked.

edit: Sound like Caleb might be back to hating Amber. At least until he changes his mind again within the next two hours.

Victoria thinks Christine is the evil mastermind behind the house and why she's up. Brit is pretty convinced Vic made a deal and is going to throw the BotB.


Sounds like Caleb might be back to hating Amber. At least until he changes his mind again within the next two hours.
Caleb's been riding the "hate Amber" train pretty steadily since her session with Cody in the hammock a few nights ago. I think this may be a permanent change in disposition. The only reason it got turned around the first time was due entirely to people wanting to use Caleb's fixation on Amber to drive a wedge between him and Devin and that ship has already sailed.

Velcro Fly

With four women up is there any chance of them banding together? Or is that too much of a gameplay move.

Is this the worst female cast of all time?


There is no chance of them banding together.
This is the worst female cast of all-time.

Haven't really thought about it that way but you're probably right.

Jocasta: No interest in even playing
Victoria: Doesn't even understand she's on Big Brother or what Big Brother is
Amber: Thinks all you have to do is win some challenges to win the show
Brittany: Doesn't trust anybody
Nicole: Still can't believe she's on Big Brother
Christine: Trying to prove she has watched way too much Big Brother

Joey and Pao Pao were also both off in their own little worlds

Velcro Fly

I feel like Joey had at least a grasp of what to do. She just decided to try to blow up everyone's game week 1 and that is really dumb.
It would be awesome if Amber and Jocasta win BotB and Britt gets pulled off the block, but that would mean that Donny is going home. It's annoying that the people that know there's an alliance won't start one of heir own. I really hope there's a twist or something soon because I don't like the road this show is heading...I just want to root for someone.


It would be awesome if Amber and Jocasta win BotB and Britt gets pulled off the block, but that would mean that Donny is going home. It's annoying that the people that know there's an alliance won't start one of heir own. I really hope there's a twist or something soon because I don't like the road this show is heading...I just want to root for someone.
I root for the roof to cave in and crush everybody.

Amber & Jocasta won the Battle of the Block, btw.


This is the problem with starting with 16 people- it gets REALLY easy for a large-ish central group to get together and start picking off the stragglers.


It's like his fat wife is channeling the hate through him. It's really weird.
Woooooow. Ice cold, haha.

In Derrick's defence, he was a fatty before coming into the show, so it makes sense what his wife is...um...well....you know.


Nicole and Christine might be the only hope for the gals. At least they're willing to align with people.
You can tell production is begging for a showmance. They keep showing Nicole and that airhead, hoping it blossoms into love.


Nicole and Christine might be the only hope for the gals. At least they're willing to align with people.
You can tell production is begging for a showmance. They keep showing Nicole and that airhead, hoping it blossoms into love.
Christine's master plan is to evict all of the girls and go to the end with 4 boys. Because that's worked out so many times in Big Brother in the past.


Nicole's master plan is to ride Hayden and lay low until there's an opening to exploit within the Detonators.


Victoria is crying about no one wanting to sleep with her and Brittany is continuing to play her excellent social game. Good job ladies, great campaigning.


Victoria is crying about no one wanting to sleep with her and Brittany is continuing to play her excellent social game. Good job ladies, great campaigning.
Victoria needs to go during a double evic so the entire episode isn't focused on her and crying.


It would be awesome if Amber and Jocasta win BotB and Britt gets pulled off the block, but that would mean that Donny is going home. It's annoying that the people that know there's an alliance won't start one of heir own. I really hope there's a twist or something soon because I don't like the road this show is heading...I just want to root for someone.

It doesn't matter if they start an alliance if it's a smaller alliance. As long as the others have the numbers it doesn't matter what they do.
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