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Big Brother US 16 |OT| Now in HD! (Unmarked Spoilers, Read OP)

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Brittany deserves it. She said she didn't care about the game anymore to Codys face. You are giving him a reason to nominate you. Its hilarious how she got mad at Cody comparing her to victoria when they both don't care about the game anymore.

I hope she gets eliminated

Not to be turdy, but you're basing that opinion off CBS editing a 30+ minute argument down to a couple sound bites. Her saying she didn't care was just to get the conversation rolling cuz they were sitting in the kitchen in awkward hate silence for a long time. It was a rough day and she had just come super close to winning HoH. Of course you're going to be frustrated.

Where she did make a mistake during that night was telling Cody he just cared about what girls flirted with him. It was 99% true but of course he didn't take kindly to it.


Perhaps edit, but it sure looks like there's a bunch of people who have no clue how to play the game. All the women put up are wondering why nobody loves them. And Brittany, jeez. "I've sacrificed the most." Entitled much? You think you're going to win the game because you've sacrificed the most? Clueless. Why do these people even apply for the show when they have no idea what it's about? Be cute and win comps. That's their strategy.

Again, BB casting has weird ideas what they want. Get plenty of boobs and abs. Brains are not important.

I'm not so sure Team America should have been awarded the win for that last challenge. Or at least it should have been more specific. When America voted that a physical player should be nominated, I highly doubt they were thinking Amber.


Did anyone else also find it weird how they edited the HoH comp to make it look like Amber and Zach almost won? From every single feed conversation about it this week, it always sounds like Brit/Jocasta were the ones right there.

I'm just going to assume CBS did that to protect Frankie's bullshit move of claiming Amber was a power player. Not that they deserve any credit, but IMO, they shouldn't have gotten one penny unless they nominated Derrick or Caleb.

Why do these people even apply for the show when they have no idea what it's about?

Because they don't. For people like Brittany and Hayden, CBS just randomly walked up to them on the street. Frankie applied for Survivor and Caleb and Devin had applied for Amazing Race. I have no fucking clue where they found Victoria.


Zach went from being smart and wanting to put Caleb up. To being a complete dumbass and volunteering to go up. What the hell Zach


Zach went from being smart and wanting to put Caleb up. To being a complete dumbass and volunteering to go up. What the hell Zach
I think it was a case of Zach wanting to make a sensible move to save Brittany, being frustrated by the fact that Derrick, Frankie (and then Christine) had handcuffed themselves to Cody to prevent Zach from getting 1-on-1 time with him (or to tag team him with Hayden) to pitch his suggestion - he even asked them to leave the room and they refused - and then being so amped to make a move that would in some way, shape or form benefit Cody's game (which putting up Donny will not do) that he decided to volunteer to go up himself after literally arguing with his entire alliance after they refused to let Zach discuss things with Cody directly.

Had he been able to engage Cody either by himself or with Hayden and/or Donny at any time last night he wouldn't have come up with such a ridiculous idea (which only highlighted his volatility with the other Detonators) and that he eventually got talked down from (Donny is still going up on the block).

The big takeaway is that if Zach were to win HOH he would not take kindly to being "babysat" and having his nominations delegated out for him (effectively having his entire HOH usurped) the way Cody (aka Derrick's bitch) did.


Donny apparently just talked Cody down from nominating him.
Cody may have found his balls.

Cody is making a play to backdoor Caleb!
And he called Frankie "a fucking little weasel" as he tore through the house to rouse Sergeant Derrick from his slumber.
Donny apparently just talked Cody down from nominating him.
Cody may have found his balls.

Cody is making a play to backdoor Caleb!
And he called Frankie "a fucking little weasel" as he tore through the house to rouse Sergeant Derrick from his slumber.

I want this to happen, but I just don't see Cody following through. I hope it does though! Donny has got into Zach and now Cody's head...Derrick is gonna be pissed.


Neo Member
Derrick is really sticking around that HoH room with Cody. Frankie even got his battery for him after production wanted Derrick to go get a new one.


Donny apparently just talked Cody down from nominating him.
Cody may have found his balls.

Cody is making a play to backdoor Caleb!
And he called Frankie "a fucking little weasel" as he tore through the house to rouse Sergeant Derrick from his slumber.

That made me squeal like a little schoolgirl in the middle of the office.

Please please please stick with it.


I've gained some respect for Cody now. Kudos to Donny too! This guy has what it takes to win but it won't be easy. If Caleb goes this week it'll be a big boost to the outsiders.


Cody: "I feel like a fucking pussy."


Lol just came to post that. He said he was worried Caleb would fight him. Of course, just after this morning saying Caleb was as intimidating as a puppy.

Hopefully it takes about five more seconds before Caleb finds out everything that went down.
Looks like Donny's up.



Why has Caleb gotten everyone's underwear in a knot? He's a sad, stalker puppy and is totally clueless about everything. He'll be gone within two weeks. Calm down, everyone. Pre-jury is inconsequential, anyway.


Poor Cody. So pussywhipped.
False alarm everybody. Derrick's still running the show.
You can resume ignoring the feeds.


Brittany: "It sucks not having a chance and just knowing you're going to go up."

Oh yeah, I forgot that you were disqualified from all the comps.


Brittany: "It sucks not having a chance and just knowing you're going to go up."

Oh yeah, I forgot that you were disqualified from all the comps.

I think she meant because they kept partnering her with shitty teammates so she never had a chance in BotB. I mean, there's veto, but when it's a random winner one like this week, on a basic level she has a point that makes sense in her head.

She is doing an awful job campaigning. Not like there's anything she actually could do though. As long as Donny keeps his mouth shut until Thursday, she's done done done.


Frankie about Brittany to Cody: "She's a fucking vixen manipulative bitch! Her and Donny were up all night trying to get you (Cody) to flip."

This, of course, is entirely imaginary. Brittany and Donny didn't exchange two words last night. Donny was asleep in bed by the time Brittany woke up after her soccer punishment.


Cody's & this faux remorse
Like Brittany wasn't the target from the beginning
Like they didn't immediately plan on putting up Donny after Victoria saved herself
Like everyone in the house doesn't know what's going on (except Victoria probably)

I hope the others in his alliance turn on him for acting like he was strong armed into making these decisions.


Has Caleb heard anything about Cody putting him up? I'm kinda hoping that causes some drama within the alliance.

Not yet. Derrick and Cody are going to spin it that "some people in the alliance" wanted him up. That way Cody looks like he was the good guy. Who that ends up pinning it on short term, I'm not entirely sure. Zach and Christine?

Eventually Frankie is going to say something.. it's Frankie.

I was going to say Frankie and Derrick would probably keep it in their back pocket until they use Caleb to get out Cody. But at this point, I don't even know. After this week, Cody has proven to be just as manipulable as Caleb with the added bonus that he's not crazy. For their game, they might be better off sticking with Cody.


Not yet. Derrick and Cody are going to spin it that "some people in the alliance" wanted him up. That way Cody looks like he was the good guy. Who that ends up pinning it on short term, I'm not entirely sure. Zach and Christine?

They're probably going to say it was Amber lol
It's mind-boggling to me that the people that clearly aren't in the 'in" group don't form their own alliance. This show is frustrating in how stupid so many of the people are.

I'll be surprised if Derrick doesn't win because he's pretty much playing the entire game by himself at this point.


Unconfirmed Member
Not to mention Devin spilled the beans on the entire alliance already, and they still haven't formed a plan to get rid of them.


I really hate this cast now. It started off with such promise but took a big ol' shit really quickly. None of these people can think for themselves except for Derrick. Next season better be All-Stars because I can't stomach this show too much more.


Not to mention Devin spilled the beans on the entire alliance already, and they still haven't formed a plan to get rid of them.

And it's too late after this week number-wise. That's a big reason why Frankie was so adamant about getting Brittany out.

Anything else would require Nicole pulling head from ass, and that isn't going to happen.

Jocasta will be out next time an HoH "wah wah doesn't want any blood on my hands." Donny will be out next time an HoH pretends he/she is making a big move. Victoria will be goated until the end unless there's a veto fluke with her being a pawn. Hayden is gonna Hayden.

If Nicole wasn't content with just omg I'm on Big Brother omg Hayden, she probably could have rallied all those people together the last couple weeks. Of course, Victoria would have ruined the whole thing by telling Frankie and Cody about it because she doesn't understand.

Gotta hand it to Grodner. No matter what the pre-interviews tried to proclaim, she yet again found a group of girls who only care about fighting against each other.

I really hate this cast now. It started off with such promise but took a big ol' shit really quickly. None of these people can think for themselves except for Derrick. Next season better be All-Stars because I can't stomach this show too much more.

I don't think I could even stomach an All Stars. You know it would be some "twist" bullshit where it's Brendan/Rachael vs. Amanda/McCrae and I don't want to ever see any of those people the rest of my life. I'd throw Jeff/Jordan into that pile too, but I'm assuming Jeff is too much a CBS employee now to be allowed on the show.
LOL WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG JOCASTA! Someone please gif her random seizure after they won that Block yesterday. nvm went 2 pages back and it is there in VINE


Cody is an awful player. Also the fact that Nicole and Christine back-ride the guys is ridiculous. Its like they are just playing to make jury cause the guy's #s will always be higher than the women.
so fucking funny, Brittany saying she knows Cody was pressured into putting her up... and then that she totally trusts Derrick and he's the only person she trusts in the house.


so fucking funny, Brittany saying she knows Cody was pressured into putting her up... and then that she totally trusts Derrick and he's the only person she trusts in the house.

Britt is a moron. I don't know why she still trusts Derrick after the BS outting,. i thought that'd be it


Anyone know the time stamp of this gif? I want to view the whole scene but I can't find the flashback time.

It's the first thing on Cam 3 once Jeff/fish come back from the PoV ceremony. Around 12:11:45 today. There's a flashback marker "Cody reacts after putting Donny up" that gets you pretty close to it.


I have my doubts whether Brittany will even talk to Derrick after the show. She seems to be the type of person that would take being made to look like a fool personally. Especially when most of what Derrick's done in terms of fostering her faith in him has been unnecessary.

She practically broke down in tears for 3 hours when Devin told her that Derrick was part of an alliance that he was keeping from her - and Derrick wasn't even actively distrusting her at that point. The fact that he's been egging on her trust ever since knowing full well that she represents little threat and that he has actually been the one spearheading her eviction this week won't go over easy.

Is #DerrickIsACop the new #DevinHasADaughter?

Or maybe #FrankieHasASister
My personal favorite is #CodyIsAPussy.
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