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Big Brother US 16 |OT| Now in HD! (Unmarked Spoilers, Read OP)

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Hey guys, I'm 100% serious when I say this, my wife's cousin is Jared Leto....

Think AG might get me on the show and let me win?

Umm, why exactly would Frankie need productions permission?

Gonna need pics of wife to confirm. Also nude is most preferred. Thanks

Velcro Fly

That's my girl Victoria. I knew she had it in her.

I feel like Sunday's edited show could be 3 hours with all the stuff they have to include.
Holy shit, I have finally found Victoria!! Where the hell has this person been all summer?




She's always been there. Sorry, had to use all of the gifs cause I don't know when she'll be relevant again.
What if Victoria is the super genius that we never expected? Do nothing until all the floaters are gone... then smash everyone during mid game?

Okay okay I know that's ridiculous... I'm just saying WHAT IF
What if Victoria is the super genius that we never expected? Do nothing until all the floaters are gone... then smash everyone during mid game?

Okay okay I know that's ridiculous... I'm just saying WHAT IF

IF Victoria has that in her to become the type of player who can get Frankie out twice despite DR manipulation (that's what it would take) and win this game, she would have a legit claim as best BB player ever. I have a better chance of getting into a threesome with Scarlett Johansson and Alexandra Daddario than that happening though...


Christine's target is still Zach. She plans to put Victoria up on the block as a pawn should Donny come down.
Frankie's still trying to force her to backdoor Nicole. Derrick will probably tag team those efforts with him tomorrow once his Frankie disgust has worn off.
It's good for him that he's got "fans" outside of BB, because what little support he had in the BB community is gone now. The cat ladies are out for his blood
I wonder if they will ever show Cody and Christine's showmance since Zankie and Haycole are dead. We're definitely going to see Frankie's showmance with his ego.

Tim, get your wife...


Christine is fucking disgusting. I hope her husband leaves her but he never would bc he'll keep finding reason to justify her disrespecting him
I need to get this off my chest and this is good a place as ever to do it.

Obviously you all know this season as been geared to protect frankie every way they can so they can whore him out to get attention from Ariana fans and press. They knew that they couldnt have something negative like last years racism to get attention. They needed something positive.

Now I've been a fan of big brother since the very first. I have never EVER seen such sad display then what i've seen of CBS and Big Brother than this year.

From the very moment frankie was announced on the show they show him on the phone with Ariana. They even have in a subtitle "Ariana on the phone". I understand why they are doing it but it just makes us big brother hardcore fans upset. Thousands of people try out and i was one of them. I met so many people that try their heart out to get on the show and Frankie gets on because of his sister. (that is life i guess)

Lets talk Team America. The producers had to come up with a way to make Frankie just a little bit safer in that house, thus to make him stay longer , longer he stays , the longer he will be on TV and they can milk the Ariana train for all its worth.

They brainstorm and come up with Team America. Essentially making him have 2 houseguests that will work with him and keep him safe.

Bare with me GAF, I'm not done yet.

Frankie is the star of this show and it is sickening.

The moment Frankie is in danger, REAL danger they pick the one veto where it is individually timed. Now we can pretned that all these comps are predetermined but THEY ARE NOT. They pick the one competition where they utlimately can decide who gets the best time. How in the world do we know Christine won by 30 seconds? Why dont they show the comp on the feeds? Ok to hid production, understandable. But why not have a timer or some way for US and the houseguests to know? The answer is simple. So they can control it. Nicole would have won and there was an oppertunity to backdoor Frankie. Big brother could not leave it up to Nicole getting cold feet from the diary room telling her it was a bad idea. Instead they get it to Christine, the one person who is 100% (HUNDO) loyal to Frankie. Zach should have been the casuality.

Now keep with me GAF i'm almost done.

The 9 person jury. There has NEVER been a 9 person jury in Big Brother history. Now why do you think they made a 9 person jury this season? To make sure Frankie is atleast in Jury. They cannot risk him leavin in the next week or 2 so they pulled the trigger to make it a 9 person jury. Production has soooo many safety nets for Frankie it is not even funny.

Julie tells the houseguests that just because you are in jury , doesnt mean your game is over. OMG what could this mean? It is just another safety net for Frankie to be safe and be voted back into the big brother house (maybe by America, which Ariana will make it happen....much like Gary from BBCAN)

This whole Frankie thing finally announcing to the houseguests about Ariana is just the greenlight CBS wants (and probably told frankie to do it) so they can mention her name as much as possible. It also makes some houseguests even AFRAID to vote him out because they dont want Ariana fans to be mad at them. Nicole has said on the feeds she would be afraid to vote him out. Caleb is starstruck.

PHEW. I know this is probably all common sense to some of you but to those who couldnt see I hope this post helps.

I want it on the record that I may be disgusted by this but I'm in no way like these cat ladies that will make death threats. I actually like Frankie and think he is entertaining. My only problem is the game I loved to watch has turned into this. A show that doesnt care about integreity or letting the best man win. Ever since Season 11 where they let Jeff overthrow Jessie this show has gone downhill. Or when Rachel and Jordan where "paired up" after pandoras box which led to Rachels Win. I could go on and on but I'm done.

Thank you for reading and goodnight.
I'm still laughing because it's obvious that the BotB comp was made for Frankie's situation, production isn't even hiding that they're protecting him and the other HG can't sit down and think and realize that.
I love Frankie btw, I wanna see what their faces looked like when that BotB comp was given to him.


Fuck Frankie.

Fuck Christine.

My entire hope the rest of the season is these pieces of trash get what is coming to them.



FYI, Zach is going home this week unless he wins veto.
Christine plans to pull Donny down off the block and pawn Victoria following POV.
The Team America prize is no longer in play.

Derrick's going to try and talk Christine into backdooring Nicole instead. Don't think he'll pull it off but he's pulled rabbits out of his hat to save Zach twice before.

What time did the Frankie tell-all start? BB time that is?
Around 10:00pm Pacific. Have a barf bag at the ready.


FYI, Zach is going home this week unless he wins veto.
Christine plans to pull Donny down off the block and pawn Victoria following POV.
The Team America prize is no longer in play.

Derrick's going to try and talk Christine into backdooring Nicole instead. Don't think he'll pull it off but he's pulled rabbits out of his hat to save Zach twice before.

Around 10:00pm Pacific. Have a barf bag at the ready.


This is why the lesson of BB8 was simple: Stop caring. Grodner doesn't. Watch Survivor, they actually do respect the fact that they're a game show.
(12:56pm) Donny to Nic in LR "Here's the one person I don't want to win, there's one person who has played everybody - Derrick.Frankie hasn't promised me nothin'. Christine hasn't promised me nothin'. He has. He has manipulated everybody."

Nicole "That's true"

Donny "Cody hasn't. He's just rode the train. Got in when the gettin's good and rode the train. If I'd said this a long time ago it'd have gotten back to them a long time ago and I'd be gone, so what could I have done?"


Velcro Fly

production is backing the wrong person to try and flip the house if they picked donny

although a derrick backdoor is so obviously happening at this point so that frankie can stroll to an easy win.


production is backing the wrong person to try and flip the house if they picked donny

although a derrick backdoor is so obviously happening at this point so that frankie can stroll to an easy win.
Won't be happening this week, at least.
Either Donny or Zach are going to jury.
Just depends on who remains on the block after POV.
2:03 PM Frankie says, Oh America does hate them! About Zack and Nicole trying to get him out. NT

god this dumbass is getting old, your SISTER is famous. Not you.


2:03 PM Frankie says, Oh America does hate them! About Zack and Nicole trying to get him out. NT

god this dumbass is getting old, your SISTER is famous. Not you.
But but... Frankie has more Twitter followers than Zach and Nicole. That means, according to Frankie, that America loves him more.

Caleb is now dressing like Justin Bieber...

Caleb might be the weirdest person to ever play the game. Before the season he was an animal torturing redneck racist, then he was an obsessed stalker, and now he's a starstruck fangirl.
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