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Big Brother US 16 |OT| Now in HD! (Unmarked Spoilers, Read OP)

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Derrick will smooth things over with Victoria, and Zach will have blown his game up (again) because he simply cannot keep his mouth shut.
Showmance Frankie was at least a little funny and likeable, but this new Demon Frankie is the most annoying thing ever.

Same for Showmance Zach, Betrayed Zach is a little whiny bitch.
He was talking to the house plant. Don't believe it.


I hope you like Zactoria...


Something potentially major just happened.

I missed the beginning of this, so it may not be 100% right. As far as I can tell, Victoria REALLY trusted Derrick. Zach told Victoria that Derrick was part of the Detonators. Victoria did not know this information and felt betrayed. Nicole confirmed this to Victoria and told her that Derrick made a final 2 deal with her (I think that's what she said?). Victoria started crying and getting really upset. Cody walked in and interrupted their talk, then Victoria left to talk to Zach. Zach was trying to calm her down because Zach was the one who initially told her. Zach calmed her down somewhat, but Nicole told Cody that Victoria was mad at Derrick because Zach told Victoria about alliances Derrick was in.

Not sure how this will play out.
This is just Brittany Redux with Zach playing the role of Devin.
"At the end of the day" this will just wind up being good news for Caleb.
Victoria - "I'm extremely hurt because Derrick is hurt by me"

Just like UberTag and I predicted...

Zach screwed Derrick with his big mouth and Derrick didn't handle it all that great, but he recovered and Zach moved the target onto himself like a good boy


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
I love how Victoria was the only one in the house to still not know about the detonators. What a useless player.
It sucks that Derrick keeps referencing The Brigade. I don't want that season to happen again, but we're not really dealing with bright people this season.

Also, this dude must really love hearing himself speak.


I love how Victoria was the only one in the house to still not know about the detonators. What a useless player.
Technically Caleb doesn't know about them either.
He just knows about "the fake Detonators" alliance Zach supposedly tried to start up a week ago to save himself out of desperation when Nicole was HOH.
He doesn't know about the month-old actual Detonators alliance that actually existed up until a couple days ago.

Velcro Fly

I don't think it would matter much to Caleb since they protected him like he was an alliance member anyway. Cody chickened out on putting him up when he took money over the veto. It was Donny that put him up. Victoria being mad about something that's totally irrelevant also funny. One minute she's an honorary member since she voted with them, the next minute she's mad her buddy Derrick was a part of the group? It will be fine.

Any chance Team America keeps Donny this week? If I was Derrick/Cody I'd try to gain Donny as an ally since he's a strong challenge guy and doesn't seem to want to backstab everyone.


Derrick is right up there with the best manipulators in this game.People forget Dan played in a house full of idiots also.
The cat ladies are really upset with Derrick. Apparently he's a horrible manipulative bully for screwing with Victoria (using "police interrogation tactics") and manipulating her to his advantage. It was all good when Dan did it to Danielle in season 14 though...


The cat ladies are really upset with Derrick. Apparently he's a horrible manipulative bully for screwing with Victoria (using "police interrogation tactics") and manipulating her to his advantage. It was all good when Dan did it to Danielle in season 14 though...

But he's a cop doe. FUCK DA POLICE !


I would bang a hot farmer!
The cat ladies are really upset with Derrick. Apparently he's a horrible manipulative bully for screwing with Victoria (using "police interrogation tactics") and manipulating her to his advantage. It was all good when Dan did it to Danielle in season 14 though...
Dan was a nice HS teacher in a catholic school. Derrick is a dirty cop.


I would bang a hot farmer!
I would love an HoH to get a letter from their SO stating that what they're doing in the house is hurting their relationship. Not just about Christine but any HG in general.
How's everyone on this #FrankieFreeFeeds Sunday?

I don't care for Derrick's tone with Victoria, but I don't know what she would do if Derrick didn't tell her how to think.


I would bang a hot farmer!
Canadian channel not showing it until 10pm because it's airing Teen Choice Awards. :(
American channel not showing it because golf is running long. :(


Just finished BB 14..

Dan deserved to win. He was clearly the greatest player there. Ian was a fraud and had 0 social game

Velcro Fly

So does everyone still hate Frankie or is he pretty much golden because he's famous? Like will he be a major target next week assuming he doesn't win a rigged HOH?


Sad that the target has went back to Nicole and Donny. Also pissed that obviously production is helping keep Frankie in. This was my first season of BB. Will be my last too. I'll stick with Survivor, where at least they don't obviously manipulate everything.
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