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Big Brother US 16 |OT| Now in HD! (Unmarked Spoilers, Read OP)

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That really wasn't that rigged.

Donny and Zach just sucked horribly.

dey talkin bout teamwork brah

Velcro Fly

That really wasn't that rigged.

Donny and Zach just sucked horribly.

the only other battle of the block winnable solo was the dumb we did what one with questions and punishments. everything else you need two people. even the one amber ended up winning 1v2 wouldn't have been possible without starting 2v2. Many of them would have been auto losses with only one of two participating.


the only other battle of the block winnable solo was the dumb we did what one with questions and punishments. everything else you need two people. even the one amber ended up winning 1v2 wouldn't have been possible without starting 2v2

It's definitely fishy that it was doable solo, but it wasn't anywhere close to as easy for Frankie as I assumed it would be.

I really don't think Zach or Donny, if they had to do to solo, would have adapted as quickly as Frankie did.


So ...does Zach just kind of suck at competitions sometimes? He did pretty bad on the comic book one too. I kinda think solo Donny would've done better at that comp than solo Zach.
That really wasn't that rigged.

Donny and Zach just sucked horribly.

Big Brother fans on the internet saying things like "rigged!" or "production interference!" translates to "the game isn't unfolding the way I want it to" or "someone I don't like is winning things" 99.99% of the time.

Velcro Fly

The two BotB that have been "thrown" have been the two able to be completed solo. We Did What which was just answering questions and taking punishments if incorrect and this one with the balls. The others are pretty much auto loss if only one person is competing. We'll see how long the twist goes if future BotB comps are auto loss if one person sits out.

edit: the puzzle one was also thrown and that is definitely not soloable. so two out of three.


FYI, Zach is going home this week unless he wins veto.
Christine plans to pull Donny down off the block and pawn Victoria following POV.
The Team America prize is no longer in play.

Derrick's going to try and talk Christine into backdooring Nicole instead. Don't think he'll pull it off but he's pulled rabbits out of his hat to save Zach twice before.

Around 10:00pm Pacific. Have a barf bag at the ready.

Wait, so they didn't actually show the reveal on the feeds?

At 10pm they're in the bathroom talking about record companies.


Is the Canadian BB ruined by interference from production as well? I just wish the ratings would tank with a decent social media campaign to explain to CBS why it tanked but they'd still probably just cancel it outright or somehow bring it back for another season "bigger than ever" which is really just letting us know they'll be interfering more and more.

At one point when I wasn't sick, I thought about applying for this show simply because I've watched enough bullshit to know how to avoid the clear manipulation and I find most of the cast brain-dead that joined for all the wrong reasons, but I guess it'd be hard to get on being a rational person that isn't a model looking for more exposure. Then again, if you don't play by the production's rules, you'd probably be voted out next thanks to their brain-washing power.

I think if a normal fan applied with a persona that made the casting director think he or she would be great for drama but then completely changed once they got into the house and played their own game instead of the usual mob mentality gameplay and did what they thought was best for their game regardless of the production's wishes, they'd do pretty well until they convinced the pawns to get rid of the actual player.

Derrick at least gives me some hope, but it'd be a lot different if he did this in a house full of real competitors and the players were left to play for themselves.

I just dream of an actual competition with this premise. Hell, I still want a Survivor season in a different setting instead of the same old tropical bullshit just to keep people in as little clothes as possible. Survivor: Alaska would be amazing and not as crazy as my original dream of Siberia. :D


Frankie seems to be trying to get Ariana fans to hate Nicole? Repeatedly saying that Nicole said awful things about Ariana, Nicole is terrified of this happening so maybe he's hoping Zach will go back and tell her about it.

Also, Derrick totally threw that HOH comp. No way Victoria read the letters and answered that question faster than he could.


Whenever a game uses "middleware," I expect mediocrity. Just see how poor TLOU looks.
Canadian BB is rigged (I'll spoiler tag in case anyone wants to watch the two seasons), not quite as obviously and sloppily as American BB, but Gary Glitter
coming back
(and as much as I loved him) he was clearly production's fave
until Topaz messed up his win at the finale
. Season 2, production was CLEARLY trying to paint the absolutely disgusting and VILE Jon as the "hero" of the season and
they ensured he made it to the end, I knew when the first five blew up through that stupid twist the Jon would be handed the win
With that mess, I'm done with BB Canada

I'm pissed cuz ONCE AGAIN I was going to have to be on pins and needles for my boy Zach's safety all week. He's one of my 3 favorite houseguests ever (Rachel and Glitter Gary are my other two <3) So again, I'm tossing my regard for spoilers for the televised show out the window cuz I needed to know if Zach is leaving this week, and am SO RELIEVED to hear he won veto!!!!!!! :D :D That's is the OnlineBigBrother site is correct.
But honestly, I can't take the rigging nonsense of this show anymore. If it wasn't for Zach, Nicole, Derrick and Donny, I'd tune out this season altogether by now. I think BB17 will be skipped unless Grodner is "evicted" from CBS!


Canadian BB is rigged (I'll spoiler tag in case anyone wants to watch the two seasons), not quite as obviously and sloppily as American BB, but Gary Glitter
coming back
(and as much as I loved him) he was clearly production's fave
until Topaz messed up his win at the finale
. Season 2, production was CLEARLY trying to paint the absolutely disgusting and VILE Jon as the "hero" of the season and
they ensured he made it to the end, I knew when the first five blew up through that stupid twist the Jon would be handed the win
With that mess, I'm done with BB Canada

I'm pissed cuz ONCE AGAIN I was going to have to be on pins and needles for my boy Zach's safety all week. He's one of my 3 favorite houseguests ever (Rachel and Glitter Gary are my other two <3) So again, I'm tossing my regard for spoilers for the televised show out the window cuz I needed to know if Zach is leaving this week, and am SO RELIEVED to hear he won veto!!!!!!! :D :D That's is the OnlineBigBrother site is correct.
But honestly, I can't take the rigging nonsense of this show anymore. If it wasn't for Zach, Nicole, Derrick and Donny, I'd tune out this season altogether by now. I think BB17 will be skipped unless Grodner is "evicted" from CBS!

Donnie won da veto doe


So was it rigged or not? Can't tell with all this sarcasm going around lol.

Didn't even bother taping the episode because of golf so just going to quit if everything that was said over the weekend ended up true.

Velcro Fly

So was it rigged or not? Can't tell with all this sarcasm going around lol.

Didn't even bother taping the episode because of golf so just going to quit if everything that was said over the weekend ended up true.

the choice of comp could have been. they talked pretty openly it seems about caleb throwing it. he got one of the few that one person could win solo. it's fishy but it doesn't seem that blatant.

also apparently once the comp started caleb got up and tried to play but they wouldn't let him but they let donny sit out and come back. been seeing that other places though so i'm not sure if it's true
So was it rigged or not? Can't tell with all this sarcasm going around lol.

Didn't even bother taping the episode because of golf so just going to quit if everything that was said over the weekend ended up true.

There was no rigging. The social media mogul was just better off doing the comp alone.


Junior Member
So was it rigged or not? Can't tell with all this sarcasm going around lol.

Didn't even bother taping the episode because of golf so just going to quit if everything that was said over the weekend ended up true.

Frankie legit won the competition by himself but I have a sneaking suspicion production clued him in on Caleb throwing the comp before hand. He then used that knowledge to talk Caleb into sitting it out thus at least giving him a chance to win on his own.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
Just caught up on the episode......Frankie is such an insufferable bag of shit. BMC should have just grabbed one of the chains, what an idiot. If Frankie can turn the house back on his side, I'll probably stop watching.


Someone's really fucking around with Frankie's wiki page.....

He graduated from Muhlenberg College in Pennsylvania in 2005, having triple-majored in biology, theatre and being a dick.

He co-founded the non-profit arts organization "Broadway in South Africa", travelling to South Africa to work with disadvantaged strippers. Grande also helped buildOn to build a strip club in a rural village in Malawi, and in 2014 buildOn honored him for his efforts by giving him head.

As of July 2014, Grande had over 200,000 YouTube bitches with more than 10 million views, and more than 500,000 bitches each on Twitter and Instagram.

He received the news of his grandfather's death on the show but decided against leaving, and instead took advantage of the situation to garner sympathy.

Just caught up on the episode......Frankie is such an insufferable bag of shit. BMC should have just grabbed one of the chains, what an idiot. If Frankie can turn the house back on his side, I'll probably stop watching.

You may want to skip Wednesday's episode then. #FrankieFuneral

Social Media Mogul Frankie is worse than the other Frankie, because he's not only an attention whore, he's arrogant and conceited too. He was mocking Hayden's follower count, but at least Hayden's life doesn't revolve around leeching off his sister. Frankie is also trying to guilt trip Zach for some reason with his "do you know what you put me through?" line and then he started complaining about not getting applause for this burden or whatever....come on man. I also don't like him talking about having his sister's fans turn on Nicole either. He's so pathetic.


Just how "rigged" it is depends on your perception. I don't think comps are rigged. They are scheduled long in advance to coordinate with the set construction crews. And I don't believe that results for timed events are manipulated or fabricated.

Twists are the same way. They didn't just decide during the show to allow a BBCAN contestant back in the game. This is all decided pre-production, long before the season even starts. They might have been thrilled that Gary was the benefactor of the twist, but it wasn't planned. As soon as the twist was announced and Canada would vote, everybody in the country knew that Gary would win and there was no vote manipulation needed.

The pre-production decisions and how the show is set up can definitely benefit some players and hurt others. And I do think rigging occurs via info and telling contestants shit in the diary room. That's how production manipulates the game during the season. I also agree that the TV edit is very creative to make a contestant look smart, dumb, villain or hero. The Jon edit was very favorable to avoid showing what an obnoxious pig he really was. The TV edit can be very different from what's actually going on, and this can also manipulate fan voting.

A lot of the "planting seeds" to contestants could be happening in the diary room by production. Maybe a big reason why these rather naive and simple-minded contestants are getting cast. And it's entirely possible that Frankie is getting fed info from production and that can have a major factor in the game. But I don't think there's any actual scheduling, comp fabrication, voting, or comp results lying going on by production. That's a major lawsuit if ever proven.

The American BB show is still a bloody mess and a pathetic disgrace. I agree that there's plenty of production manipulation going on. Even if it's not actual cheating, it's still pretty disgusting.


I'll be very satisfied the moment Frankie gets put in his place. I wish he was in a season with more confrontational guests. Everyone seems very reluctant to call him out on his bullshit.


not a medical professional
As soon as the twist was announced and Canada would vote, everybody in the country knew that Gary would win and there was no vote manipulation needed.

Well, yeah, because whenever there's a Canada votes or America Votes, it gives production carte blanche to do whatever the fuck they want because there's no way to prove who actually voted for once.

Slop choices, comp choices, anything that the 'audience' gets to decide is already decided by production and the votes don't matter for shit.
Well, yeah, because whenever there's a Canada votes or America Votes, it gives production carte blanche to do whatever the fuck they want because there's no way to prove who actually voted for once.

Slop choices, comp choices, anything that the 'audience' gets to decide is already decided by production and the votes don't matter for shit.

This is ignoring what is actually going on with America's vote. They don't just throw out the votes and say "Fuck it we'll do what we want.". What they do is just choose when specifically to use the vote because they know what the results will be. The most popular player in the game is about to go and we want to save him? Why not put it up to vote, there's no way he will lose. They wouldn't use the vote if it was someone else likely to go home that they wanted to keep around because they know it wouldn't be likely to come out that way.

They don't ignore the votes and do what they want, they just don't use the vote unless they know the desired result will win. It's still manipulation, but an entirely different kind.

If they knew in any way that Jeff was going to go out during double eviction and that Rachel and Jordan were going to be at risk the next week they would have probably done something just as likely with America's vote. Because it happened so suddenly they went with Pandora's Box instead.

Elissa kind of proves this as well. The power was put in play to help her but when they switched it up people didn't pay attention and put her on the block. Not even Production could predict people being that stupid. What would have stopped them from just not putting up Elissa? No one would have thought anything of it.


I'm completely floored as to why Caleb didn't grab the chains to screw up Frankie once he saw he was doing well...this might be the dumbest group of Big Brother competitors yet. It has been really hard to watch and I love this show.


I'm completely floored as to why Caleb didn't grab the chains to screw up Frankie once he saw he was doing well...this might be the dumbest group of Big Brother competitors yet. It has been really hard to watch and I love this show.

It was mentioned earlier that some other site said he actually did try to jump back in but production wouldn't let him (or something along those lines). Not sure on the truth of that, however.
I'm completely floored as to why Caleb didn't grab the chains to screw up Frankie once he saw he was doing well...this might be the dumbest group of Big Brother competitors yet. It has been really hard to watch and I love this show.

Same, I've barely been around because the show got infinitely less interesting once Devin walked out of the house. Haven't watched any feeds and have barely watched any of the episodes.

Seemed like an interesting cast at the start but it so quickly went to absolute shit.


It was mentioned earlier that some other site said he actually did try to jump back in but production wouldn't let him (or something along those lines). Not sure on the truth of that, however.

Seriously? If that's true, that's ridiculous. He should be allowed to do whatever he wants since he is in the competition. Grodner is such a hack. I'm ready for her to no longer be involved with this show.


They don't ignore the votes and do what they want, they just don't use the vote unless they know the desired result will win. It's still manipulation, but an entirely different kind.
All it would take was a couple of disgruntled production employees to blow the whistle and testify to the fraud. That's why manipulation is done without any actual cheating, and like you say, any vote happening is done when they know damn well what the result will be or they don't particularly care. Or they just manipulate the TV edit to get the vote result they want.

I have no doubt the BBCAN Gary vote was legit. He was brought back into the game because Canada thought he was entertaining. Successful TV edit.

Any production decision might obviously benefit a particular contestant, but it's still considered a "fair" opportunity for all contestants. Any actual fabrication of results like a vote or a comp win where contestants can say there was real cheating going on is a lawsuit waiting to happen. That's why production manipulation is done in other ways.


also apparently once the comp started caleb got up and tried to play but they wouldn't let him but they let donny sit out and come back. been seeing that other places though so i'm not sure if it's true

Just quoting this about Caleb trying to get back in to play the comp.


Death Prophet
It was mentioned earlier that some other site said he actually did try to jump back in but production wouldn't let him (or something along those lines). Not sure on the truth of that, however.
There was an audio clip I heard with Caleb talking about this but it the context was questionable. I'd like a time stamp on when this discussion went down.
There was an audio clip I heard with Caleb talking about this but it the context was questionable. I'd like a time stamp on when this discussion went down.

I could see production telling him if he wants to sit out it means he's out completely and can't get back in. But I would think that would also include him not being eligable for the perks of winning if he was to also sit out. Almost like Production using the NFL experience to hold it over Caleb's head saying If you sit out you can't get back in, and you can't win the prize. I would guess production probably doesn't want to show a comp where someone just sits there.
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