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Big Xbox Game Coming to PlayStation Next week According to Shinobi

Mr Hyde

Sunset Overdrive

The IP is owned by Insomniac, but Microsoft had rights to sequels, ports, and re-releases.
Since Microsoft no longer cares about keeping games exclusive to Xbox, this would be an easy port to Playstation.

Would love a PS5 remaster. That game was superfun to play. The story was hilarious too, especially the LARPers. You could see a lot of the Ratchet and Clank DNA in this game with all of the different and creative weapons you could acquire.


Phone reception is more important to me than human rights
My body is ready.

It shouldn’t have got to this point really, I never shared the view that as a console, it couldn’t be a major success globally. I felt it needed the right culture, mindset and leadership/executive team to do so. They started on that path with 360 but never built on it.

I think their shills and influencers were giving the game away anyway the last couple of years by trying to shame critical fans as console warriors and so on. The messaging about console wars and constant talk about where you play was only leading to this.

Regardless I think it’s not worth being disappointed about , from what I’ve experienced lately in that community it’s lost it’s fun and it’s more like a hive mind with Microsoft friendly influencers driving the narratives.

I used to be a passionate fan but they aren’t worth the considerable time now , the fakes have ruined it, they would rather try to shame fans for wanting them to do better.

Regardless of what that showcase would have been the same people would be out there pushing how great it was. It’s the same behavioural pattern year after year. These shills/influencers have played its part in regressing the brand as a console, well done I guess.
I'm thinking it's starfield. I predicted it would be announced for PS5 before the year was up. Its a year old soon, so the timing fits.
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