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BioShock 2 |OT| of Big Sisters, Delta Daddies, and Creepy Uncles


What street date? Here in the Netherlands I just picked it up from a random store at the trainstation..


Fucking Hell. I loved the original Bioshock for it's story and setting, not it's combat. Reading these reviews has me worried that 2K Marin have neglected the parts of the original that needed preserving in an attempt to improve the bits that didn't.

I'll buy the game tomorrow, play it, enjoy it. But if the game doesn't justify it's existence then I will probably perceive it to be a worse game than it is, simply because of my love for the original.


I guess I will be picking this up tomorrow especially since bestbuy has a buy bioshock 2 and dantes inferno and get like 20 dollars off.

I look forward to playing it, I enjoyed the original bioshock.
Arnie said:
Fucking Hell. I loved the original Bioshock for it's story and setting, not it's combat. Reading these reviews has me worried that 2K Marin have neglected the parts of the original that needed preserving in an attempt to improve the bits that didn't.

I'll buy the game tomorrow, play it, enjoy it. But if the game doesn't justify it's existence then I will probably perceive it to be a worse game than it is, simply because of my love for the original.
Eh. Now, see, everyone seems to be focusing on the comparison between BioShock 2's story and BioShock's. Now, there's nothing wrong with that, but it seems because of this the quality of BioShock 2 as a stand-alone is being ignored.

For the majority of reviews I've read, I haven't heard one person say the story is bad, or decent, or okay, just that it's not as good as the original's. The story isn't as good, but is it good? Seems that way.


Arnie said:
Fucking Hell. I loved the original Bioshock for it's story and setting, not it's combat. Reading these reviews has me worried that 2K Marin have neglected the parts of the original that needed preserving in an attempt to improve the bits that didn't.

I'll buy the game tomorrow, play it, enjoy it. But if the game doesn't justify it's existence then I will probably perceive it to be a worse game than it is, simply because of my love for the original.

This will probably be the reaction of alot of GAFers.


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
I dont get this

is bioshock 2 and 8.5ish /10 game compared to bioshock one or compared to ( the fucking obvious one ) an fps on the current gen consoles?

Geez we get it, bioshock 1 was great
one of my alltime favorites
but how about reviewing the game based on its on merits not how good / bad certain aspects are compared to the first.

then again, maybe I'm the only one who thinks this is annoying

:{ grumpyoldman


Dax01 said:
Eh. Now, see, everyone seems to be focusing on the comparison between BioShock 2's story and BioShock's. Now, there's nothing wrong with that, but it seems because of this the quality of BioShock 2 as a stand-alone is being ignored.

For the majority of reviews I've read, I haven't heard one person say the story is bad, or decent, or okay, just that it's not as good as the original's. The story isn't as good, but is it good? Seems that way.
Oh I fully agree, my predicted disappointment at the game won't be down to it being bad, simply worse than the original in the areas that matter to me, such as story. When the game was announced I said to myself that the only way I could fully enjoy it is if it lived up to the original, a feat that from the two reviews I've read, isn't present in Bioshock 2. Furthermore, points such as the shoehorning in of Sophia Lamb into the game's canonical fiction at the expense of Frank Fontaine has me gritting my teeth.

I'll try to ignore my past experience as I play tomorrow and judge it on it's own merits.
Was getting ready to watch the Gametrailers review

but before I do, are there any substantial spoilers in it? Shit they spoiled the last boss for Dark Void by showing it in their review



Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
well do what I just do and just liten to the review, its what they say that is important not what they show ( imo )

then again I recall reading earlier in this thread that it was spoilerfree but take that with a grain of salt seeing how subjective something as a spoiler is ;

AgentOtaku said:
Was getting ready to watch the Gametrailers review

but before I do, are there any substantial spoilers in it? Shit they spoiled the last boss for Dark Void by showing it in their review


Word on the street is that there are some bad spoilers in it. I am avoiding it personally.


AgentOtaku said:
Was getting ready to watch the Gametrailers review

but before I do, are there any substantial spoilers in it? Shit they spoiled the last boss for Dark Void by showing it in their review

I never understood this. So many reviews show stuff you unlock after completing the game or show the most intense stuff from the game. Last bosses etc, are they really that dumb? I can't imagine seeing a movie review and them showing clips from the ending scenes.


Didnt see this mentioned but what is the word on the the game's length? Lnger or shorter than the first? Just about the same?



AgentOtaku said:
Was getting ready to watch the Gametrailers review

but before I do, are there any substantial spoilers in it? Shit they spoiled the last boss for Dark Void by showing it in their review

Did they really do that to Dark Void? That's why I can't watch their reviews on that site. Too spoiler-ish for me.

Never change Gametrailers...


Neo Member
Put off preordering this.. because I'm between PS3 and 360.

I have the first on 360, and hear it looks sharper on 360 again. However, my XBL ran out last month and I swore I wouldn't renew it until at least a worthwhile online exclusive came out (have MW2, UC2 on PS3).
The multi seems interesting.. might wait for more actual impressions on the PS3 version. I hate having this choice on so many games (and its supposed to make it easier)...


tuco11 said:
Didnt see this mentioned but what is the word on the the game's length? Lnger or shorter than the first? Just about the same?


Shorter, 7-8 hours it took me on normal.

Dax01 said:
For the majority of reviews I've read, I haven't heard one person say the story is bad, or decent, or okay, just that it's not as good as the original's. The story isn't as good, but is it good? Seems that way.

The plot is paper thin imo. I normally play goody two shoes but in this, I couldn't empathize with anyone. It felt like the bad expansions you use to get in the 90's on the PC.


Spookie said:
Shorter, 7-8 hours it took me on normal.

The plot is paper thin imo. I normally play goody two shoes but in this, I couldn't empathize with anyone. It felt like the bad expansions you use to get in the 90's on the PC.

How is it getting such good reviews yet these impressions? The fuck


I fell off the hype train for this (partly due to anticipation for Lost season 6), even although Bioshock was one of my favourite games of all time. I didn't expect it to be anywhere near as good as the original. And when I heard that they had introduced multiplayer I basically said fuck off. (Although since then I grew to like what they've done with it, still I'm not going to play it, really don't care for it).

But anyway, when Bioshock 2 arrived earlier today and I opened it up I suddenly became far too pumped. And I have to say, I've played about an hour so far and I'm absolutely fucking loving it. Better than I expected, can't wait to experience the rest of the game.
Arnie said:
Fucking Hell. I loved the original Bioshock for it's story and setting, not it's combat. Reading these reviews has me worried that 2K Marin have neglected the parts of the original that needed preserving in an attempt to improve the bits that didn't.

I'll buy the game tomorrow, play it, enjoy it. But if the game doesn't justify it's existence then I will probably perceive it to be a worse game than it is, simply because of my love for the original.

Play Bioshock 1 then, to get your fix of love.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
beason52 said:
Put off preordering this.. because I'm between PS3 and 360.

I have the first on 360, and hear it looks sharper on 360 again. However, my XBL ran out last month and I swore I wouldn't renew it until at least a worthwhile online exclusive came out (have MW2, UC2 on PS3).
The multi seems interesting.. might wait for more actual impressions on the PS3 version. I hate having this choice on so many games (and its supposed to make it easier)...
I'm also waiting on PS3 versus 360 impressions. I'd just rather buy it on PS3 as everyone else I know will be doing the same. :\


Water is not wet!
Found this in my pictures folder (forgot where i found it) so i figured id post it in anticipation for.. tomorrow?! Feels like its been a lifetime already.

Games Radar gave it a 10!

"Here is the part of the review in which we normally compare a game to three of its closest clones or competitors. With a series as unique as BioShock, however, that seems kind of silly. And with a sequel like BioShock 2, we realize only one comparison really matters. So, is it better than…

BioShock? We never, ever imagined we’d be writing this, but… yes. In some fairly significant ways, including combat diversity, enemy variety, character depth and emotional attachment to the story, BioShock 2 is superior to BioShock 1. Plus, fans’ biggest criticisms of the original – the pipe hacking and the sagging third act – have been addressed and fixed for this sequel.

But in many ways, the first BioShock can never be surpassed. Everything – the world, the philosophies, the surreal oddity – was new then, and unlike anything we’d experienced before. BioShock 2 can only hope to match that genius. Fortunately for us, it succeeds."

Also confirmed in the review, there are four different endings!
I've just been looking over some reviews and it's really interesting how different opinions are on the story/storytelling, to it being better and it not being better (though still good).

TeamXbox said:
Despite not liking it as much as in the first game, the story in BioShock 2 is nonetheless compelling.

GamesRadar's review is pretty glowing. Overall they felt that BioShock 2 is better than the first game and the MP is a take-it or leave-it kind of thing. They preface their entire review saying how they thought this game was going to be bad.
GamesRadar said:
In some fairly significant ways, including combat diversity, enemy variety, character depth and emotional attachment to the story, BioShock 2 is superior to BioShock 1.


The weapons are better. The plasmids are better. The enemies are better. At some points, even the storytelling is better. What’s most amazing and surprising about BioShock 2, however, is that by diving deeper into Rapture’s tortured history and exploring more of Rapture’s haunted world, it actually manages to make the original BioShock better, too.
Eurogamer said:
A less openly provocative game than its predecessor, and one that will capture less attention, but while it may be damned for subtlety it is every bit as deceptive, and perhaps that's the greater of the series' illusions regardless of what else a BioShock sequel might have become.
Videogamer.com said:
If 2K had managed to tell a story that equalled or bettered that found in the original, we'd have been left with an unquestionably better experience, rather than just a more exciting, smarter shooter.


Incase anyone is wondering about the Steam version, it says it's going to go live in 1 day and 4 hours. I dunno about American timezones, but that's 10pm tomorrow for GMT. Total fucking bullshit.
I will never ever EVER watch another fucking Gametraliers review if its about a game I plan on playing, everytime I watch one its one big spoiler.

I like GiantBomb's video reviews better, they seem to be more wary of spoilers in their videos


AgentOtaku said:
Was getting ready to watch the Gametrailers review

but before I do, are there any substantial spoilers in it? Shit they spoiled the last boss for Dark Void by showing it in their review

GT always has spoilers in their video reviews. I never watch any with games I plan on getting.
KittyKittyBangBang said:
I will never ever EVER watch another fucking Gametraliers review if its about a game I plan on playing, everytime I watch one its one big spoiler.

I like GiantBomb's video reviews better, they seem to be more wary of spoilers in their videos

Are you fucking serious?

Alright then

*right-click, delete*
Is it really only around 8 hours? that's... kind of a deal breaker for me. and I love bioshock. if it's around that long, I guess I'm going to wait for a price drop. it'll be hard avoiding spoilers though...


ColonelColon said:
Is it really only around 8 hours? that's... kind of a deal breaker for me. and I love bioshock. if it's around that long, I guess I'm going to wait for a price drop. it'll be hard avoiding spoilers though...

Yeah because we need a 3 hour long fetch quest at the end so it stretches the game out. If the game is good it's good... you buy it, after you're done with it and you need the cash, sell it for 40 bucks and use that money to buy another game.
One thing that is really bothering me about the reviews is that they say If you don't deal with all the little sisters in a given level, they are gone for good. Which IS NOT TRUE. they carry over to the next levels. Technically if you don't take care of any sisters until the very last area. you will have to get them all in that level.
Well this is weird. I pre-ordered the 360 collectors edition on Amazon and it shipped, but GameStop sent me an e-mail with a code for the exclusive PS3 multiplayer characters even though I never ordered it from there. I won't use it, so anyone want the code?

Update - gone
MMaRsu said:
Yeah because we need a 3 hour long fetch quest at the end so it stretches the game out. If the game is good it's good... you buy it, after you're done with it and you need the cash, sell it for 40 bucks and use that money to buy another game.

No, I would definitely prefer that it isn't bogged down by a slow, uneventful ending like Bioshock, but I've played other single player campaigns that have held my interest for about 20 hours. Dead Space, for instance, never really lost steam imo. There were times when you would revisit environments that you traversed earlier in the game, but there was enough variety and progression, of weapons, enemies, etc... to compensate for that. I liked going through the environments once more and enjoying the visuals, and I didn't feel finished with the game until the credits. But in Bioshock's case, it felt like the story was resolved before the ending. I didn't really care much to (major spoiler)
kill Frank Fontaine
, or at least not enough to drudge through boring fetch quests and the emptier, less interesting regions in the latter portions of the game. imo, it was all downhill after
Tenenbaum's Safehouse, where you meet the Little Sisters.

edit: although Bioshock was brilliant before... you know... that thing that happened.

Pookaki said:
One thing that is really bothering me about the reviews is that they say If you don't deal with all the little sisters in a given level, they are gone for good. Which IS NOT TRUE. they carry over to the next levels. Technically if you don't take care of any sisters until the very last area. you will have to get them all in that level.

that sounds insane. are any of the little sisters protected by big daddies?


improvise5 said:
Well this is weird. I pre-ordered the 360 collectors edition on Amazon and it shipped, but GameStop sent me an e-mail with a code for the exclusive PS3 multiplayer characters even though I never ordered it from there. I won't use it, so anyone want the code?
Haha, same story here. I preordered the 360 LE on Amazon and Gsmestop emailed me the PS3 code too. Someone fucked up over there.


So how long is the game if you want to explore? I know Bioshock 1 took me maybe 15 hours and I was killing everything and going down every possible path.

But fuck all these short games, 3 studios working on this game and you couldn't have made it 12-15 hours long? Shit!!!


Hope I'm not reposting old info.

I just read this article about Bioshock 2's DRM and decided to check the Steam version to see if there was anything to worry about. Normally, under the "Game Details" heading, it would say if a game has 3rd Party DRM of any type (example). Bioshock 2's page doesn't have this, but if you look at the system requirements:

DRM Information: SecuROM offers unlimited activations on up to 5 PCs.
Other Requirements: ...Sony DADC SecuROM...

Seems pretty deceptive to hide the information down there. I was thinking of trying to get in on a four-pack, but I might wait and hope they strip out the DRM later.


So....about that Steam preorder sitting in my account with no favicon or preload.....


What's the latest a Steam new release has ever been pushed back? I haven't preorder a bunch of stuff from them, but when I did it all worked out pretty nicely.

Shouldn't this be playable at midnight tonight? I thought that's how it worked. :|
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