Please sign me up my good man.
alr1ghtstart said:sign me up.
The game is good, although very samey compared to the first. I'm a little disappointed that that foreboding sound of the Big Daddy's footsteps doesn't really mean much in this game as they won't attack you unless provoked. I'm taking it slow and exploring, which was one of my favorite things to do with the first one.
I am with you in that it seems a bit tougher. Although it seems most of the difficulty comes from ammo management, I always feel like I don't have enough ammo to scrape by although it does lead to some miraculous moments where I will pull out a victory out of nowhere.ruxtpin said:Maybe it's just me, but is this game more difficult? I'm playing on medium and to me it seems slightly harder than the first games medium setting. Could be that I just don't play as much as I used too. It's not a complaint, just wondering.
Also... I was watching the commercial. And maybe it's just me again, but I think the little sisters would look a lot creepier if their eyes were just black. Like... giant black pupils. I'd find that more unsettling than the glowing yellow eyes.
Dax01 said:With a lot of people enjoying the game, I'm even more pleased to make this post.
Everyone, we're going to have a little contest. Starting from now until Wednesday 12:00 midnight PST, you can enter for a chance to win a BioShock 2 prize. Simply make a post telling me you want to enter, and I'll mark you down. Winners will be chosen at random (I'll figure some process out) and will be notified through PM, and if they don't have a problem with it, will also be announced in the thread. Further details will be provided in the private messages. This isn't restricted to just the US and Canada - it's global.
Huge thanks to 2K Elizabeth. This wouldn't have been possible without her!
Prizes Include:
- 10 Winners: 10 assorted sizes of Splicer Unite canisters. These canisters include a BioShock 2 t-shirt, posters, and a RedBull shot.
- Eight Winners: Prints for two of each of the four artist series prints. Pictures of which can be found under "BioShock 2 Wallpapers" here. Each print is about 12x14 inches in size.
Dax01 said:With a lot of people enjoying the game, I'm even more pleased to make this post.
Everyone, we're going to have a little contest. Starting from now until Wednesday 12:00 midnight PST, you can enter for a chance to win a BioShock 2 prize. Simply make a post telling me you want to enter, and I'll mark you down. Winners will be chosen at random (I'll figure some process out) and will be notified through PM, and if they don't have a problem with it, will also be announced in the thread. Further details will be provided in the private messages. This isn't restricted to just the US and Canada - it's global.
Huge thanks to 2K Elizabeth. This wouldn't have been possible without her!
Prizes Include:
- 10 Winners: 10 assorted sizes of Splicer Unite canisters. These canisters include a BioShock 2 t-shirt, posters, and a RedBull shot.
- Eight Winners: Prints for two of each of the four artist series prints. Pictures of which can be found under "BioShock 2 Wallpapers" here. Each print is about 12x14 inches in size.
Dax01 said:With a lot of people enjoying the game, I'm even more pleased to make this post.
Everyone, we're going to have a little contest. Starting from now until Wednesday 12:00 midnight PST, you can enter for a chance to win a BioShock 2 prize. Simply make a post telling me you want to enter, and I'll mark you down. Winners will be chosen at random (I'll figure some process out) and will be notified through PM, and if they don't have a problem with it, will also be announced in the thread. Further details will be provided in the private messages. This isn't restricted to just the US and Canada - it's global.
Huge thanks to 2K Elizabeth. This wouldn't have been possible without her!
Prizes Include:
- 10 Winners: 10 assorted sizes of Splicer Unite canisters. These canisters include a BioShock 2 t-shirt, posters, and a RedBull shot.
- Eight Winners: Prints for two of each of the four artist series prints. Pictures of which can be found under "BioShock 2 Wallpapers" here. Each print is about 12x14 inches in size.
Snapshot King said:Reaaaally bad first impressions. Whereas Bio 1 ran like silk, this one chugs down to 30ish in firefights, despite it not looking any better. Rivet gun sounds bizarrely muted, mouse sensitivity is whacked, widescreen is busted, button prompts don't properly update upon changed configs...jeez.
Narag said:This is running better for me than Bioshock 1 for whatever reason. Unchanged prompts existed in the first when you'd change keybinds too.
Narag said:This is running better for me than Bioshock 1 for whatever reason. Unchanged prompts existed in the first when you'd change keybinds too.
Dax01 said:With a lot of people enjoying the game, I'm even more pleased to make this post.
Everyone, we're going to have a little contest. Starting from now until Wednesday 12:00 midnight PST, you can enter for a chance to win a BioShock 2 prize. Simply make a post telling me you want to enter, and I'll mark you down. Winners will be chosen at random (I'll figure some process out) and will be notified through PM, and if they don't have a problem with it, will also be announced in the thread. Further details will be provided in the private messages. This isn't restricted to just the US and Canada - it's global.
Huge thanks to 2K Elizabeth. This wouldn't have been possible without her!
Prizes Include:
- 10 Winners: 10 assorted sizes of Splicer Unite canisters. These canisters include a BioShock 2 t-shirt, posters, and a RedBull shot.
- Eight Winners: Prints for two of each of the four artist series prints. Pictures of which can be found under "BioShock 2 Wallpapers" here. Each print is about 12x14 inches in size.
Intel Q6600, 8800GT,Snapshot King said:Whats your rig? Ive got a 7850 BE Athlon, 2 gigs of ram and a 4850 HD, and whereas Bio 1 looked better and performed at a rock solid 60, Bio 2 dropped to almost twenty when I first encountered the big sister.
sgnhh said:Anyone else having this issue? I recently downloaded the game on Steam, but when I go to launch either Bioshock 2 or its multiplayer, the Bioshock Securom Launcher runs for about 5 seconds then just stops without a window ever popping up (I can see the process running in my task manager window). I've tried restarting Steam to solve this issue with no luck.
Running Windows 7 64-bit.