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BioShock 2 |OT| of Big Sisters, Delta Daddies, and Creepy Uncles


Kadey said:
Probably been asked a billion times. 360 or PS3?

PS3 version is VERY solid. Textures, frame rate and online are good and stable. Can't say anything about the 360 version, since it red ringed yesterday :/


Lostconfused said:
At least you could always interpret it as that you always had a choice to not obey and just quit playing the game before it turns to shit.

momolicious said:
Anyone else think the sensitivity for PC version feels strange and off? Its too fast and not too responsive? not sure if its lag or something. Feels like the controls are for joysticks.

Feels spot on for me but I haven't played a PC FPS in a while.
Anyone else think the sensitivity for PC version feels strange and off? Its too fast and not too responsive? not sure if its lag or something. Feels like the controls are for joysticks.


Loves Robotech S1
epmode said:
Yeah! ...Or they could be talking about this post, made before the game was even released: http://www.2kgames.com/cultofrapture/article/bioshock2pcmegafeatureDoesn't sound like it.

And really, if we're going to be talking about artistic license with respect to FOV, why wasn't the 4:3 mode letterboxed to preserve the same aspect ratio?

Options! <3<3 PC games <3<3

edit: I don't know why I keep coming in here. I doubt I'll be playing before the fixes are released. Still in the middle of Gabriel Knight!

Did you...even read my post? When the "issue" was brought to light with the first game, they said that FOV was their intention and how it was developed. The reason there was more vertical data in 4:3 was because they weren't concerned about it. It's not uncommon, look at all the text/UI problems in games these days on SDTVs. It's pretty clear that they were telling the truth because (as I said before) of the way the scripted scenes were framed. I've played through the game both ways and it's very obvious. That post you linked contradicts everything they said on the issue before and basically confirms that they're just telling people what they want to hear. I don't doubt they intended to ship the game with a FOV unlock option if it would avoid all the vitriol they received last time.

Regardless of what you think it "sounds like" I really don't care what FOV people play at, but downplaying FOV as less than an artistic decision is ignorant.

momolicious said:
Anyone else think the sensitivity for PC version feels strange and off? Its too fast and not too responsive? not sure if its lag or something. Feels like the controls are for joysticks.

For me the in-game sensitivity is way too fast and the UI is far lower. If I set sensitivity to 1 it's just about right in-game but the UI cursor becomes painfully slow. Try lowering your mouse's DPI. That helped a bit for me.


Has anybody got pics of the PS3 rapture edition? I've ordered mine (still waiting on delivery), but from the looks of things, the game case might not be a standard PS3 one. D:

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
momolicious said:
Anyone else think the sensitivity for PC version feels strange and off? Its too fast and not too responsive? not sure if its lag or something. Feels like the controls are for joysticks.
that is EXACTLY how I would describe it, moving your view around feels jittery or something.

my pc is high specced and runs everything fine as well


Loves Robotech S1
kamspy said:
You're arguing FOV is some kind of OAR for first person shooters.

I'm saying people shouldn't be apologists.

Have you seen screen shots comparing the 4:3 to widescreen versions? There is way more vertical data in the 4:3, so cropping it the way they did isn't a sign of artistic intent. So which FOV is the OAR of Bioshock 2 dude?

When the HUD is stretched you can tell it's a rush job and not """artistic intent""".

a. Read my previous post.
b. HUD stretching has NOTHING to do with FOV.
c. I just tried it at 1024x768, 1280x1024, and 1920x1080. That's 4:3 5:4 and 16:9. The HUD scales perfectly in all three ratios. Where the hell are you coming up with this HUD stretching garbage?


Just finished it. Ending and the sequence leading up to it was very disappointing. I was expecting a cool reveal, not a twist, but at least something. I really liked some of the stuff before that last part, though.


Neo Member
I'm in the level past Pauper's Drop (forgot what it's called) and so far I'm enjoying it way more than I expected. The fights during the ADAM gatherings are always so intense and I love setting up traps and preparing myself for them. The basic story isn't as good as the first one but I'm the type of player to never really pay attention to the story... In Bioshock 1 and 2 I collect as many tapes as I can and play them in the background but I won't pay attention to or remember a damn thing it says.

Personally I think the set pieces are very interesting in this game! Just the little things impress me, like when I go into a room an in apartment and see the remnants of what used to be a little girl's room, or when I head to a diner area and try to imagine that at one time people were sitting at the tables enjoying themselves.

But one of the things I don't like about this game (much like the first one) is the fact that there are way too many splicers. They're not that hard to defeat but they are so annoying, especially if they have guns. This game pretty much begs you to explore this great world but having to fight a bunch of splicers all the time in order to do so just makes it so tedious. I fear that towards the end of the game I'm just gonna say, "screw it" and play through the last level as quickly as possible just to get it over with, which is what I did in the first one.
It's alot more harder than the first. Seems like all they did was just throw more unecessary splicers at you. Within the first hour I found myself fighting splicers in packs and dying constantly because the game puts you up against like 10 of the fuckers. Especially the ones that shoot at you.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
quadrax1s said:
But one of the things I don't like about this game (much like the first one) is the fact that there are way too many splicers.

Well, remember, you are in a city...


Truant said:
Just finished it. Ending and the sequence leading up to it was very disappointing. I was expecting a cool reveal, not a twist, but at least something. I really liked some of the stuff before that last part, though.

Same here.
I was really enjoying the game for the most part, but i really disliked the repetitive structure of the levels. Hated the last level too.


Jay-B said:
Same here.
I was really enjoying the game for the most part, but i really disliked the repetitive structure of the levels. Hated the last level too.

The best part of the story was the viral marketing character and how all that pans out. It was really touching. Much more so than the main story.
Why is the matchmaking in this game so stupid? "Hey 6 people are playing and I need to make two teams. How about 4 on 2? Wait, there's a couple of people with higher levels then anyone else. Oh well, I'll just stick them in the team of four."

In case you were wondering I was on the team of two.
Just finished it on the 360. Unlocking the framerate from the options menu is a MUST. Will pick it up again on PC once the WS issue is sorted out. Now to track down the OST.


I don't understand these complaints of the game being too hard, there being too many splicers or too little resorces. I've finished the game on hard, on my first play through and then on easy, never were there too many splicers, at most there were 4 and maybe a big daddy.

On my hard play through I blue hacked everything for free goods as well as opened every container I saw while exploring every nook and crany of Rapture and didn't once run out of ammo for my 2 primary weapons, the rivet gun and the machine gun. If you are running low on ammo you can always purposfully set an alarm off and hack a couple of bots to do all the work for you. When I was protecting the little sister using a combination of mini turrets, proximity mines, rivet traps, cyclone traps and spear traps I only ever really had to shoot at one splicer especially on e you get the tonic which speeds the process up.

Personally I wish there was a harder setting.


EatChildren said:
Because no matter how you spin it we've been to Rapture before. The first game was heavily praised for its unique, creative environment, especially the opening.

Rapture is just as good as always and has a few new tricks, but the reality is we've been there. That initial impact is gone because Rapture is now an established (as in, franchise) location rather than a trip to a mystical new world.

I know what you mean.

Kind of like the Predator, in the first movie, it was his mystique, the enigma that was captivating.

We knew nothing of this creature, other than that it had some sort of an awesome optical camo and a plasma canon.

Nowadays the Predator has been completely exposed and lost it's appeal.


Well, I'm certainly having a blast so far, at least up to the third level. Maybe things will take a dramatic turn for the worse (the last few pages of impressions don't seem too encouraging), but right now I'm thoroughly enjoying the experience. The visuals are noticeably improved over the original in almost every respect, and the gunplay/plasmid use seems to be much more varied and intuitive. The story is reasonably intriguing, and I'm genuinely interested to see how it all unfolds.

To be honest, my only real gripe up to this point is the ridiculously clunky introduction into the main story. I can appreciate that they wanted to trim a bit of the fat off the original's slow-paced descent into Rapture, but I didn't particularly care for being thrust immediately into action, at the sacrifice of any meaningful exposition. I'm not sure what else to say... the opening just felt like lazy pandering to the ADD dudebros, which was extremely disappointing. Missteps like that probably warrant the "direct to DVD" remarks.

Thankfully, that's been my only real niggle within the first several hours of playing. After finally progressing through the first area, I found that the game world quickly regained much of the mystique and enchantment of the original, and became much more familiar. If it continues at this pace, it'll be a legitimate GOTY candidate for me.


Dax01, Sign me up, please!

Edit: Crap, I think I completely missed the deadline. And by a half hour, too. :( I'll keep my request, just in case.

Also, I just got my Bioshock 2 SE in! But because my 360 got the E74 error, I can't play it. So instead I decided to do an "unboxing", if you will, of the special edition.

Album with the pictures.

A couple of images from the "unboxing":



fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
MrMister said:
Is it just me or does the PC multiplayer client freeze and crash after a few rounds once in awhile? :/

I've crashed 3 times on 360, not to mention host quits and other randomness. It's really fucking annoying.
Just finished it
as the goodie two-shoes that I am
and loved it. The lack of AA and screwed up FOV hurt my initial attempts to dive in, but otherwise it was a great experience. For me, once I got to drop all weapons other than the drill and become some clunky version of a Jedi, the game really kicked into gear and I ultimately couldn't stop till I finished the single player campaign. Once the drill started to get upgraded, I was really impressed with how well the slow and heavy-handed fighting style translated into enjoyable gameplay.

Other than rolling my eyes at 2k for the PC ports, the only negative I can think of is the lack of variety in level styles. However, towards the end, that complaint was almost completely expunged so it's a pretty weak negative.
Papercuts said:
I've crashed 3 times on 360, not to mention host quits and other randomness. It's really fucking annoying.

I had to manually turn off my 360 and turn it back on 4 times while playing the multiplayer, it just keeps freezing, really unusual for my 360.

Anyways, anyone want to play some multiplayer on the 360 right now?

My GT: ProGamer720


Crap. Not only can you not die in three big daddy fights in a row for the achievement, you also can't die in between the three fights.
Just beat it.... would give it a 8/10.

+ Art design is solid, music fits mood well; good level design.
+ Just an addictive game.. played 3 hours a night for 3 nights.
+ Shooting mechanics are much more refined, combat is fun.
+ Really enjoyed the voicework, the audio logs and backstory.

- Textures are absolutely fucking atricious. Some underwater areas look downright bad.
- Multiplayer is broken, unbalanced and generally - a waste of time.
- Lacks some creativity gameplay wise (one mission is literally - go get 3 little sisters)

+- Morality choices are more binary than ever but I actually enjoyed/fretted over them.
Truant said:
The best part of the story was the viral marketing character and how all that pans out. It was really touching. Much more so than the main story.

I had the subtitles on, and when
I panned over his body and realized who he was, my jaw dropped. The audio diary I picked up off his body didn't help me feel better about murdering the dude and stealing his daughter away from him.

Just finished it. I loved it. Not so much a twist-filled tale of intrigue as much as it was a touching story about the bonds between a parent and child. I knew what and what not to expect going in, and as a result, it was one of the best gaming experiences since...well, since BioShock 1. I shall begin playing again next week. Best $90 I've spent in a long time.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
I really wish there was a way to tell if you've found all the Power to the People kiosks and audio diaries in each stage. Simple 'X out of Y' counters are all I need.
Firestorm said:
Crap. Not only can you not die in three big daddy fights in a row for the achievement, you also can't die in between the three fights.

What if beat two big daddy fights, then save before you go for the third, load up the save in case you die and then beat? Should work as AFAIK.
I played a multiplayer match earlier today trying to get the trophy for saving a Little Sister, and time ran out just as I got to the vent with her. I couldn't believe it. I got it later on though.

Dan said:
I really wish there was a way to tell if you've found all the Power to the People kiosks and audio diaries in each stage. Simple 'X out of Y' counters are all I need.

Does anyone have a list of the Power to the People stations? I want to get that trophy on my second playthrough. I missed a lot on my first go through.
catfish said:
that is EXACTLY how I would describe it, moving your view around feels jittery or something.

my pc is high specced and runs everything fine as well

Read my post a few pages back

Basically 2K fucked up the mouse sensitivity/acceleration again ...well actually they never even fixed it. Not to mention they took out controller support.

But yeah, the fix is in one of my posts.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
rainking187 said:
I played a multiplayer match earlier today trying to get the trophy for saving a Little Sister, and time ran out just as I got to the vent with her. I couldn't believe it. I got it later on though.

I got a little sister once, and the game locked up after so it doesn't say I ever did in my stats.


Cool, getting achievements on the PC version shows up on my Xbox 360.

Is it just me or are the areas far larger than in BS1 and with a lot more rooms to explore?

I have to say fighting a Big Sister while hypnotizing a Big Daddy and having 4 splicers join the fight was hectic as hell. Unfortunately that so far is one of the few interesting moments in the game.

The game really feels like it was purely a corporate decision to make. At least it doesn't outdate BS1 like many sequels do.

The new research method is pretty interesting I have to say. Hacking not freezing the action can get quite hectic when the camera's alarm has been triggered, and you're trying to avoid the turrets while also successfully doing the hack.

One complaint some people had about BS1 that I never experienced is clear to me now. I rarely died when playing BS1 (on normal since it wasn't that hard, and when I played on hard I disabled the vita-chambers), but playing BS2 on hard with a KB/M (which I suck at), the vita-chambers really remove the fear of death. And since killing splicers nets you money and items, you rarely feel the repercussions for screwing up.


rainking187 said:
I played a multiplayer match earlier today trying to get the trophy for saving a Little Sister, and time ran out just as I got to the vent with her. I couldn't believe it. I got it later on though.

Does anyone have a list of the Power to the People stations? I want to get that trophy on my second playthrough. I missed a lot on my first go through.
There's a list of how many are on each level here:

Kadey said:
Probably been asked a billion times. 360 or PS3?

Not much between them but, if you have the choice, I found the 360 version preferable. Either way, there isn't as much of a gulf as there was in the first game.

Anywho, I just finished Siren's Alley. In my opinion it holds it's own against the quality of level design in Bioshock 1. Easily the best level so far, and the best looking too.
alr1ghtstart said:
anyone having trouble getting the Grand Daddy (Defeat 3 Big Daddies without dying during the fight) achievement to register? I've definitely beaten more than 3, probably in the 5 or 6 range without dying.
Sounds like it's bugged. Mine unlocked on the third Big Daddy I killed.

Anyway, I just reached Siren's Alley and I'm enjoying the game a lot so far. It's really more of the same but the refined gameplay and combat is making the game much more enjoyable to play than the first... for now.

Also, the new hacking minigame is a godsend; I fucking hated having to deal with the Bioshock 1 one everytime I wanted/needed to hack something.. it was sooo bad and I'm glad they decided to make it something much faster and less of a time waster (it was a cheap way to extend gametime, IMO).

Lastly, multiplayer is interesting. It's not going to win any awards and I doubt anyone's going to be playing it like they do MW2 or other popular multiplayer shooters, but it's passable. No host migration is extra lame, though.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Got to rank 13 or so in MP, random thoughts:

- Rank 6+ has basically all been the grenade launcher, everyone uses it. I get a ton of assists when I try to use anything else.
- Going against even higher ranks has people doing all kinds of crazy shit, like vanishing in red mist and coming behind me shooting point blank. It seems like the new stuff you get aren't really optional stuff to try out, they're pretty clear cut way better upgrades to your stuff, meaning low ranks against high ranks is not up to player skill nearly as much as it should be. Even littler things like tonics add a lot, I don't see why they're completetely locked off for the first few ranks because stuff like quicker research is pretty much mandatory.
- Lockups, which I already mentioned in a few posts. Happened once in the middle of a match, and twice while getting rewards for leveling up. I was in a party playing with a friend the whole time, and he also froze up a few times.
- Seems laggy, a lot of people skipping around and some weird oddities happening at times. On top of the lockups it makes it feel really rough around the edges.
- Plasmids, hacking, and being a big daddy is fun(and you actually FEEL like a big daddy, unlike single player).

I atleast like the ideas they had with MP Bioshock, but it feels like it could've been pulled off a lot better. I'll try it some more later on, but it's not something I see myself coming back to for much longer.
Revolutionary said:
Sounds like it's bugged. Mine unlocked on the third Big Daddy I killed.

Anyway, I just reached Siren's Alley and I'm enjoying the game a lot so far. It's really more of the same but the refined gameplay and combat is making the game much more enjoyable to play than the first... for now.

Also, the new hacking minigame is a godsend; I fucking hated having to deal with the Bioshock 1 one everytime I wanted/needed to hack something.. it was sooo bad and I'm glad they decided to make it something much faster and less of a time waster (it was a cheap way to extend gametime, IMO).

Ha Rev, I totally agree on the hacking. The new minigame is indeed a GODSEND. I never really liked PLAYING the first Bioshock (I only wanted to experience the story and characters), but this time I'm really enjoying traversing the world and setting traps for Splicers. Hell I even enjoy the multiplayer and I will try to reach level 40. Great job to the 2K teams and DE, never expected to be this satisfied with the product.


Papercuts said:
Got to rank 13 or so in MP, random thoughts:

- Rank 6+ has basically all been the grenade launcher, everyone uses it. I get a ton of assists when I try to use anything else.
- Going against even higher ranks has people doing all kinds of crazy shit, like vanishing in red mist and coming behind me shooting point blank. It seems like the new stuff you get aren't really optional stuff to try out, they're pretty clear cut way better upgrades to your stuff, meaning low ranks against high ranks is not up to player skill nearly as much as it should be. Even littler things like tonics add a lot, I don't see why they're completetely locked off for the first few ranks because stuff like quicker research is pretty much mandatory.
- Lockups, which I already mentioned in a few posts. Happened once in the middle of a match, and twice while getting rewards for leveling up. I was in a party playing with a friend the whole time, and he also froze up a few times.
- Seems laggy, a lot of people skipping around and some weird oddities happening at times. On top of the lockups it makes it feel really rough around the edges.
- Plasmids, hacking, and being a big daddy is fun(and you actually FEEL like a big daddy, unlike single player).

I atleast like the ideas they had with MP Bioshock, but it feels like it could've been pulled off a lot better. I'll try it some more later on, but it's not something I see myself coming back to for much longer.

Couldn't have said it better, this pretty much accurately describes my experience playing online too. I'm rank 10 and pretty much every match I play has a large amount of grenade spam, particularly in the contested areas. Something really needs to be done about the choppiness too, this seems more like an engine issue than a net-code one. The game can suddenly freeze up for a good second before resuming play.


I've put a few hours in and I think it is really good so far. Everything that I loved about the last game is still here; the atmosphere, the attention to detail, the amazing music, the Splicers, the Big Daddy/Little Sister relationship etc. I think the new characters are great, especially Grace and Lamb. I love dual wielding. The game has a good learning curve too. It's much easier now that I have Incinerate but then there's more/tougher enemies to compensate for that. The unexpected fights with the Big Sister have become one of my favourite moments now

I was expecting a train wreck of a game because I couldn't see how a game like Bioshock could get a sequel that does justice to the original. Luckily I was wrong. I can't believe it's only February and we've already had at least three brilliant games in 2010


Thought just occurred to me,
what happened to Tenenbaum? She showed up for a bit then totally vanished for the whole rest of the game, right?


edgefusion said:
Thought just occurred to me,
what happened to Tenenbaum? She showed up for a bit then totally vanished for the whole rest of the game, right?

Yeah, seems like they just forgot about that :lol


Gutted. I got home last night, looked at Bioshock 2 and realised I had absolutely no desire to play it whatsoever. I put 3 or 4 hours in on the day it launched and it just left me blue. Shelving the sequel to Bioshock in order to play NFS: Shift was an odd feeling. It just doesn't have the magic of the original, I almost wish they hadn't bothered.

Maybe once the expectations I had disappear I will judge it on its own merits and enjoy it more. For now though, meh.
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