A Serious Man
The US guild going to have any open slots today?
Just incase anyone is like me and misaed it, quest tracking by default is only for combat quests. That means other quest types like crafting and trading don't show up even if you talk to the quest giver.
You can change the tracking in the quest log with "o"
Isn't this the quest where you have to get rid of that guy stalking her? I can't seem to find the dude and I was searching the whole town by night -.-
No, it's just the tutorial to start the gathering and production quest chain, but it doesn't seem to appear at all.
I haven't experienced that yet. Mobs respawn incredibly quick.So is there a massive traffic jam (so to speak) in the game right now? As I understand it, mobs are an important part of leveling so I am wondering if there are enough to go around.
are there other MMOs out there with similar battle systems?
Yeah classes are gender locked. It suuucks. You might like valkyrie thoughCan you not be a female warrior? 😖
Can you not be a female warrior? 😖
Just started playing this today.
If there are slots left, can someone invite me to the EU Guild?
Family name: Yamabuki
Character name: Cthuko
Wait, what?
You mean the quests don't even show up in the conversation menu? Because that would explain a lot, like where all the amity quests I should have unlocked are.
Can the archer use beasts? Trying to figure out who to make while it downloads. Also, what's the key difference between the Wizard and Sorceress?
I'm a bit on the edge of purchasing this. Does anyone have an extra 7-day pass they'd be willing to part with?
Where can I download this game and start playing? Looks awesome. Searched steam but couldn't find it. Fairly new to pc gaming so sorry if this is a stupid question.
Fair question. The first Google result for "Black Desert" is some fan site, at least for me.
The official site is here:
Sign up for an account and either purchase an access pack or get a guest code from someone.
Has anyone got the Steam Controller working for this? I got the game working with the Steam overlay fine and I can use the controller as a mouse pointer but it doesn't register mouse clicks for some reason so I can't get past the start screen.
Has anyone got the Steam Controller working for this? I got the game working with the Steam overlay fine and I can use the controller as a mouse pointer but it doesn't register mouse clicks for some reason so I can't get past the start screen.
Valve said they had planned on adding non-Steam games to the community so people could upload their Controller configurations.
I wonder if that has been implemented yet.
Valve said they had planned on adding non-Steam games to the community so people could upload their Controller configurations.
I wonder if that has been implemented yet.
Also I thought the point of having a family name was to be able to have any character name you want? So many names are taken already
Also I thought the point of having a family name was to be able to have any character name you want? So many names are taken already
Correct. It's horrible.Wait, you need a unique first and last name? so someone can't be named john smith and someone else john doe?
Wait, you need a unique first and last name? so someone can't be named john smith and someone else john doe?
The game is a load of fun, thanks for the code Bikola!
Does the person that gives a guest pass get anything is the person who used the guest pass signs up?
Really wanting to try this out. Saw that there's a tamer class and I'm getting flash backs to beast master in ffxi.![]()
Yep, only reason I haven't named all my characters after my actual name yetRight now everything has to be unique, sadly. I wish it was only family name. It's the reason why my witch isn't simply "Sophia" :<
It's kind of disappointing they only allow underscores and no spaces too. Allowing spaces would help so much.