Depends on what you hate about most MMOs. There is a bit of grinding, but it's not like low level quest style grinding in other games. Quests in this don't even give traditional experience; you get other rewards that make them worthwhile. There's also a huge variety of quests. Quests for combat are there, of course. But there's also quests for exploration, tradeskills, gathering. We just completed a guild quest to gather tons of logs from trees and were rewarded with a ton of money, for example. Many players opt to skip doing quests entirely, and simply go find the hardest things they can to grind for their levels. A lot of what you earn is shared across alts too.
As for the combat.... even one of the slowest classes in the game, Wizard/Witch, is still significantly faster than most MMOs. The speedier classes are really fast, and it's akin to a fighting game.
Thanks. I'm gonna look into it a little more, but your answer has leaned closer to buying it now.