This game is having a positive effect on people. In general chat folks were saying that just seeing so many players everywhere made them want to log in and play lol
It's amazing how many things the game gets right.. it really is. At the same time there are quite a few problems but I have been willing to overlook them just because every fifteen minutes im peeling back yet another layer. I have not had this amount of "WOW" since.. well.. since WoW.
That term gets tossed around allot but I have never bothered using it until this game. I have slogged through old republic, gotten bored of FFXIV (pre and post ARR). I played in the sand for several days within Albion Online, regretted my decision to back Shroud of the Avatar, was murdered relentlessly in Darkfall Unholy Wars, hit level cap and realized "wtf am I doing with my time here" in ArcheAge. Needless to say, if it's an MMORPG I have bought it, installed it and played it. There is not a single major MMO that I have missed out on, the genre is my crack and I am fully aware.
I bought into BDO just a few days after the official launch, my in game time is around 10 hours - so not very long. In these ten hours however I have spent all of my time saying that simple word - "WOW" - there is just something constantly going on that pulls it out of me like some involuntary reflex. The graphics are beautiful, the combat is a joy and the freaking world.. functions and FEELS like a freaking world! I cannot stress enough how important that last fact is for an MMORPG to succeed. I WANT to be in the town of Veila, I WANT to buy my character a house, I WANT to explore the water and build ships, I WANT to stand shoulder to shoulder with my fellow GAF members in sieges and node wars, I WANT to wander into the woods and not know where the hell I am/who or what awaits me! BDO is the first MMO I have played in a VERY long time that actually has me WANTING to do anything within its world. It's one thing for a game to simply have sand, it's another thing entirely for that game to give the user the desire to manipulate said sand.
I was a complete skeptic on this game, I have been burned more times than I care to admit and can say with a pretty straight face that the majority of those times have been korean MMO's. This game is not flawless, it's not even close but its doing something that I think the genre has not done in a very very long while. It ain't perfect but it's as close as we can get right now.