Wow the workers actually walk to work. That's amazing. I didn't realize it before I did my first mission to get worker on this potato farm. This game just keeps getting better.
Soooo may I join the US Guild? This is my first actual MMO game, so be prepared for me to not know anything about anything and to ask a billion questions and I'll probably just spend a lot of time just killing these beetles and foxes and such.
Family Name: Gravelord_Nito
Character Name: Gravelord_Shanoa
I got into this game on a whim, and I am not going to lie it has been worth every penny so far. But my question is, when should I start worrying about crafting? Right away, or get to max level then backtrack? I am still exploring the classes so I know I will have time to go back and do it right if need be.
I got into this game on a whim, and I am not going to lie it has been worth every penny so far. But my question is, when should I start worrying about crafting? Right away, or get to max level then backtrack? I am still exploring the classes so I know I will have time to go back and do it right if need be.
You should be crafting as you level. If nothing else, have your workers gather materials like ore and wood, process them with your energy, and have your workers work them in the workshops. That way you won't have to wait on timers at max level.
Things that are easy to craft at lower levels and with minimal ingredients are gathering tools like pick axes and thick fishing rods. But if you don't want to bother with complex crafting, that's totally fine.
I've had a problem the last couple of days where some of my quests aren't updating/letting me finish them.
I have 3 fragrant jerkies yet my quest for them says 0/2.
I have 2 pork yet my quest for those says 0/2 and when I speak to the guy it won't let me complete it.
Any reason why this is happening? Am I missing something obvious?
You should be crafting as you level. If nothing else, have your workers gather materials like ore and wood, process them with your energy, and have your workers work them in the workshops. That way you won't have to wait on timers at max level.
Things that are easy to craft at lower levels and with minimal ingredients are gathering tools like pick axes and thick fishing rods. But if you don't want to bother with complex crafting, that's totally fine.
I had a few quick questions about the game. I'm pretty interested and just wanna see if it'll be something I'm interested in.
1) I really like PvP where there's some kind of risk. I read that global PvP you get items from the people you kill, is this true? Also, is there some kind of staking? Like can I bet an item on the result of a fight with another 2 people or me and someone else?
2) Are there consumables to help drive the economy? I know there's fishing and cooking, but is there actually a market for this in other players or is it just selling it to NPC's?
3) What's the combat like? I know this is broad, but I don't play too many MMO's and I've found I usually don't love it. I think I've played Tera, WoW, and LOTRO but all those were ages ago.
This from the videos I saw this looks like Diablo the MMO, at least from a character and combat scenario. Is this a fair assessment (but maybe less loot... )
I've had a problem the last couple of days where some of my quests aren't updating/letting me finish them.
I have 3 fragrant jerkies yet my quest for them says 0/2.
I have 2 pork yet my quest for those says 0/2 and when I speak to the guy it won't let me complete it.
Any reason why this is happening? Am I missing something obvious?
Yep known problem and annoying but you can always see the quest giver with that line that shoots up to the sky...I think it does that if you already have one of the needed item in your inventory before the quest...or you might not have 2 spaces left in your inventory...? happened to me a few times.
I've had a problem the last couple of days where some of my quests aren't updating/letting me finish them.
I have 3 fragrant jerkies yet my quest for them says 0/2.
I have 2 pork yet my quest for those says 0/2 and when I speak to the guy it won't let me complete it.
Any reason why this is happening? Am I missing something obvious?
Well I am not sure it is the issue you are having with those quests, but some turn in quests require you to gather the item a certain way. If you already have the item or buy it from the marketplace it may not count. Some quests it doesn't matter if you have it already, but some do.
I had a few quick questions about the game. I'm pretty interested and just wanna see if it'll be something I'm interested in.
1) I really like PvP where there's some kind of risk. I read that global PvP you get items from the people you kill, is this true? Also, is there some kind of staking? Like can I bet an item on the result of a fight with another 2 people or me and someone else?
2) Are there consumables to help drive the economy? I know there's fishing and cooking, but is there actually a market for this in other players or is it just selling it to NPC's?
3) What's the combat like? I know this is broad, but I don't play too many MMO's and I've found I usually don't love it. I think I've played Tera, WoW, and LOTRO but all those were ages ago.
1) There's a karma system in the pvp. The more you kill people, the worse karma you get. The worse karma you have, the more items (and exp I think). I'm not high level so I don't really know more than this. Don't think you can bet on other people though.
2) Consumables in this game are very important, so I would say so. Like forexample, you increase your max HP by consuming food, so if you would want to powerlevel your hp without crafting the food yourself, then you could buy it from the marketplace.
3) The combat in this game is REALLY good. High focus on combo's and the abilities feel satifying to use. It's closer to Tera out of those you listed, there's no tab targeting (the default option for combat helps you by keeping the aiming reticule on a target, you can disable this if you wish). Combat feels closer to something along like Dragon's Age: Inquisition, but better than DA:I imo. But yeah, it's probably the best combat system out there in MMO's currently.
I have a fairly close system atleast on the GPU side, and I'm getting pretty good performance on medium/good settings.
nvidia 660ti, i7 3770k, 16 gig
I don't know how good/bad your cpu is compared to mine but this IS an mmo though, so it's going to be CPU bound.
It's going to lag when there's a lot of people around you. In the open areas when questing and etc it's pretty good performance.
The game released fairly recently, so I wouldn't bet on a sale just yet.
There's a gaf guild for NA and a guild for EU. More info is in the OT.
IIRC the chain starts in Western Guard Camp, sends you all over to link up nodes to Velia, then sends you back to the Guard Camp at the end to check in with the trader and get your wagon.
I had a few quick questions about the game. I'm pretty interested and just wanna see if it'll be something I'm interested in.
1) I really like PvP where there's some kind of risk. I read that global PvP you get items from the people you kill, is this true? Also, is there some kind of staking? Like can I bet an item on the result of a fight with another 2 people or me and someone else?
2) Are there consumables to help drive the economy? I know there's fishing and cooking, but is there actually a market for this in other players or is it just selling it to NPC's?
3) What's the combat like? I know this is broad, but I don't play too many MMO's and I've found I usually don't love it. I think I've played Tera, WoW, and LOTRO but all those were ages ago.
1. Don't know about PVP, but in PVE you certainly lose EXP while dying, so that's one thing. There's also a random chance of permanenty losing some of the crystals you put into gear's sockets, and some of these crystals are quite valuable and rare, so losing them hurts more than losing EXP (trust me, I know). I imagine both of these and possibly more apply to PVP as well.
2. Food usually sells like hot buns because it gives a variety of short- and long-term benefits. Same goes for potions and I predict food/alchemy market will grow even bigger when more people move into PVP. Apart from that, there is also a huge market for tools which are semi-consumables (since they have durability and usually cannot be repaired) and for basic resources (crafting, even on the basic level, usually demands a lot of various resources and more often than not it's easier and quicker to buy some of them rather than spend a whole day collecting) Basically everything is tradable here, a lot of things like better mounts, furniture etc. can only be obtained from the market and since NPCs usually sell only very basic stuff players are pretty much compelled to use the market in some capacity. The market is also semi-regulated, that is you can set your own price for every item but only within certain limits, so there's no price gouging and/or dumping, which keeps the player-to-player economy relatively healthy.
3. I'm not really familiar with that many MMOs, the closest equivalent I can think of is Blade and Soul, but much better. BnS is f2p, you can check it just to get the feel of the combat and if you like I can pretty much guarantee you'll LOVE BDO combat.
This from the videos I saw this looks like Diablo the MMO, at least from a character and combat scenario. Is this a fair assessment (but maybe less loot... )
I have the same CPU but at 3.5 (stupid CPU) and I tanks on cities. Basically it hoves at around 20 fps. No GPU can do much there there, tested with bot a 460 and a 950. CPU usage is more or less maxed in those situations. And I have yet to reach Calpheon, the biggest city, to see if the performance hit is worse there.
Outside cities, it runs fine, I get 40ish fps on max settings (without high end mode but it's not properly tested yet) and 60 in Medium with th 950 (comparison, I got 30 fps in Medium with the 460, so the CPU is not a problem there.).
I'm actually playing in Very high (forcing a 30 FPS cap to avoid FPS moving around) because it looks so MUUCH better than Medium.
2) Are there consumables to help drive the economy? I know there's fishing and cooking, but is there actually a market for this in other players or is it just selling it to NPC's?
Other than was has been already said, I love the traders economy, even though it's not player controlled. Basically (more or less, because I didn't do much trading yet) every town has a NPC trader, and sell some stuff from that town, so you can sell it to other towns for profit. This is acomplished after linking nodes between cities. So basically you go to a city, check the goods and how the prices fluctuates between cities (there's a graph to check, the more people sell the item in that city the cheaper it will get over time, so you have to plan where to sell) and consider what city will gives you the best profit. Then you buy the stuff and head to the city to sell it back.
It's also a little more complicated than just putting the item in your inventory, you need to trade it using backpacks, donkeys, horses, or full wagons. It makes the world feel alive seeing players up and down with their horses or wagons transporting goods. You also can be attacked by bandits and (after lvl 45, other players).
Fish is also sold to traders, and you also need to link nodes, and the prices vary depending on distance, although for fishes you don't need to use any of those transportations method, it just sits in your inventory. But fishes has durability and decay in value over (fresh fish sells better) so you have to take that into consideration too.
It's a pretty neat concept to make a controlled but engaging economy system IMO.
I couldn't for the life of me find where to download the character creator and now that I have a guest pass I can't find where to input the code. Pls halp!
I couldn't for the life of me find where to download the character creator and now that I have a guest pass I can't find where to input the code. Pls halp!
Got up to level 15 as a Warrior and I don't think I really like the melee combat in this. Or maybe I just don't like the combat? Plays like a Musou game or something with how easy everything dies.
It does eventually get to a point where you aren't mass-slaughtering hordes of mobs without any risk of dying, right?
Can you make a free-camera on photomode? I mean, rotate the camera all around your character? For example for taking pics while moving, the mouse moves the character even there
Got up to level 15 as a Warrior and I don't think I really like the melee combat in this. Or maybe I just don't like the combat? Plays like a Musou game or something with how easy everything dies.
It does eventually get to a point where you aren't mass-slaughtering hordes of mobs without any risk of dying, right?
The game never gets that much harder, but the enemies do if that makes sense. You will start taking much more damage per hit and the enemies will be harder to kill, but your character is so capable that it hardly matters.
So apparently, guard camps can just be randomly raided by enemies. I didn't get a screenshot of it, but Nagas were raiding one of them and they all had <Raiding Party> over them.
I'm really enjoying the game. At first, I hated it because of the clunky UI, but it grew on me quick. Hopefully the pvp endgame is fun.
A couple issues I have with the game are things I haven't seen mentioned. The horrible translation is really immersion breaking. I also wouldn't mind seeing some little changes, like trees falling down after gathering.
Also, voice mods are out. Hopefully this isn't rule breaking, but you can find them on the subreddit. There are Korean and Japanese voice packs. It's nice to actually have dialog turned on in the options.
I read that the loot from the chests is based on the quality of the key you use. I haven't actually found any chests in the wild, nor have I really looked out for them though.