Do you mean for selling trade goods? Prices change constantly based on transaction volume from players (and apparently other factors, too) so unless the game has some kind of API you can get info from I doubt something like that exists.
If you just mean trade manager inventories, I have not seen anything like that. I sorta started some notes but nothing as organized as an app or fancy spreadsheet yet.
Other than what you mentioned, I believe the prices can also be independent for each player. For example, while one player had a vendor that was buying a specific item at 200%, when I checked that same item the percentage was completely different for me. I can't confirm but it would make sense. Otherwise players would just mine or share the information and constantly flood the appropriate vendors for maximum profit.
How will Awakening weapons work? Do you need to be lvl 50 for those or? Hopefully its not too difficult or tedious to get them, really want that greatsword warrior.
I haven't experienced any of this myself but based on information gathered thus far:
- In one of the Valencia updates, you get a quest at level 56 to unlock the awakened weapon.
- Awakened weapons are not designed to be upgrades or superior to the original weapons. They are designed to make the combat more dynamic and balance classes by addressing their weakness and adding counters to other classes and situations. For example, the Warrior's awakened weapon adds a huge DPS increase at the cost of defense, the Ranger's awakened weapon adds enhanced melee combat options, and the Sorc's awakened weapon adds much better AOE capabilities. In some cases they are considered the go-to weapon such as on Warrior but in other cases they are considered to be strictly situational such as the case with Ranger.
- It is a new main hand weapon that you can switch to on the fly with 'C'. There is a very short cooldown on the switch so you can weave weapon types and skills in and out of various combos. It is very easy to switch to either weapon on the fly.
- As this is another physical weapon and not just an appearance change, you will have to enhance this weapon the same as your other main hand with weapon blackstones. There are no corresponding off hands so you will use your existing off hand but the appearance may be altered (e.g. Valkyrie).
- It has an entirely separate and complete skill tree but I believe skill points are still shared. You will get up to an additional 300-400+ skill points to obtain the skills.