In this so-called 'relationship', the black voting bloc is what counts. Period. Don't think that 8 years of Obama in the WH hasn't awoken people to that fact. Your man isn't entitled to shit. He can get off his ass and earn the vote, or someone else will.
To Sanders' credit, he seems to be getting it now, big-time. Shame so many of his supports are acting like assclowns and demanding that black people sit down, shut up, and take a backseat to economic (ie. their) issues instead, then engaging in temper tantrums online. That's a huge turn-off, and one that's hurting the very person you're purporting to support.
Let me be clear.
You're being told, "no".
You've been given the reasons why.
You want your man to win? Start listening. Or wither on the vine. That's the great thing about politicians, there will always be another one to take that spot.
See, here's the thing: Bernie isn't "my" man. I don't think he'll win the nom, and even if he got that far I don't think he has any more of a shot at the Office than Trump. And for that reason alone I'm fairly (and mostly gladly) behind Clinton. My eyes are on the USSC anyway.
I recognize what he has done, though. I recognize the work he has put in, his sincerity, his voting record, his actions (that speak louder than any words any other politician have tossed around). All of this marks him as an ally, which anyone who has bothered to pay attention to him would immediately know. Shouting him down serves absolutely no purpose. He has "earned" the support of black voters more than any other candidate running for President right now. Try to say otherwise.
And don't kid yourself: Bernie Sanders doesn't have to worry about being shot while driving/walking/being white. The random black voter who desperately needs someone in office who can address this shit does, though. Even if we don't "need" him specifically we do need someone damn near just like him.
I'm as black as they come, and frankly I'm fucking embarrassed by how BLM has behaved. It's ok to critique how a movement is being pushed and even feel negatively about it while still agreeing with the principles it was founded on. Most people in this thread don't seem to grasp this, however. So we have pages and pages of every one getting overly defensive at what is very clearly a bad protest.
I spent the debate night amused as all get out watching the Tea Party devour Fox and the GOP after their hit on Trump. "Look at them, they're eating themselves alive. lol!"
I guess this is what that feels like on the left.