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Black Lives Matter shuts down a Bernie Sanders rally

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The suggestion is that he has influence with the people who are leading / organizing the movement.

friend, it isn't that kind of movement.

if he's trying to do that, he just tossed millions of dollars at some trust fund kids out of California.
BLM is decentralized and the leadership is spread around at the grassroots level. So no, the vast liberal conspiracy isn't buying up the aimless black protesters and their corruptible leadership or whatever narrative the conservative rags and the wingnuts over at inforwars can cook up.


No one owes anything to Sanders. The point is that Clinton was a HUGE proponent of the policies that caused the very problem being protested and whatever heat Sanders gets, Hillary deserves to get tenfold.

Hilary does receive criticism, it's just that she hasn't been raided yet. That could be because of a conspiracy theory everyone in this thread seems certain of, or it could just be because she has better security, or the yahoos that attacked Sanders acted independently. Nobody knows, but what I do know is that everyone seems quick to demonize Hilary and prop Sanders up like some kind of martyr.

I don't live in the United States, I've got no stake in this race really (I'm happy as long as a Democrat wins), but you guys need to get some perspective here. Ask yourselves if you would be making these connections with the parties involved if they weren't people you already felt so strongly about.


Exactly. This is ALL Bernie has to do.

This is WHY O'Malley isn't constantly getting it. Because even though he fucked up royally at Netroots, he got it right in the follow-through. Did he completely reorganize his campaign to be #BlackLivesMatter-centric? Of course not. But he responded to them, he gave them what they asked for.

Bernie's attitude is only going to guarantee that this keeps happening.

Nice to know that O'Malley promising some dream reform system is enough to forget what he did as governor that strictly goes against every single thing BLM stands for.


The suggestion is that he has influence with the people who are leading / organizing the movement.

These Organization's don't just pop out of nowhere and get buses for cross country tours etc. Someone is buying all of that and considering this is the exact kind of thing Soros does frequently its not surprising people are quick to look at Soros.
Not surely if Black Lives Matter movement is stupid or being used by Clinton allies, probably both. If you had to pick a single candidate to protest you protest the most liberal one in the whole field, genius. We get the politics we deserve I guess and from this and Trump and the Clinton and Bush Dynasties you can tell America doesn't deserve a whole lot.


Yea, I am sure a few hundred thousand dollars from private prisons will sway her vote and change her publicly stated issue on the matter...
You are right, why would a politician be influenced by money. Corporate America is full of idiots that are throwing money away without any return on investment, all these lobbyist exists even though they never influence politicians. Never mind that her past policies have created the industrial prison business.

You should contact the CEOs of these company and let them know not to waste any more money.


The alternate explanation is that, just like the polls show, people of color generally support Clinton and believe that she'll represent their issues and concerns.
Polls show that people are choosing her based on the affirmative belief that she represents their values and not because her name is better known? Was there a question that said "Do you know the record of all the candidates and believe Hillary has the best one?" Because if not, your post is unsubstantiated conjecture and speculation.


Yeah. This is an old school socialist type of mentality; that is to say that racism stems from economic equality. It also makes more sense to go after economic inequality, since people of color are the most affected by it and I'm not sure how exactly we'd go about practically outlawing racism.

"solving" income inequality is the pragmatic answer to the problem. BLM is looking for an emotional response to the plight of black Americans, and an acknowledgement of the structural racism that still oppresses the demographic.

He's giving the right answer to the wrong question, and because he doesn't get it, it only further distances him from that particular voter bloc.


God DAMN this is a mess :/
Nothing like seeing 2 young women go off on a old guy on stage ...

Looks like Bernie needs to hire some security. I'm sure that the only reason this is happening is cause he's not as guarded as the others.

Which circles back to the staggering disparity in the kind of money that Clinton can devote to her campaign and the kind of money that Sanders can devote to his campaign. Campaign financing, yeehaw...

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
I'm not too familiar with BLM, but I can't imagine them being supportive of Hillary.

Well, also BLM isn't all black people. I really think the fact that it was three people taking the stage is telling: the actual "movement" such as it is is fairly small even if its echoing the sentiments of a much larger group of people.


sealed with a kiss
Which circles back to the staggering disparity in the kind of money that Clinton can devote to her campaign and the kind of money that Sanders can devote to his campaign. Campaign financing, yeehaw...

i think you mean free speech :^)


This is a ridiculous statement. The blind self-righteous hero worship of this man is getting out of hand. Using any and everything to defend the man including fake stories to desperately show support is sad.
The bitterness toward Secretary Clinton has to stop.
Which part is fake? Her getting private prison money or that the only thing she has done for the black community other than throwing them into prison is lip service?
I have no Idea why Bernie supporters get so upset about this.

Because it's incompetent, its intellectually dishonest, and has accomplishing nothing positive except satisfying pseudo-progressives wanting to prove how radical they are. Not voting for Sanders because some of his supporters are reasonably frustrated with BLM's show of being ineffective at doing anything but making a lot of noise this election cycle is ridiculous, for starters, but let's break it down.

Clinton's taking kickbacks from the fucking prison industrial complex, how much more anti-black can you get? It doesn't matter if she met with some activists compared to what she's doing now and what her record is. Promises don't mean shit, and I say that as a diehard wool in the cloth Obama supporter way back from when he first announced his candidacy. It's been dissapointing, but its going to take 5-6 Obamas or Democrats like him to really push things back to something reasonable in this country.

Sanders is getting some fucking momentum going finally and no matter how much Sanders says or gives the stage to or his record - it feels more and more like until he's on his knees flogging himself senseless these protestors won't be happy. Read the DailyKOS accord I posted earlier, he's tried to engage, for god's sake. Instead he's met with hyperbole about how their going to "burn this shit down," which A) they won't and B) in elections you have to actually persuade people, not just be the loudest and the mosst correct.

You know why the Right has so much power in this country? Because they manage to get their shit together and unite, and the Left is going to have to suck it up and do that, BLM included. Yes, that is a fucking bummer to hear, but the continued electoral success of the Right across this country is going to affect the oppressed, especially black America, the most. There's plenty of constructive solutions this early in the game to do, plenty of real organizing to be done, plenty of actual disruption that might make some change happen.

Forcing a confrontation with a crowd and then claiming disrespect because they won't get on their knees and grovel for you is disingenuous. If there was an attempt to honestly engage Sanders he's made it more than clear he's willing to listen. But this isn't happening, and it's on the record not once, but twice now, and Hillary is seizing every opportunity to profit from these. She intentionally skipped Netroots Nation and she has ex-Blackwater running her security just like last campaign, keeping BLM activists out of events, yet there isn't a single news story about this?

BLM looks weak because they're preying on who's accessible and Sanders has made himself open to this, because he's trying to run an honest campaign here, and BLM is fucking shutting it down - which would be great if it was targeting actual bastions of white supremacy, not the guy with the record both then and now of speaking up for black causes. Insisting Black Lives Matter is beyond criticism and that you can't blame them creates a chilling effect and is ultimately toxic to the larger political discourse taking place here.

Now you have the Left raising questions about the legitimacy of BLM if not outright writing them off - this is the opposite of what you want to happen, unless all you care about is being the most right when The Trump House begins 8 years of making shit even worse than any of us could possibly imagine.

Black Lives Matter has been the largest news story of the past year and this is only pissing away what momentum and relevancy they had. Honest, meaningful political discourse is a two way street, and Sanders has tried to open this channel up on multiple occasions now, regardless of whatever fiction people are construing about the series of events taking place at these disruptions.


This is really stupid and the movement is looking to go the way of Occupy Wall Street if it keeps this shit up.

Sanders is focused primarily on economic issues but his record on race speaks for itself. There is no excuse for such uncivilised brutish behaviour that accomplishes nothing of value and pitches liberals against each other.


yes, Protest is/can a form of attack, its non-violent opposition or support for someone or an idea, policy etc.

do we really wanna be cute with this

well if you wanna be cute complete your statement. "protest is/can be a form of attack" it looked like you were about to post. but there you go. you already ended the argument before it began because it isn't innately an attack or act of hostility. But its apparent that's how the vast throngs of liberal minded Bernie lovers choose to see it.

Here's how I choose to see it. People are protesting Bernie because they weren't planning on "just voting for Hillary anyway". They actually want to see Bernie change and show himself as a candidate worth supporting. I don't see it as an attack, but I definitely don't see any outreach.
It was three people, I wouldn't really use them as an example of the whole group. Sanders messaging on racial issues could use some more work (and hey, they've been a LOT better about that following the Netroot thing) but I think it's really bad form if these kinds of interruptions keep happening. It's not like Sanders is ignoring anything, his record as a civil rights activist and his campaign platform for the last 30 years speak for itself.


The #BlackLivesMatter movement has put black issues and racial injustice on the map in a way that hasn't been seen in this country SINCE the original Civil Rights Movement.

I don't think that you can make the claim that BLM is weak and be taken seriously. Either you haven't been following it, or you just don't care.


You know what will make black lives matter? $15 dollar minimum wage. Medicare for all. Ending the war on drugs.


i think you mean free speech :^)



This really doesn't have anything to do with Hillary, or with Bernie Sanders, except to the extent that Sanders has relatively open rallies where virtually anyone can get close to the stage/candidate. In other words, he is providing an open platform for any cause that cares to seize on it.

There's no speech he could give, promise he could make, or policy paper he could put out that would stop this stuff; he's either going to have to invest in security or continue having his events taken over by outside elements.


You are right, why would a politician be influenced by money. Corporate America is full of idiots that are throwing money away without any return on investment, all these lobbyist exists even though they never influence politicians. Never mind that her past policies have created the industrial prison business.

You should contact the CEOs of these company and let the,ml now not to waste any more money.

Of course politicians are influenced by money, but that isnt the only thing that they are influenced by. I honestly think you don't understand this since I think you and soriel are just man-crushing on Sanders so much that you've just devolved into some grand conspiratorial delusion.

Why is the prison lobby giving her the most money? It is pretty fucking obvious. It is because she is the likely winner of the next presidency. Why isnt Bernie getting money? Because he has no chance. What does the prison lobby expect to get out of it? Probably some legal protection and other little things that will protect their business. Will that happen? Maybe. Does it suck? Yes, but sadly that is politics though.

What it won't do is stop Clinton from speaking out against mass incarceration, racism, police militarization etc and any reforms to the system if she believes what she is saying and her constituents demand it. Her constituents are demanding it and she has said she is going to do something about it. No amount of money is going to make her change her mind on a fundemental level (maybe private prisons get a sweetner in the deal, i dont know) those two forces, her believes and her constituents, are demanding it. Now, I have no idea if she will be successful since politics, but saying that she won't do anything and will be a stooge for the prison lobby and block all reforms even though she has called for reform and her constituents demand it is just silly conspiritorial nonsense.
Not surely if Black Lives Matter movement is stupid or being used by Clinton allies, probably both. If you had to pick a single candidate to protest you protest the most liberal one in the whole field, genius. We get the politics we deserve I guess and from this and Trump and the Clinton and Bush Dynasties you can tell America doesn't deserve a whole lot.
Exactly. This makes no sense at all.


lol 3 random people do something and y'all use it as a excuse to attack the whole BLM movement. I guess that makes sense though since any one of us black folk represents us all.

Heh, and you guys wonder why black folk aren't linking arms with Bernie and his supporters.


Black people, stop making white people feel awkward by appearing to be dissatisfied with things/people they like.

There's no speech he could give, promise he could make, or policy paper he could put out that would stop this stuff; he's either going to have to invest in security or continue having his events taken over by outside elements.

That's not true. He just needs to communicate and address instead of letting the tweets of millions of unhappy Bernie Sanders supporters be how this all gets framed.

The point is that he CAN work with these people. The person in front of you, you can reach out to. That's one of the fundamental points of protest. You're saying hire security or just get used to chaos?


lol 3 random people do something and y'all use it as a excuse to attack the whole BLM movement. I guess that makes sense though since any one of us black folk represents us all.

Heh, and you guys wonder why black folk aren't linking arms with Bernie and his supporters.


It's like Respectability Politics...Politics.

Of course politicians are influenced by money, but that isnt the only thing that they are influenced by. I honestly think you don't understand this since I think you and soriel are just man-crushing on Sanders so much that you've just devolved into some grand conspiratorial delusion.

Why is the prison lobby giving her the most money? It is pretty fucking obvious. It is because she is the likely winner of the next presidency. Why isnt Bernie getting money? Because he has no chance. What does the prison lobby expect to get out of it? Probably some legal protection and other little things that will protect their business. Will that happen? Maybe. Does it suck? Yes, but sadly that is politics though.

What it won't do is stop Clinton from speaking out against mass incarceration, racism, police militarization etc and any reforms to the system if she believes what she is saying and her constituents demand it. Her constituents are demanding it and she has said she is going to do something about it. No amount of money is going to make her change her mind on a fundemental level (maybe private prisons get a sweetner in the deal, i dont know) those two forces, her believes and her constituents, are demanding it. Now, I have no idea if she will be successful since politics, but saying that she won't do anything and will be a stooge for the prison lobby and block all reforms even though she has called for reform and her constituents demand it is just silly conspiritorial nonsense.

I feel you are incredibly naive about the candidates.
To everyone wondering why Sanders keeps getting singled-out by BLM activists, it's because racial issues have always been a blind spot to him. That he would have trouble appealing to such groups was predicted early by political watchers. For example, see this Vox article from last month:

Vox: Why Bernie Sanders doesn't talk about race

This is bullshit, Bernie has talked a lot during his run about needed to end mass incarceration and needing police accountability.


Of all the politicians they could target, they go against Bernie Sanders? HE'S NOT YOUR ENEMY for the love of everything.
If you spent enough time on tumblr you'd know that nothing short of a Stalinist revolution and gulag for whoever thought something wrong is 'pissbaby garbage'


Why should omalley have to answer for Freddie gray.

Why should Hillary have to answer for the prison industrial complex that she and her husband advocated for.

The past doesn't matter guys. Actual policies that have imprisoned and killed a generation of black youth doesn't matter.

Only tweeting and lip service matters.
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