Rutger Hauer is on YouTube!
And here he discusses thoughts on that final scene, including putting to damn rest the "tears in the rain was improvised!" thing. Complete legend. It's always a pleasure to hear thoughts from actors who clearly get invested in the philosophical aspects of their own characters.
"RUTGER HAUER Blade Runner talks" is actually a series of short uploads he made on YouTube about Blade Runner. On one, he even found an alternate cut of the Tyrell murder scene on YouTube and talks about it, including how how always hated the suggestion he killed Sebastian because "it makes no damn sense", and in another says why kissing seems important to the Batty character etc. Really interesting stuff. You really get how important this film was to Hauer. "It burns into your soul. I cannot say it anyway else." Man after my own heart.
I've watched a few of these a long while back but accidentally began watching them all over again while at work due to your link