Queen of Hunting
Unconfirmed Member
okay, I'm interested
how would I do this
I posted a guide a page or 2 back with link to my preset
okay, I'm interested
how would I do this
https://www.reddit.com/r/bladeandso..._anyone_who_is_stuck_with_the_horrid_english/this too, how do I do this
do you mean breakthrough
I think infusing is only for SSs
Ah my bad, assumed you just hit 45. If you have poh, then use poh tbh. Although poh can roll a lot of crappy stats, it should be better than moonwater, moonwater's only good for pvp daillies(and only if you care about winning the fights), or to get before poh because it's quite a bit easier to get.
And yeah the green shields have increasing crit, 1 is like 84 or something while 8 is 116, so the 8piece is worth a good amount of silvers, while the others tend to be worth 1silver or less. But the difference between 8 and 7 is like 2max crit less on a max roll(which is super rare to get anyway), so not worth using imo especially when it's being replaced next week.
Just give a full round of infuse on everything and that's like 35-50crit on every piece which is quite a boost. Then you can reinfuse stuff that rolled low, but it's not like super necessary just yet with the bloodshade and mushin sets coming soon. Endgame the goal is to infuse with crafted moonwater soul shields which can roll max infuse value(I think it's like 110ish on the current soul shields), but it's quite a waste of money to do this at the moment, or before we get 50patch I'd say.
I posted a guide a page or 2 back with link to my preset![]()
Just download and throw in a new folder, you don't even have to override anything. Just enter a way a lot of annoying pop-up warnings when starting the game. Both Japanese and Korean Voices are available.
Yeah. Wrong terminology on my part. How close am I to being done?
Black coat
not sure what you mean but I think true siren is as high as it gets right now
Post number 5170 and 5291 all info there would copy paste but on my phone and its long
amazing what a few tweaks can do
really like how my reshade turned out.
i was kidding
Okay you got me willing to try ReShade with BnS, are there no problems with GameGuard?
Okay you got me willing to try ReShade with BnS, are there no problems with GameGuard?
not sure what you mean but I think true siren is as high as it gets right now
Yea i knowbut giving u numbers is easy
Gameguard does f all anyway lol.
Reahade is literally just n injector if people can use the Japanese voice fine then reshade is no differebt considering ur not tweaking any files that the game uses
Reshade/sweetfx has been used for few years now and in every mmo ive played ive not heard of people getting banned for it
They apparently removed Gameguard in last maintenance patch anyway. But it's not a program that's actually launched so it shouldn't matter.
No problems so far.
They apparently removed Gameguard in last maintenance patch anyway. But it's not a program that's actually launched so it shouldn't matter.
same reason why people would use norton antivirusInteresting, not that I mind but I wonder why it was included in the first place then
same reason why people would use norton antivirus
they probably didnt know it was shit
Point taken
What is considered the best free antivirus these days anyway? I used MSE for the longest time in Windows 7 but its superiority was short-lived from what I heard.
Point taken
What is considered the best free antivirus these days anyway? I used MSE for the longest time in Windows 7 but its superiority was short-lived from what I heard.
Many articles and internet consensus say modern Windows Defender is fine. Try Malwarebytes as well.
Many articles and internet consensus say modern Windows Defender is fine. Try Malwarebytes as well.
Many articles and internet consensus say modern Windows Defender is fine. Try Malwarebytes as well.
yep, I still use MSE with MWB, should cover everything pretty much
I can't say much about this because I only ever used english and japanese.i was gonna go with the kr voices if they were original but I heard jp sounded nice too
what do you recommend
amazing what a few tweaks can do
really like how my reshade turned out.
I know. It is like I am afraid to use any of these "currencies" because I am afraid I will screw myself later on or something.
Exactly this.
By the way, do you guys know if I can just copy the game folder to my other pc for the game to work? Or do I have to redwnload everything?
Exactly this.
By the way, do you guys know if I can just copy the game folder to my other pc for the game to work? Or do I have to redwnload everything?
Ah, bliss. Japanese voices are so much better than the english ones.
Sölf;194327363 said:Real men use korean voices. Now I only need to hear them in game to see if they are really as great (which I don't doubt xD).
I really did not like that you were forced to embrace the darkness and accept Mushin's offer. Really felt counter to the entire character, what the character had been going through to get rid of the mark of the rose, etc. I assume at some point they'll have you able to revert, so I'll be doing that ASAP
It's a Korean game, so that would make sense. I don't understand why people would be using Japanese voices unless they speak the language. It makes sense to use the source language, or your language, I just don't get wanting to use a third party language.
Not sure how that felt counter to the character. Our character has been dumber than bricks since the Cinderlands when it comes to who to trust. This is typical schtick for this type of story though, you fall deep into the darkness before clawing yourself back out to the light.
Not sure how that felt counter to the character. Our character has been dumber than bricks since the Cinderlands when it comes to who to trust. This is typical schtick for this type of story though, you fall deep into the darkness before clawing yourself back out to the light.
That looks quite nice. How's the performance hit?
To add to this...
Mushin was right though. Hongmoon did fail. Nothing you did was able to stop Jin from toying with you. In an effort to do what must be done to purge it, why not embrace it fully if it gets the job done? You've been playing both sides of good and bad throughout the entire quest (despite NCSoft's attempt to turn your character into a boring "good guy above all else" instead of the original) so its not as if you're an angel.
Unless you purge the Black Rose, there is absolutely nothing you can do (up to this point in the story). Besides, its more interesting this way.
Had no Probs so far i run locked 60
What happened to Yuri?
I almost thought you were a different poster because of the avatar change haha.
Simple. Turn off other players, even their names. Set graphics to Optimized for Combat.
If you're a melee class, well, good luck! If you're ranged, just run in burst dmg, then run out, wait for big aoe, then repeat. Its ok to get out of combat and heal up, then go back in. Just stay alive, and don't release if you die under 20%...hope someone will rez you.
That's what I think too. I've heard the Korean voices and I played the Japanese version for a while.]It's a Korean game, so that would make sense. I don't understand why people would be using Japanese voices unless they speak the language. It makes sense to use the source language, or your language, I just don't get wanting to use a third party language.
Well, I probably try them both. I just chose japanese first because it's somewhat familiar due my immense hentai consume.It's a Korean game, so that would make sense. I don't understand why people would be using Japanese voices unless they speak the language. It makes sense to use the source language, or your language, I just don't get wanting to use a third party language.
Brr. I really think they're not, the voice actors sound so unmotivated and Poharan sounds like she literally phoned in.The English voices are fine. Some could be better, but I've already endured TERA's English voices which are messed up due to spending money at launch on good actors and then hiring others for the same characters when they have new lines.
That's what I think too. I've heard the Korean voices and I played the Japanese version for a while.
The English voices are fine. Some could be better, but I've already endured TERA's English voices which are messed up due to spending money at launch on good actors and then hiring others for the same characters when they have new lines.
Sölf;194332022 said:The voices are fine for the most part, I agree. But just stuff that is outright wrong or that they didn't voice any sidequest and nearly all NPCs are not voiced if you talk to them, that's really a bummer. I've only played with korean voices for like 30 minutes and already prefer this version and I am actually thinking about listening to everything again when I start a third character.
Not sure how that felt counter to the character. Our character has been dumber than bricks since the Cinderlands when it comes to who to trust. This is typical schtick for this type of story though, you fall deep into the darkness before clawing yourself back out to the light.
The character was dumb as bricks, sure, but also not mean spirited or willingly embracing of bad people once the character KNEW they were bad. S/He couldn't see a bad person coming from a mile away, but once S/He did the righteous path seemed to be the one always taken. Allying with Yura after seeing her slaughter innocents? Extremely out of character. I think some of this is a problem of a mostly silent character. There wasn't enough dialogue making it clear that revenge was the solo motivation for all actions, rather than just doing good and helping people, which almost everything you actually do is about.
It seems especially silly because after obtaining all of the life forces the character was on the verge of getting rid of the mark of the black rose, and just needed to wait and train some more. Instead of giving a shot at what you spend the entire act trying to do, you just gave up on it and decided an entire different path on the spot.
You say it right there. Your character is useless when it comes to pointing out people with evil intent. Mushin showed up to take you under his wing. Your dumb character is like "one of the four guardians? I'm in!"
To be fair, Yura has amazing hair.
It seems especially silly because after obtaining all of the life forces the character was on the verge of getting rid of the mark of the black rose, and just needed to wait and train some more. Instead of giving a shot at what you spend the entire act trying to do, you just gave up on it and decided an entire different path on the spot.
Uh, well...
You spend this time collecting the life forces, trying to get your mind right...and yeah. Jin wrecks your shit again. Another guardian is murdered in front of your face, Jin continues to own you (literally) and still maintains control over you. Nothing you have been doing seems to be working. So, yeah. Mushin comes along and says "You're fucking up because you're a wussand Hongmoon ain't working." and after what you just saw and through the course of the game, why wouldn't you believe him? lol
Cause I saw Master Hong wreck shit in the beginning of the game and in flashbacks and I want me some of that? Not much good without the sword though.
Look at the rest of the Hongmoon School. Hong was an exception, non of his pupils even stood a chance, even Lusung is super weak in contrast with the bigger beings in the world.
Yeah, but Hong gave you the secrets of the Hongmoon school, not Lusung. He was just a punk.