Until the same bad luck happens again anyway![]()
Don't you wish that kind of fate on me! Don't you dare!
Screenshot time!!

Until the same bad luck happens again anyway![]()
Don't just mindlessly hit bid, always wait to see what the actual amount is.
Huehue..... Especially if you just finished a raid with ME in your party!!!!
>: D
Muahaha. People trying to outbid me by mashing the bid button? Be prepared to win at anywhere between 50 silver and 1gold muahahaha! If I can't have it, then you will PAY UP!
I took different stuff on everyone, just because, but yeah nothing really makes too much money like a moonwater transfo stone. Radiant Ring can make money, sometimes. You basically invest like 3g to make a gem that's either worth 1gold 4/5 of the time or 25g 1/5 of the time. Cooking/Earthseer can make small time money out of charms and cinderlands food, or a bit more but not very reliably off the materials for the final windwalk item.
So yeah for pure profits, merry potter/SW is definitely the best. You do need to get the recipe though, so you either can solo farm it or you have to make a fairly major investment. And then you need some bank to invest into a batch of moonwater stones at first, until you can start making real money. And the prices have been crashing so you need to be careful about when you buy and when you sell. But still.
I'd say the big thing of why it makes money though is the fact it crafts 10 of the items at once. If it was one at a time like other crafts, you'd see similar profits over time. With 10items, you get 10times the same margins per day.
I am in the process of getting all the translated comics for consumption here. I think some of you would like them.
I changed my character profile pic to an animated one loloo! Anyone know how to find it online? Like, what is the web address?
Edit: found it!
http://na-bns.ncsoft.com/ingame/bs/character/profile?c=Avii Fireheart&s=103
It also lists your alts too as well. It seems like the max gif size you can upload is anything under 8mb? So you kinda have to get creative. I'm gonna change mine to a better one later. Oh also, I think the max fps your gif can be is 12fps lol.
Fan translation or was there an official release?
^nsfw, people's reactions are always funny to see.
Still. But that's just five seconds of holding down enter, so I don't mind.Do you still get those 100 error messages if you mod voices or did removal of GameGuard clear those?
^nsfw, people's reactions are always funny to see.
Sölf;194408349 said:Well... Mione soloed Poharan 6-man as a Bladedancer.
Mione is pretty famous World of Warcraft DK who soloes pretty much everything possible. Seems he migrated to BnS. Dat 120 FPS though, I want that. And his skill, I can't even solo the Big 4 so far. D:
45 minute fight...
How do you do this cause I've been trying to get my gif on my profile pic but it won't show up
Change the extension from NAME.gif to NAME.gif.jpg (The game only reads files ending in .jpg)
done. There is a size limit that is approx ~8mb tho. When you register your gif, it will tell you if it failed or not. Even if it passes, it wont show up. You have to leave the character profile page and go back to it for it to show up (or refresh it in the game's browser).
Oh and make sure you put it in the right folder: "characterShot" <---drop it in there.
No thanks, it's actually a decent story with some effort put in, I always watch those the first time.
Yeah, I'd put it up there with FFXIV in terms of catching my attention towards the end.
I'm used to MMO's having non-existent stories so playing FFXIV and Blade & Soul back to back is changing my perception on what theme park MMOs should be including as far as storyline goes.
I'm interested in where things go from here since they left the story off at a pretty interesting point imo.
At some point in the future I'd like to look at thedifferences between the two paths since we're apparently only getting one.
The fight scenes were actually pretty cool as well, FFXIV is also getting the right idea with their latest stuff with things likeThancred vs Warrior of Darkness (more of this shit Squeenix!).
I honestly can't think of anything that can't be improved by adding more cool fight scenes to it.
did all this and it's under 8mb still doesn't show up
So, time for another stupid question. It's very hard to find decent, conclusive information about this game.
Venture Tokens and Small Dragon Certificates: What are they for?
The Venture I understand it's for hongmoon coins, but does it have other (maybe future) uses?
Same for Dragon Certificate, other uses (again, even in the future patches) or it's just for the clan?
Yeah. Siren weapon and certain costumes drop only there.What's the difference with Poharan 4-men? Better rewards?
Don't just mindlessly hit bid, always wait to see what the actual amount is.
Sölf;194408349 said:Well... Mione soloed Poharan 6-man as a Bladedancer.
Mione is pretty famous World of Warcraft DK who soloes pretty much everything possible. Seems he migrated to BnS. Dat 120 FPS though, I want that. And his skill, I can't even solo the Big 4 so far. D:
Well, I'm out of excuses. Time to git gud I guess
and mod too
So the GAF clan name is Believe? I'm guessing there's an overflow? What is the name?
Google pointed me to Believe. I searched it in the clan recruitment finder and it showed nothing.
Real talk. If your low on funds just run the big four.wtf i never knew first step was a costume from the dokumo boxes
i have 2 now and wasted 1k ncoins AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
can i transmute
how does it work
do i need more than one costume
edit: also doing the big 4 is quite good income once people start bidding for the MW tears![]()
the Fucks up NCSoft?
Click the "Details" on those items, should say there's restriction on how many you can buy of them.
i hate myself
How much coins did you spend to finally get this?