Gonna play some SFV for a bit, might be back on later tonight.
I'm playing SFV too.
Was playing training mode for a bit with Cammy since I didn't participate in any of the betas. I usually main Chun-li but I've come to terms that my aggressive playstyle does not mesh well with her. :lol
Was playing training mode for a bit with Cammy since I didn't participate in any of the betas. I usually main Chun-li but I've come to terms that my aggressive playstyle does not mesh well with her. :lol
Damn gratz on the plat! Is that a BM you play? O.O
Good equip and knowing how the class is played best. But you do all Big Four with any equip, it just cuts the time if you have better ones. It's actually a good challenge to get better. That damn first monkey boss is like a little Junghado with his fivepoint strike and is to me even more difficult because it's more difficult to cc, but it's also good training to recognize and counter this mean attack.I don't get how people can solo the big 4. Even takes quite some time with a duo.
I don't get how people can solo the big 4. Even takes quite some time with a duo.
If you're an Assassin, the mobs don't even attack you.
If you're a Summoner, you just hide behind your cat.
If you're a BM or KFM, hardly anything in Big 4 is red and so can be blocked or countered.
If you're the right class it's a faceroll and easy money. Other classes can go fuck themselves, Korean devs don't give a fuck about PvE balance and never will.
Are you saying FM, BD and DES can't solo the same things the other classes can?
Are you saying FM, BD and DES can't solo the same things the other classes can?
Which class do you play?
If you're a BM or KFM, hardly anything in Big 4 is red and so can be blocked or countered.
I have no idea. But I think you can do a solo run with BD. Probably lotta videos of people doing that out there, maybe take a look at those.I play Blade Master. Are mobs suppose to hit through your block? They're still doing lots of damage even though I block most of the stuff.
Are you saying FM, BD and DES can't solo the same things the other classes can?
I play Blade Master. Are mobs suppose to hit through your block? They're still doing lots of damage even though I block most of the stuff.
I play Blade Master. Are mobs suppose to hit through your block? They're still doing lots of damage even though I block most of the stuff.
Caved and bought the 25 APgem, upgraded some stuff from Infernal to Siren. Gold lost - 59. Back to being really poor.
Hope it was worth it and if I notice improvements
It will probably my last week anyway. The PVE is a bit too much zerging. Not that I mind but it is already a bit tiresome.
Which class is the best for party dungeon raids or whatever?
I feel like assassin's aren't that great because there's so many things that screw up the stealthing when there's a lot of people.
Attacks shown by a red ground telegraph cannot be blocked, evade then. Only attacks shown by a yellow one can be blocked.
I tried to transmute square gem yesterday to test the success rate and boys it was awful, it was like 70% chance to fail.
I don't know what a lot of people are, if you mean the 24 daillies, sure but that's not particularily a big deal. In 6man, it shouldn't be an issue. And assassins are great, they do very good damage.
What's the HM 1 or 2 next to level 45's name? Some kind of D3 Paragon level?
What's the HM 1 or 2 next to level 45's name? Some kind of D3 Paragon level?
Oh you guys were not kidding that 25/28 AP gem is the best thing ever.
Still worth it to upgrade to Siren right? Got 100g in the bank right now and just completed most of my shield.
If you got the money sure, why not?
Sounds like you are doing it wrong tbh.I just have too much trouble restealthing because I have to be behind the boss, and the party just constantly turns him 180.
If I'm not in stealth, I literally don't do damage.
I just have too much trouble restealthing because I have to be behind the boss, and the party just constantly turns him 180.
If I'm not in stealth, I literally don't do damage.
Caved and bought the 25 APgem, upgraded some stuff from Infernal to Siren. Gold lost - 59. Back to being really poor.
Hope it was worth it and if I notice improvements
It will probably my last week anyway. The PVE is a bit too much zerging. Not that I mind but it is already a bit tiresome.
I am still very entertained by the game, I like both PVE and PVP, but that's probably because of the cool guys in the guild. There is a lot of bad stuff going on that needs to be addressed.
NCSOFT has overestimated the current content. It's just not enough to keep the more invested base going. if the core players feel bored very fast and have dozens of complaints about localisation, lags and the real-money-shop, loot, you're not going to get many new blood into the game. They need to address the issues and deliver content faster and react quickly and transparent to complaints if they want to succeed. 50 cap can't come enough, given how Summoners dominate everything. Players feeling like they have to choose a certain class to stay competitive, while getting constantly floored with another (BD is still the sandbag of PVP), you are doing something wrong. Especially in a game where the duel PVP is an important, if not THE core and the great sales argument. They need to hire people to quickly crunch out fixes to the translation, community managers that don't look like bots with canned responses and new content. Warlock equipment dropping while Warlock being still far away is disgusting and doesn't help the perception that the rng is rigged as fuck.
I have no idea. But I think you can do a solo run with BD. Probably lotta videos of people doing that out there, maybe take a look at those.
I just have too much trouble restealthing because I have to be behind the boss, and the party just constantly turns him 180.
If I'm not in stealth, I literally don't do damage.
Should've known better, eh?
The actual forum announcement said 3:45 and the twitter said 2.8 hours(whatever that means), so yeah it was like, they had no idea how long it was I guess, but I expected 4hours.